Deb Higgins, Saskatchewan Minister of Labour
Why, Ms. Higgins,
the one step forward five steps back dance?
Brendaren Farms - Thursday, March 3, 2005 - by: Edwin
Wallace |
Once again the fumbling, bumbling, antics of the Calvert
Government continue to embarrass any of us who have supported the NDP of Saskatchewan
over the years. My wife remains a lifelong member but I haven't the stomach
for the one-step-forward-five-back dance that you people have been doing in
a feeble and foolish effort to appease the right wing interests - especially
since the last provincial election.
I am constantly puzzled. Who are your political strategists? For instance,
why would very good, old, part-time labour legislation, be brought forward only to
be abandoned at the first outcry from the Chamber of Commerce? I
have coffee often with people who would do much better at guiding strategic direction. But,
of course, most of us would let our political philosophy influence us and remember
that a lot of people other than the Chamber of Commerce are the reason for
our being. Not you guys. Hell no! None of that socialism for you
arrogant elitists. Bad word!
As I have said before, no doubt all of you in cabinet are painfully aware that another
term for the NDP is at best a very remote possibility. The opportunism
exhibited by such stars as the ilk of Lingenfelter remain foremost in
our minds. Perhaps that is the answer. Many of you are trying to present a reasonable
side to the "other side" so that you may if you choose - secure lucrative
positions with the PRIVATE sector in your post-political years.
Well, OK, I guess, perhaps, you have reduced our expectations and trust in our
elected government so that the Wall Tories won't be so traumatic for us when
that pathetically bad alternative gets elected.
Shame on all of you!
I'm Edwin Wallace
Reference: |
Leake, Greg, Commission
appointed to improve opportunities for part-time workers, February 18, 2005,
Government of Sasakatchewan Department of Labour
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
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