Lewvan Smarts From Hail Attack

Lewvan - Thursday, August 9, 2001 - By: Stu Innes

We have had two serious storms in the Lewvan area in July. ( I know I am slow to pass these on)

The hail damaged my neighbours siding, evetrough and broke three windows.

Amazingly, it damaged high up under the overhang as the wind was in excess of 60 mph at times.

Apparently the hail was ping pong ball size. I believe the storm path was about a ten to twenty-five mile wide strip of cropped land and much of it was damaged at a 100%.

We lost an old 50 or 60 foot poplar on our farm during the hail storm on the 14th of July.

About 10 days before that another storm went through and tried to make off with another neighbour's bins. (Top of page)

One bin blew across the road into pieces but these were the only ones that could be seen good.

Editor's note: If you look carefully at Stu's pictures of the house siding that is not paint knocked off. This building is covered with vinyl siding and each of the holes is revealing the foam insulation that had been installed under the siding. Note also that the dints in the eves were also a result of the pounding this house took from the hail.

by: Stu Innes