Geoff and Tara Peet a few doors south of Tisdale Elementary school at 3:30 Saturday morning
Cruising down the street
FTLComm - Tisdale - Monday, June 20, 2005 (top image by Dale Peet) |
"We got up at 1:30 and discovered that there was some water in the basement but it was a little later a neighbour called and we realised how serious it was." Explained Dale Peet Sunday evening. "We had between four and five inches of backed up sewer in our basement and there was nothing we could do about it, we had tried to use the wet dry vacuum but we just could keep up with it coming in."
At 3:30 AM Saturday morning there was nothing to do but make the best of the situation and Dale suggested to his two teenage children "Why not have some fun with this" and they got out the canoe. They paddled down our street and were able to go as far as three blocks east as the storm sewers were overwhelmed with the downfall that many say was about five inches.
The rain gauge across the street from us showed a full five and three-quarter inches.
Today throughout the town there were items out on the lawn being dried, discarded carpets and over by Theresa Park one a typical scene as an insurance restoration company sets to work on a nearly new house that suffered from the flooding.
Meanwhile the water has gone down and below you can see from the dark colours the extent of the flooding on Riverside Golf Course as it is drying out.
For most home owners, block after block of them, this is an insurance claim situation
as the water came in through the overloaded sewer system. But for many of us our
basements simply did not hold out the ground water and we have a damp basement but
that form of water is not insurable.
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Timothy W. Shire
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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004