The Week of April 29 to May 5, 2001
Wind Weather
- Sunday
April 29, 2001
We want to show you some pictures of the clouds yesterday as winds and unsettled
weather moves over the prairies.
The Weakest Link
- Sunday
April 29, 2001
Internet difficulties slowed everything down creating local problems and disrupting
server operations.
The Few
- Sunday
April 29, 2001
John Bob Farm Equipment in Tisdale is seeing the big field tractors leaving their
yard as farmers replace older smaller equipment.
Bike Safety Dramatically Improved
- Monday
April 30, 2001
Each year Ensign has complained about biker riders on the left, but no this year.
Things have really improved.
The Best Playing Surface Available
- Monday
April 30, 2001
The softball diamonds are nearly finished and two have been topped with Red Shale.
PreLeaf Time of Year
- Monday
April 30, 2001
Some spring pictures and ramblings about the seasonal changes.
Tisdale In May 2001
- Tuesday
May 1, 2001
A quick look at things and some reflection of how we are doing.
Take Stock of Day
- Tuesday
May 1, 2001
Why is the Canadian Alliance at odds with their leader, they have only themselves
to blame and they can't do that so it must be the leader's fault.
Sliding By
- Wednesday
May 2, 2001
Clouds, days, months all things seem to just come and keep on coming no matter how
conservative we are.
Bin There
- Wednesday
May 2, 2001
Like other years the Co-op is putting this year's grain bins together in preparation
for the fall harvest.
Parkland Photography
Club Meeting for April 2001
- Wednesday
May 2, 2001
Outstanding pictures to go along with this meeting report. Ensign is proud to be
able to present these marvellous images to you each month. Though the report appears
in several newspapers only Ensign carries the pictures.
Get the Street
- Wednesday
May 2, 2001
It only seems a matter of time until any particular place on any particular street
will become the victim of the fix up crew.
- Wednesday
May 2, 2001
Construction on the new Golden Age Centre gets underway with the basement dug and
today its time to set up the footings.
Anglican Church Holds Spring Sale
- Thursday
May 3, 2001
Really big garage sale with items of all kinds, from antique phones to a vinyl 25¢
Bee Gees record.
Community Launches Construction of Golden Age Centre
- Friday
May 4, 2001
Large crowd on hand to celebrate the beginning of construction with official sod
turning and presentation of cheques.
Soil Drifting
- Saturday
May 5, 2001
High winds and super dry condition result in serious soil drifting today around Tisdale.
Ensign Goes to the Dogs
- Saturday
May 5, 2001
Here are some dogs encountered during the today and yesterday.