Food Court in Regina’s Northgate Mall
Tisdale - Thursday, April 11, 2013
by:Timothy W. Shire
Variety is the essence of every diet and I for one am always on the look out for something different. Restaurant food is remarkably uniform lacking much diversity. This is especially so with the growth of large franchise chains where the menu items are in most cases prepared at a central location and the chef is really just a guy running the microwave oven.

From mall to mall the places are pretty similar but some have some really good and some really bad dining environments. The concentration of people in the Polo Park food court in Winnipeg is right up there with one of the worst as is the Cornwall Centre in downtown Regina. Among the nice ones is the one in the Yorkton Mall and the ambiance in the Northgate Mall in Regina is outstanding. It has a limited number of outlets similar to Prince Albert but the sky light gives a bright airy feel to the place and from the customers behaviour it looks like a good place to eat, visit and enjoy the moment rather than just wolf down some fast food.,