CH-149 Chinooks and CH-146 Griffons from Joint Task Force Afghanistan – Air Wing conduct the last large group flight in a tactical exercise testing flight patterns and maneuvers in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan on 27 July 2011. Photo by: MCpl Dan Shouinard, Senior Imagery Technician, Mission Transition Task Force © 2011 DND-MND Canada
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War
Gulf War Veterans HAVE been exposed to a wide variety of environmental hazards and harmful neurotoxic and biological substances. GULF WAR ILLNESSES
For the first time in history, DEPLETED URANIUM munitions WERE used on the battlefield. Depleted Uranium was also used in Bosnia 1994-1995, Kosovo in 1999 and presently used in Afghanistan. BALKANS SYNDROME
Many Canadians Veterans are suffering from debilitating degenerative chronic multi-symptom illnesses and diseases. Many are ill, getting worse daily, dying or dead.
International medical scientific research is copious and conclusive.
Our Canadian Government, Veterans Affairs and National Defence have done everything to lie, deny the serious health consequences of the past 2 decades at the expense of the ill and disabled veterans and their families. Total abandonment, reckless disregard.
If Canada really took care of its Vets and Families as it states it does, why is a young 38 year old Bosnia Veteran plagued by chronic debilitating illness, Depleted Uranium and Heavy Metal Toxicity doing a hunger strike in Levis QC, in front of Minister Blaney’s office?
WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE IGNORANCE & INCOMPETENCE FROM THOSE MANDATED TO CARE FOR US. Please join us to better understand our serious health issues, FACTS and the TRUTH
DATE: Wednesday November 09, 2011
Time: 11AM
Location: Charles Lynch Press Conference Room, Centre Block,
Participants: Louise Richard, Dr. Meg Sears, Georges Villeneuve, George Langdon, Perry Gray, Family Members in support
Contact information: Louise Richard RN LT(N)ret’d 613-828-8354 , C :613-878-2232