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amounts of various hormones and farmers collect this material which is used for medicinal purposes in Asia. The active chemicals found in the antler velvet have been found to have positive ingredients related to sexual potency.

But, as you can see these are interesting and interested animals. Even in the wild they tend to act much as they do in the pasture, if you come across one in the bush the animal will first look you over before making his or her way through the woods away from you. This characteristic is a dangerous one because when they troop out onto a highway they do not always look your direction and in the dark you will get no reflection from their eyes. We had the distinct adventure of meeting with a herd moving at full speed (both us and them) on a curve on the Cumberland road a few years ago and were able to miss all nine of them but it took a big truck to get us out of the ditch.
Here are some interesting and informative sites you can go to on the Web to find out more about Elk Ranching and the industry as a whole both in Canada and the United States.

Kids Farm
A Rundown on Elk Ranch in the United States
Elk Breeders Association Home page this site has a lot of useful information for prospective farmers interested in the industry (US breederes association).
Denver Colorado report on Elk Ranching, disease concerns and velvet marketing.
Edmonton Journal discussion about the presence of Mad Cow disease in domestic Elk.
Farm impliment for handling Elk on a farm a "squeeze".
Manitoba Government attitude toward Elk and Elk Ranching.
Matt and Leslie Scranton of Gunnison Colorado have and Elk Ranch and this is their home page.


Elk Echo Ranch in Stoneham Colorado use their Elk as part of their country Bed and Breakfast tourist approach to farming.
Stoney Ridge Elk Farm at Delton Michigan run by Ward and penny Goff have a nice web site that discusses the Elk ranching industry, how they got involved in it and links to other Elk ranching sites.