Provincial President of STS visits Tisdale Chapter
Tisdale - Thursday, October 20, 2011
Margaret Martin (bottom of page) of Saskatoon, Provincial President of the Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan, visited with chapter members from the Tisdale area on Monday, October 17. Thirty-four members met with Margaret and her husband Bill at Mr. Ribs for a delicious lunch before the meeting.
President of the Tisdale Chapter, Bob Donnan, welcomed everyone and asked Darlene McCullough to introduce Margaret. Since some members had to leave early, Bob asked the Provincial President to present the membership awards. Ten year membership awards were presented to Dorraine Hayward, Richard Hildebrand, and Darlene McCrae Hunt. Twenty year membership awards were presented to Jim Billy, Helen Clarke, Bob Donnan, Val Furber, June Stacey, Audrey Dahlsjo, Earl McNair, and Eleanor Alyea who accepted on behalf of Eileen Norby.
In her address to the Tisdale members, Provincial President Margaret Martin informed them of the differences in the two pension plans available to retirees (depending on when the teacher retired) , progress on the negotiations on a new contract for the Benefits Plans including Travel Benefits and suggested ways members could ensure coverage, and Group Life Insurance. Margaret reported that there are now 9,730 members in the STS as the organization continues to grow at a steady rate. Bob Donnan then presented Margaret with a gift of honey from "the Land of Rape and Honey" as a thank you for her visit to the Tisdale Chapter.
Darlene McCullough, Secretary-Treasurer of the Tisdale Chapter, reminded members of the Fraud Cent$ Toolkit which is available from the Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism.
Val Furber reported on the play "Love Letters" performed in Melfort and written about the parents of Lena McConnell who is a member of the Tisdale Chapter.
Various upcoming provincial recreational activities of the STS were discussed with dates for these reported.
The next meeting of the Tisdale Chapter of STS will be held at 1:30 PM on November 21 in the Anglican Church Hall. The main topic to be discussed will be the final plans for the December Social when the Melfort and District STS Chapter members will be invited to join with the Tisdale Chapter members.