The new green
Tisdale - Tuesday, September 24, 2013
by:Timothy W. Shire
A few aspen trees decided back in August that it was time to call it quits but most of the trees waited until the second week of September to switch from green to yellows and orange leaves in preparation for their eventual descent to the ground. Nipawin and Melfort trees have not been as quick to declare an end to the growing season that seems like an odd thing because all three communities have had similar temperatures.

Each year the timing for autumn is pretty similar but the way fall occurs varies considerably. An early frost can turn the leaves brown and a savage wind can shorten the whole process to a matter of hours rather than days.

This year there will be no complaining about the wonders of this year’s weather. The autumn of 2013 has been near perfect. Yesterday even though it clouded over it remained warm right up until supper time and today it was still 21ºC at five in the late afternoon. There are rumours of rain in the coming days but who cares, we have had our share of great weather. The harvest is almost complete in the Tisdale area although there are a few fields still to be done that was to be expected given the prolonged planting season this spring.

Tomorrow the motorhome gets serviced after a very pleasant summer. We really enjoyed this year doing a little tour and then taking our time to enjoy some of the places we visited. Time for it to rest now and it will be ready to head off in 2014 when we are.

It is hard to discuss fall without considering the Riders. They turned in a great first part of the season with a string of wins and spectacular play. The loss of the last three games is no cause for concern as the last two of those games were great football games with some astonishing plays by both the guys in green and their opponents. We can all handle what ever happens, they are our team and we are behind them 100%.

Construction in Tisdale continues at a steady pace. Two large houses have taken shape with the second being closed in today. The new medical office building is now closed in with even some sidewalks around the outside. The extended care facility is in its final finishing stage. The new RV campground is a huge excavation project with water, sewer and electrical services being installed. The old campground is also a big excavation project with manholes and water mains being put into the ground.

Tisdale Mall is definitely a concern for Tisdale people. Extra Foods is history and that means that many people are hopping in their vehicles and making their way over to Melfort to do some shopping. With gasoline five cents a litre cheaper and the promise of a new Sobeys store in the future all businesses in Tisdale will feel the pressure as not only their regular customers but those from surrounding areas will only stop for a coffee at the 7/11 before heading on down the highway. Not a good situation.