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Ensign is seventeen years old
May 24, 2015
by: Timothy W. Shire
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Most web sites go from year to year, some only for a few days but this one has been posting since 1998. In Internet time that is really a very long time. Saskatchewan had only had access to the world wide web three years earlier and in the intervening time a lot has changed. Alas Ensign has stayed pretty much the same. Chugging along!
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Not only has Ensign gotten older so have I, I find it difficult to post more than once a week even though I have stories to tell. The picture at the top of this pages is telling. We were out camping this week and though I had material SaskTel’s system was just not up to the task. However, my plan is to continue getting the site updated once a week even though I may not have time for a story or two. I really appreciate hearing from you and think it is great that about 22 people tune into Ensign each and every day. Keep coming back and we will continue to pictures and stories as often as possible.

My plan is to update the present system whereby the site is made each week so that I can spend more time developing stories and less time doing the details. The second trend is toward doing some heavy lifting types of stories, serious and important work but time consuming. I would appreciate feedback on things to see on Ensign or things you would like to see. Stay tuned.
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