There is no question that my recollections of this family were inordinately harsh. When I wrote the paragraph I thought about that whole thing “if you can’t say something nice don’t say nothing at all.” but, I wanted this story to have the authenticity of what I remember. First and foremost was my recollection that the family left Langbank and I do not recall having heard of them again. From my view of the situation at the time, I simply assumed that they would not have survived. I just didn’t think that it was possible.

I was wrong, terribly wrong, not only did Mike and his wife survive, he lived to retire in Kipling at age 65 the seven children went on to have families of their own who are doing well today. Three of them contacted me and quite justifiably tore a strip off me for my unfair story of their family. The most touching of those calls was from Louise herself. Clearly, from our conversation she is well and has had a good life. My assessment of things was dead wrong, or changed remarkably after the family left Langbank, but what ever, the family, Mike’s children, his grandchildren and even great grand children, have made good lives for themselves and they give enormous credit for their success to their father.

Below are some excerpts from emails I received from the family:
HI I'm the oldest daughter of Mike & Anna Foster and was very upset by the mentioning of our family in Langbank. My father and mother were married, so get your story straight . we were poor but not that poor, my father provided for us very WELL. we NEVER EVER HAD FLEAS AND DON"T REMEMBER BEING DIRTY. I remember YOU very well as you sat behind me in school and was alway MEAN to me. I do not have a sister Lillian so don't know where you got that. for my FATHER he was NOT A MEAN MAN TO US , sure he drank but always provided for us, AND NEVER NEVER BEAT MY MOTHER OR MISTREATED US. i'm asking you to kindly retrack you story and LEAVE OUR FAMILY OUT OF IT. i
Louise McKee
IF we were so bad of a family I'm amazed the health nurse never did anything. I ask if you ever saw my dad beat my mom? maybe GET THE STORY FROM SOMEONE WHO LIVED THERE. we as a family have all did VERY WELL THANKS TO OUR LOVING PARENTS IN HEAVEN.
Louise McKee
Did you get my message? I'm, very glad we grew up poor as today I'm able to look back and see what our family has accomplished and very proud of it ,SURE HOPE YOU ARE VERY PROUD OF YOURSELF NEVER REALLY HAD TO DO WITHOUT IN YOUR YOUNGER YEARS. Did your dear mother ever tell you IF YOU CAN"T SAY ANYTHING NICE DON"T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. have a good day hope to hear from you
Louise McKee
I am the youngest of Mike Foster's sons and I am sickened with what you wrote in your paperboy story about my family.How dare you write of your opinion of my father and family and bad mouth a man just because they were poor and not up to your standards.My dad had never in the 42 years they were married ever lifted a hand to my mother or any of his children.There was always food on the table and clothes on his kids back.Your fathers opinion of my father means nothing to me as I have heard my father and Emil say how they could work circles around him and that he was lazy and never did his share of the work.My father had to quit school in order to help support the family farm and never had an education, but he could outwork any man I know.When he retired from the CNR at the age of 65 he could still out spike anyone on the crew not matter there age or strengh.My father worked hard all his life and raised 7 children who all went on to raise families as well. I am very proud of my family , so to have some opionated asshole bad mouth my family really makes me angry.I had no sister named Lillian, my mother and father were married, my sisters did not have fleas.Did you ever see my father drunk and nasty, did you ever see him hit my mother, i think not.If these opinions came from your father they mean nothing to me or my family.How dare you write your opinion and mention my families name in your stupid story.I would like my famlies name removed from your story or action will be taken. Thank you from a proud son.
Al Foster
The message below came after a telephone conversation.
This has really got me steamed up. So did you or your family ever once offer assistance if my family was so poor, let me answer that with a no. My father taught me to help others in need any way you can even if you have little yourself.It quite obvious that was not taught to you by your father.The old saying that if you have nothing nice to say do not say anything sure applies in your case. You have hurt alot of my family by your opinion of my family and I do not take that lightly. I have taught my children to help and respect other people and to help stop bullying every chance they get .Its people like you that I try and protect them from, people who don't care what they say or who they hurt by their comments.Maybe your father should have spent a little more time helping others rather then running them down and saying mean things about them.This is very maddening because neither my father or mother are here to defend against your hurtfull comments.I have seen my dad give the food off out own table to help a family that had nothing to eat on more than one occassion,he had shot a deer and gave half to a family of immigrants that had just moved to Kipling and had no job.He helped farmers in the area that were his friends and never asked for payment of any kind.I worked side by side with my dad and respected his work ethic and drive all his life.I have never heard my dad say an ill spoken word about anyone unlike yourself. Why would you single out my family in your story to degrade them for being poor, what kind of man does this to another family??? I debated whether to show my daughters this article but I did just to show them what kind of cruel people exist in this world. Did the part on my family really need to be written or did it make you feel like you were better then they were because of your better situation.My dad not only tried to support his own family but he continually sent money that he did not have home to his parents to help them maintain the farm. So this is the man that I knew and don't know which one you thought you knew or your father formed a opinion of but you have hurt my family deeply by your story. I hope your father raised enough of a decent man to remove these parts about my family.
Al Foster
Dianne Moss I would sure like to correct Tim Shire on a few things about his so called paperboy story. Sure a good thing he can see behind closed doors and was so perfect. So glad i never had the time of day for people who think they are better than others. Back then lots of people did not have much but they were good people. I will make sure that Jim and Lousie April 4 at 11:08pm · Like Dianne Moss Foster Mckee from Grenfel see your story. I myself am very proud of my family and who we have all become Dianne ( Tosh ) Moss
Dianne Moss