Edgewood Forest Products Carrot River
May 24, 2015
Carrot River
by: Timothy W. Shire
Carrot River
by: Timothy W. Shire

The mill was originally designed to work in conjunction with a plywood mill and its set up to handle small diameter logs. Without the plywood mill there is a lack of efficiency and the mill is about to undergo a massive $25,000,000 upgrade. The province of Saskatchewan in participating in this project and it pays off with some outstanding benefits.
As the mill is currently operating it has sixteen workers a shift churning out a wide variety of products including fibre, dimensional lumber and a good deal more. I was surprised at the level of automation as we went through large parts of the plant where no workers could be seen. Just noisy machines, then we discovered that the machines were being supervised by operators in sound proofed control rooms with television monitors.
Two things that certainly made a lot of sense was that the plant and its design is intended to produce as little waste as possible and every effort is made to make the work place safe and labour efficient.
Our Good Sam group were on our first expedition of the year camping out at Pasquia Regional Park and we really appreciated the thorough nature of the tour we were given.
There are twenty two still images of the tour that you can see by clicking on “the pictures” and below is a short video that will give you a sample of what this production facility is like.