Parkland Photography Club March 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
by BJ Madsen
Friday, March 28, 2014
by BJ Madsen
Meeting of March 25, 2014
Because of the upcoming Shutterbug Show, members met at 6:30 in the Public Library, rather than at the TMSS Art Room. Eleven members were present.
Everyone had brought a number of mounted and framed photographs for the show and several unmounted photographs were installed into frames provided by the club. The existing display of paintings was removed from the library walls and after much arranging and ladder climbing, a total of 84 photographs were hung for the show. The display is very broad based, with photographic representation representing the varied interests of the many photographers.
The meeting then moved to the TMSS Art Room to allow the Library to close. Final decisions were made about the show:
Because of the upcoming Shutterbug Show, members met at 6:30 in the Public Library, rather than at the TMSS Art Room. Eleven members were present.
Everyone had brought a number of mounted and framed photographs for the show and several unmounted photographs were installed into frames provided by the club. The existing display of paintings was removed from the library walls and after much arranging and ladder climbing, a total of 84 photographs were hung for the show. The display is very broad based, with photographic representation representing the varied interests of the many photographers.
The meeting then moved to the TMSS Art Room to allow the Library to close. Final decisions were made about the show:
- The Shutterbug Show will open on March 26, 2014 and run until May 25, 2014.
- The official opening will coincide with the next meeting, on April 22.
- The Library will provide additional hooks for us, mainly for 8 x10 pictures.
- Stephanie will advise, by e-mail, when additional hooks are available
- Albert is going to provide a display structure for the meeting room display.
- Cindy has purchased a guest book for the event
- Don will make a display to put at the guest book location
- Lia will purchase a snack tray from the bakery to have available at the opening event
- The official opening will start at 7:00 and run until 8:30 on Tuesday, April 22.
- If members have additional unmounted photographs, bring them for table top displays.
- Each member should try to bring an additional three or more photos for the show.

Pictures for the monthly Theme Shoot, which had previously been uploaded to the Club’s FaceBook page, were displayed and discussed. The topic for this meeting was “Lighting Effects”. Three were chosen to be sent to the media:
Treasurer Albert provided a financial statement, showing that we continue to be solvent.
Because of the upcoming photo discussion and display at the Hanover Room on April 26, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm, members should go through their photo files and select five to ten of their favourite photographs and put them onto a flash drive. Please provide titles for each photograph as well as, perhaps, a brief description and plan to bring them along to the April 22 meeting.
Considering the seemingly endless winter this year, the Theme Shoot subject for the next meeting will be “Something Green”. As before, upload these to the club’s FaceBook page prior to the meeting.
The next meeting will begin on April 22 at the Public Library at 6:30 to prepare for the display opening at 7:00.
Pictures for the monthly Theme Shoot, which had previously been uploaded to the Club’s FaceBook page, were displayed and discussed. The topic for this meeting was “Lighting Effects”. Three were chosen to be sent to the media:
- Stephanie Painchaud - variations of lighting an orchid.
- Cindy Neilsen - silhouette in a window.
- Bj. Madsen - shadowless lighting using a “light box”.
Treasurer Albert provided a financial statement, showing that we continue to be solvent.
Because of the upcoming photo discussion and display at the Hanover Room on April 26, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm, members should go through their photo files and select five to ten of their favourite photographs and put them onto a flash drive. Please provide titles for each photograph as well as, perhaps, a brief description and plan to bring them along to the April 22 meeting.
Considering the seemingly endless winter this year, the Theme Shoot subject for the next meeting will be “Something Green”. As before, upload these to the club’s FaceBook page prior to the meeting.
The next meeting will begin on April 22 at the Public Library at 6:30 to prepare for the display opening at 7:00.
