Parkland Photography Club November 2014
Saturday,November 29, 2014
by BJ Madsen
Saturday,November 29, 2014
by BJ Madsen
Meeting of November 25, 2014
The meeting was held in the TMSS art room, chaired by President Cindy Neilsen with five members present.
As treasurer Albert was absent, no financial statement was presented.
The photo display at the Tisdale HealthPlex was discussed. A proposal has been sent to the Town, requesting their permission and financial support in paying for frames and mats for a 12 photograph display. We have heard nothing back from the Town on this yet. If and when we do get permission, Don and Bj. will install hangers and hang a set of temporary photos to get our presence known. Don will produce a suitable identifying display to show that this is the work of the Club.
Anne reported on the Foto Fun submissions. She received eight entries from the members and showed them to us:
Judging will probably be done in January or February.
Our public FaceBook page, has not yet had many pictures posted to it. It is open for public viewing but should allow only Club members to post pictures. Cindy will talk to Stephanie about possible problems and the desirability of establishing an album for each member to post pictures into.
The Kerry Vickar Centre in Melfort has been booked from March 1 to 29 for the annual Shutterbug Show. We could possibly hold the February meeting at the Centre, planning to do a work bee to get the photographs hung. Ideally, each of us might contribute five or more photos for the display.
Don brought a Tamron price list, offering to provide lenses at cost plus postage. Think Christmas!
Entries to the Theme Shoot (animals) were viewed:
Chosen for media display (shown on this page) was Bj.’s running dog, Cindy’s dog in the window and Lea’s pup.
New and interesting equipment was displayed:
Neil demonstrated his “Black Rapid” camera carrying sling which is excellent for hiking and saving wear and tear on the neck. He also demonstrated a new camera, his Canon D-70, which contains a Wi-Fi system, allowing remote control via a tablet or smart phone.
Don demonstrated his new Ricoh/Pentax camera which features a plug-in SD card, which provides Wi-Fi connectivity and also has an add-on power pack, allowing for better grip and control.
Anne showed us her Nikon D-7000 camera and her 80-400 mm lens with which she has so successfully gone bear hunting.
Bj. demonstrated a pop-out reflector which folds up into a small bag.
The next theme shoot will be “Eyes”.
The next meeting will be held on January 27th, 2015.
And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Hopefully, Santa remembers that you are an avid photographer.
The meeting was held in the TMSS art room, chaired by President Cindy Neilsen with five members present.
As treasurer Albert was absent, no financial statement was presented.
The photo display at the Tisdale HealthPlex was discussed. A proposal has been sent to the Town, requesting their permission and financial support in paying for frames and mats for a 12 photograph display. We have heard nothing back from the Town on this yet. If and when we do get permission, Don and Bj. will install hangers and hang a set of temporary photos to get our presence known. Don will produce a suitable identifying display to show that this is the work of the Club.
Anne reported on the Foto Fun submissions. She received eight entries from the members and showed them to us:
- Trena - an abandoned wagon
- Bj. - combines
- Cindy - an abandoned car
- Don - a pelican in flight
- Anne - a dragonfly
- Albert - a Manitou Beach scene
- Stephanie - an ant on a flower
- Vic - a snow bank
Judging will probably be done in January or February.

The Kerry Vickar Centre in Melfort has been booked from March 1 to 29 for the annual Shutterbug Show. We could possibly hold the February meeting at the Centre, planning to do a work bee to get the photographs hung. Ideally, each of us might contribute five or more photos for the display.
Don brought a Tamron price list, offering to provide lenses at cost plus postage. Think Christmas!
Entries to the Theme Shoot (animals) were viewed:
- Bj. - a running dog
- Cindy - three dog pictures
- Anne - several bear pictures and mountain goats
- Neil - a bird in a tree and two dog pictures
- Don - a close-up of a quail.
Chosen for media display (shown on this page) was Bj.’s running dog, Cindy’s dog in the window and Lea’s pup.
New and interesting equipment was displayed:
Neil demonstrated his “Black Rapid” camera carrying sling which is excellent for hiking and saving wear and tear on the neck. He also demonstrated a new camera, his Canon D-70, which contains a Wi-Fi system, allowing remote control via a tablet or smart phone.
Don demonstrated his new Ricoh/Pentax camera which features a plug-in SD card, which provides Wi-Fi connectivity and also has an add-on power pack, allowing for better grip and control.
Anne showed us her Nikon D-7000 camera and her 80-400 mm lens with which she has so successfully gone bear hunting.
Bj. demonstrated a pop-out reflector which folds up into a small bag.
The next theme shoot will be “Eyes”.
The next meeting will be held on January 27th, 2015.
And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Hopefully, Santa remembers that you are an avid photographer.
