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January sun in Saskatchewan
Regina and Carlyle, January 11, 2014
by Ken Jones
Below is the Highest I have seen the frost ring in the sky for years. These SunDogs were shot January 4, 2014 at 2:17 pm. at the time it was -27ºC with a 25 kph wind it is a sharp bitting COLD. This is looking south on 15 th. Ave. west of Pasqua Street in Regina.
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When I was taking the two Sundog ( frost circles) this last weekend an other photographer was close to me and said, "you know when the temperature or wind-chill gets greater than -40ºC, the conversion to Fahrenheit gets to be a larger number."

So when I got Home on Sunday Jan 04, 2014 I had the computer convert the wind-chill of -53ºC to be -64ºF now that's Cold. The change to Celsius temperatures was in 1975, previous to that all winters were cold.
The last time I can remember the weather being this cold was the winter in January of 2004, It was -28ºC day high to -37ºC night low, for six-weeks. I think that year's SaskPower bill's for the year, July 03 to June 04 paid out at 13 months of power due to plugging in our cars.

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In the picture above, at the top of the page and below; It is really neat what you can see from the back seat of a truck going to Carlyle on Thursday January 2, 2014.
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