The hope of spring
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
by Timothy W. Shire
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
by Timothy W. Shire

But most assured it will eventually warm up. We moved the motorhome out of the back yard in preparation for a short trip beginning next week and as you can see one of Tisdale's race cars is in the shop getting ready for the coming season. After the body work and installation of its drive train it will get it's new black and green paint job.


The third new housing start on the corner of Fern Glen and NewMarket has its walls up and the foundation for its garage has been poured, the rafters are piled near by and will be put in place as early as next week.


Meanwhile farmers are pretty busy getting everything ready as they anticipate the fields drying off quickly.
But alas, just the name of the season alone is reason enough for gasoline prices to continue to remain away above the actual cost of crude. The oil companies know the consumer expects them to jack up the prices in "spring" and then keep them high throughout the summer. It is pretty clear that there is no real relationship between the cost of production and retail price.
Below is a shot of the Dog Hide River as it politely remains within its banks and is steadily moving this winter's meltwater away. Even with additional snow or rainfall there is little likelihood of the river flooding this spring.