The first snow
FTLComm - Tisdale - Tuesday, October 26, 2010
When one looks back over the past fifteen years there is a good chance that the only occasionally does the first snow arrive earlier then this week in October. In the past twelve years the first snow has come on this day three times. Some years we see late October remain fairly warm with the snow arriving on Halloween or within the next week and it is very rare to see a Remembrance Day without there being snow on the ground.

No matter when the first snow comes it takes some real getting used to for every driver and today’s arrival was able to produce ample opportunities for driver embarrassment. I drive down town and pulled over to the curb to take the picture shown here and had to squirm around a bit to get things moving after stopping.

Out in the country things were a bit worse with the snow piling up on east/west roads and those with tall grass on the edge of the road are done for because the drifting was filling them in. Kevin McIntyre from Carrot River was talking to a his friend Lenny who had been down to Tisdale in the afternoon and reported that north of Tisdale there was a foot of snow on the highway and a “B” train was jack knifed partly blocking traffic.

But right here in Tisdale the roads were pretty difficult. With the temperature holding around freezing all day main street seem pretty miserable at the four way stop down town.

Prospects for the next two days look like it is going to stay right around freezing but we are not likely to see more precipitation and it should be sunning toward the weekend.