The Week of January 13 to 19, 2002
Argentina: making the record straight
with professor Steve Hanke
- Sunday
January 13, 2002
Mario deSantis continues to point out that the economic problems that brought down
the Argentinian government are part and parcel of the American pressure to adopt
the Free Market system.
First! Define the Problem Accurately
- Monday
January 14, 2002
It seems we are over loaded with half baked to solutions for the wrong problems.
The Greenwater Report For January 14, 2002
- Monday
January 14, 2002
Jerry Crawford has his computer fixed and catches us up to date on ice fishing, bear
sightings, car/moose encounter and the passing of friends.
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch:
Excerpts of a Study on the NAFTA's Legacy in Agriculture
- Monday
January 14, 2002
We regret that we are bringing you bad news but most of us already suspected that
NAFTA was less than successful, now we can see just how unsuccessful.
From Tory To Reform to Alliance: Stephen Harper
- Monday
January 14, 2002
Ron Thornton from Edmonton explains his decision to support Canadian Alliance leadership
hopeful, Stephen Harper.
Learning to Mix Apples and Oranges to
End the Free Market
- Monday
January 14, 2002
Mario deSantis explains some of the conflicting information that suggests that the
time has come that we need to learn how to see things that are very different yet
add up to much the same.
Growing Up In Watson - black and white
- Tuesday
January 15, 2002
Some interesting black and white images taken in the late winter of 1983 of young
people in their own special world of Watson Lake, Yukon.
Saskatchewan Health
Corporatism: Fascism in the Disguise of Saving Money with Saving Money
- Tuesday
January 15, 2002
Mario deSantis is certain that the present course to use more experts in the healthcare
system is a major error.
Fish Make Lousy
- Wednesday
January 16, 2002
On Monday the tip for the day denounced fish as pets, well Mike Townsend has a rebuttal.
Ladies and gentlemen meet Gainsborough and Crash, Mike and I both have nasty hermit
Betta fighting fish for pets.
The Aspers Contribution to a Fascist New
World Order: Victims Doug Cuthand, Stephen Kimber and Peter Worthington
- Wednesday
January 16, 2002
CanWest Global continues to swing the axe and even ban conservative journalist Peter
Worthington who once ran as a PC. Apparently he and others are not right wing enough
to satisfy the mono-political agenda of the Aspers.
Optimism - We
Do Have A Choice!
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
Saskatchewan is often described as "Next Year Country" when we consider
the alternatives, Optomism looks like a good idea.
One effect of the Free Market and the
Enron's case: turning money speculation into an institutionalized casino
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
A vice president of Enron refers to the company as "crooked" as inquiries
discover the remarkable complicity and assistance provided by accounting company
Arthur Anderson of Chicago.
Why Denmark?
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
Joe Hueglin wonders about the most recent appointment by the government of the Ambassedor
to Denmark.
The Gospel of the Free Market and the
Emergence of Fascism: Bush's Free Trade and Gordon Campbell's Smaller
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
Lower taxes and a balanced budget do not correlate with an improved economy. B.C.'s
foolish premier heads his province toward disaster.
Maybe Not 35%
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
After having read the editorial First! Define the Problem Accurately Ken Styan wrote
in to set some of the fact straight.
Information On Bettas
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
Regrettably we did not include a list of references on this solitary type of fish.
Jackie Abraham found an outstanding site dealing with the Betta.
The Winter Day
- Friday
January 18, 2002
One wonders if yesterday was the only winter day, temperature dropped to a near normal
-25 and it seemed right for January but over night the temperature rebounded back
to above normal -15.
B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell: Taking
British Columbia to Fascism
- Friday
January 18, 2002
Mario deSantis condemns the empty headed dogma being persued by the government of
British Columbia as they have cut taxes by 25% now discover they have to cut back
government operations by 25% while the B.C. economy goes into a tail spin.