The Week of March 17 to 23, 2002
The embedding of inequality and corruption
in "The Competitive Market" A Change of Perspective: from
Market to Institutions
- Sunday
March 17, 2002
Mostly we hear politicians spouting competitive market rhetoric without any understanding
or committment to the ideas of an actual open market. Corruption and fanatical belief
damn society to serious economic and social problems.
Camelot - Perhaps
- Sunday
March 17, 2002
The trees and snow in the picture set off a recollection of another such scene and
consideration of what our hopes and wishes are made of.
The Rightist Bushists are Wrong and the
Leftist Democrats may be Right
- Sunday
March 17, 2002
The political spectrum is confusing as America's non-war drags on amidst a bitter
struggle over patriotism and a fairlure to discover that all are in the same boat.
Self Determination
- Monday
March 18, 2002
The burden of awareness comes with the realisation of the limitations of self empowerment
but that life long struggle seems to be the core of what human life is all about.
The Greenwater Report for March 18, 2002
- Monday
March 18, 2002
Lots of snowmobilers out at the park ont the weekend, ice fishing is picking up and
the birds are getting frisky.
The Myth of the Free Market: American
Economy and Higher Tuition Fees at Canadian Law Schools
- Monday
March 18, 2002
It looks like Canadian universities are going begin pricing tuition toward the wages
graduates can expect. This unseemly elitist move looks bad for prospective students
but even worse for a society that houses such institutions.
Connie Calls It Quits
- Tuesday
March 19, 2002
Zenon Park greenhouse operator Connie Chabot decides to end her business.
"Hail Bush": a
Roman salute for a born again emperor?
- Tuesday
March 19, 2002
With the Vice president of the United States stirring up a war a diplomatic general
is trying to gain some peace. It is a confusing world the one of Emperor Bush the
Eckart Snowplanes
- Tuesday
March 19, 2002
We have been proud to bring you images of these air powered snowmobiles. Today we
take you on a first person singular adventure as Albert Eckart tells us about the
exploits of his two older brothers and their snowplanes of the 1930s.
The American Economy and Contradictory
Perceptions: Daniel Griswold of Cato's Institute and Professor James
- Tuesday
March 19, 2002
Its time to exercise caution in what we believe of news that is reported either in
Canada or in the United States. There is a serious problem of perception and we need
to be aware of the gap.
At Long Last
- Wednesday
March 20, 2002
Joe Hueglin points out how the Prime Minister and his government have been able to
dodge have to answer questions about wrong-doing by quick transfers and appointments,
looks like this time there is to much to hide.
Canadians Deserve
- Wednesday
March 20, 2002
When faced with many serious issues it is sad to note the weakness of the opposition
and how unlikely the settling of the Canadian Alliance leadership will be of any
real benefit to the country. Chris Blackman shows us the need for an effect opposition.
- Thursday
March 21, 2002
An obscure village in Southeastern Saskatchewan, a place to grow up in and be the
basis for a whole life time.
Ask No Questions
- Thursday
March 21, 2002
The honest glow that came from the Deputy Prime Minister is fading fast as he accepts
the mantel of the Prime Minister and prevents the former Public Works minister from
being questioned about his behaviour as he is seeking the ambassadorship to Denmark.
Canadian Alliance Back to Its Roots and
Its Senses
- Friday
March 22, 2002
Ron Thornton feels the curtain of darkness that had descended over the Canadian Alliance
has been lifted with the election of its new leader Stephen Harper.
Valid Flying Tax Questions Remain Unanswered
- Friday
March 22, 2002
Walter Robinson of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation points out the tax grab that
will occur beginning April 1 when $12 minimum per trip goes the federal treasury
with no promise or assurance it will be used for security.
The Year of Icicles
- Saturday
March 23, 2002
Each day the sun flushed the sky of clouds and warms things up leaving the air cold
and below freezing.