Canadian Wheat Board: 2011's Attempted Potash Sell Out
White Rock, British Columbia - Wednesday, November 2, 2011 by:Brian Marlatt
In Saskatchewan, let Brad Wall know that his MLAs will be held accountable if his party does not tell Mr. Harper "Hands off the CWB!" "The Harper Government" does not speak for Saskatchewan farmers and they do not speak a Tory voice.
Harper's neoCons claim the Conservative Party as a "Legacy Party."
Harper's attack on the CWB puts the lie to that claim. Harper is following the old Reform Party path in this as in other things: Harper is failing Western Canadian farmers by trying to destroy the Canadian Wheat Board.
"The Harper Government" denies the relevance of existing law which requires a farm plebiscite on the CWB's future, the will of farmers who will lose the West's farming legacy. "The Harper Government" is seeking to end the 75 years of success in the West established by Conservatives, the Conservative legacy.
A federal election fought on a platform to not be Michael Ignatieff is not a mandate to end the CWB.
The majority of wheat and barley farmers see the benefit of CWB grain marketing as being in their interest. It is foreign corporations who will profit from buying and reselling their grain.
Most Canadians are unaware of what is happening. Inform them. Inform your MP that Canadians within and outside Saskatchewan support the Canadian Wheat Board.