- February 28, 2004
- The temptation to drive a little faster in deep snow is a mistake, keep your
vehicle under control and maintain forward momentum but bouncing around thinking
you can blast through will most likely see you in the ditch.
- February 27, 2004
- If you spend even a modest amount of time using your computer learn the basic
keystrokes to copy and paste. You can save a huge amount of time sweeping something
then copying it and then pasting it where you need that phrase, number or whatever,
then typing it out or even going to the menus to impliment copy and paste.
- Febrruary 26, 2004
- Survival is a serious matter of risk management. Those who are successful have
reduced their danger to the lowest possible level. When planning a trip consider
the rate of traffic on a route and the route that involves the lowest number of danger
spots. When you consider this traveling on the Trans-Canada highway from Wolseley
to Virden is a risk factor that should be avoided. Though Yellowhead traffic is heavy
it is many times safer than #1 in the Eastern portion of Saskatchewan.
- February 25, 2004
- If you have even the slightest bit of curiousity about Saskatchewan you absolutely
must have a
copy of Bill Barry's People Places, Contemporary Saskachewan Place Names. This
is truly a useful book with a Saskatchewan attitude and sense of place.
- February 24, 2004
- I often feel uncomfortable about the obession that permiates the media which
seems dedicated to the top and only the top nothing but the top. The movers and shakers
of society are rarely if ever the most talked about, most popular or even the most
powerful. If you want to understand society you must come to the realisation that
the shape of a society is created and maintained by the creative, the artists, writers,
musicians, designers and intellectuals with the ability to successfully communicate.
- February 23, 2004
- Logic is a cruel and difficult master. The basic concepts of Christianity is
that God's will is a reality and a mystery to we humans. Observe please the astonishing
arguments over the release this week of Mel Gibson's movie about the death of Jesus
Christ. The whole point of Christ's life on earth was to offer his life as a sacrifice
for his believers, so without the Jews and Romans bringing about his demise the religion
would not have occurred.
- February 20, 2004
- We often over estimate the extent of what leaders actual know and understand
about their work. "What did he know and when did he know it?" Most answers
to questions like that are already something we know, simply by checking what was
said at the time. Prime Minister Chretien pointed out that a few million missing
dollars is a small price to pay for a stable country. He did not say a hundred million
he said a few million, there is a good chance he knew, but like the rest of us, the
staggering amount would be as much a surprise to him as it was to us. Remember also
that Paul Martin thought the government did less than a million dollars worth of
business with his steamship line when it turns out it is more that $165 million.
It is far easier to tell the truth for most people than lie, remember knowledge is
- February 19, 2004
- Child pornography, no matter where it is made, or who has it, is a serious crime.
Even SPAM e-mail advertising it needs to be reported to the RCMP. If something comes
your way go the RCMP's Cybertip.ca website
and tell them what you know. Fighting this crime takes a huge coordinated effort
between the public, world police agencies and the willingness to prosecute.
- February 18, 2004

- In a society where the rule of law is in affect you have to accept it as reality
and there is responsibility on you the citizen to report crime but it is also the
responsibility of the state to live within the laws it is designed to uphold. This
matter is not settled but needs to be guarded and fostered from day to day, year
to year, a relentless pursuit of civilised behaviour.
- February 17, 2004
- If you think there is exaggeration about the concepts George Orwell warned
of, things like "Newspeak" and "thought crimes"
when I went to get a picture of Castro for Kevin's find of the day I discovered that
the "newspaperLinks"
I carry on this site's "news
sources" page has no papers from Cuba, in fact their map of the gulf of
Mexico is empty.
February 14, 2004
- The raven is so smart that there might be a good case made for them having the
right to vote, pay taxes and shop at the liquor board store but then we all know
they are to smart to do any of those things.
- February 13, 2004
- My big discovery today needs to be shared with you. The manual for a new camera
is one and half inches thick. The instructions are complex and detailed. The new
camera is suppose to make picture and video taking easier. I am confused. The moral
of the story is a mystery.
- February 12, 2004
- Not miracle drugs, the latest fad diet, aroma therapy or what ever other wonder
of the world that comes around can match the restorative and healing power of sleep.
Many of us stumble around hyped up on coffee and in sleep deficit most of the time.
- February 11, 2004
- Politicians often say things like "hindsight is 20-20" or that "give
what we know now." When it comes right down to it few people if they were given
a chance to alter the decision they made would change that decision. Given the circumstances
of the Quebec referendum and the sad condition of the prime minister after the narrowest
of victories Gagliano and his millions would do just the same thing even if he could
go back and have a second chance.
- February 10, 2004
- Pay close attention to the actions taken by the Federal government as it attempts
to deal with what has to be one of the biggest scandals in Canadian political history.
How this issue is dealt with will determine what sort of country we are and what
sort of country we want to become.
- February 9, 2004
- Most of us have a remarkable lack of simple skills. Many things that we deliberately
put off or try not to do is because we lack the capability to do that task with ease.
Next time you find yourself avoiding something really commonly done by other note
that this might be one of those things you do not do well.
- February 8, 2004
- We as a society are definitely losing our humanity as we gradually lose our sense
of humour. The confounded intensity of people to take things far more seriously than
necessary is certain to eventually undermine our ability to communicate and enjoy
the amazing individuality of each of us. Don Cherry, Janet Jackson, and a host of
lessor evils are hardly worth getting ourselves worked up about. Come on folks, lighten
- February 6, 2004
- Today it was officially announced, even though all of us in Saskatchewan knew
this sad situation to be a fact. Farm income in Saskatchewan is the lowest in the
country and has fallen by 100%. The reason we should think this over is that we don't
really need satistics to tell us when things are so obvious, yet without this statistic
most urban people who have disputed this as a fact.
- February 5, 2004
- As hard as we try there is absolutely no way to predict what our children and
their children will have to deal with in their lives. It is therefore ultimately
important that you make sure that they have the widest possilbe range of experiences
and by so doing will develop the skill of dealing with unusual, novel or difficult
challenges. That's why we take algebra in school.
- February 4, 2004
- Superstitions like that yesterday's ground hog day are both a blessing and a
curse. They give us some
little inscrutable explanation for the unknown but offer us nothing but
a silly excuse that we are to accept with no empirical evidence. It is good advice
to give no credibility to superstitions of any kind, simply a waste of time and emotion.
- February 3, 2004
- Not so good in math, not a great student in school, but the insight to discover
that energy and matter were interchangeable. Not all of us can discover the theory
of relativity, or that E=MC2 but we all have the potential to think
beyond the prescribed, the ordinary and the expected. Go ahead let the Albert in
you have a chance.
- February 2, 2004
- Far more significant than Janet Jackson's stunt is the ridiculous pronouncements
by CBS and the NFL. Isn't it about time that the North American society grow up and
leave its adolescenes behind. Half the people on earth have swollen chests yet so
much todo about what is so totally normal.
- January 31, 2004
- To achieve a high rate of probability in assuring yourself that you are a loser,
buy a lottery ticket.
- January 30, 2004
- With the temperature being up and down (mostly down) keep in mind that traction
is suspect both for your vehicle and your feet. Give your self room to stop and pedestrians
do not force someone into a brake test, it will fail.
- January 29, 2004
- If you have your car crusted with highway salts you need to wash it off even
when it is this cold. Charge into the car wash get rid of that stuff, finish off
your job with a coat of wax then, here is the trick we all need to know, use windshield
washer fluid on a towel and wipe off the molding on your doors and truck opening
to prevent them from sealing permanently. (You can thank Art at Randall Automotive
for that tip)
- January 28, 2004
- When it is cold the moisture is frozen out of the atmosphere and the static electricity
will increase in your home and work place. If you are working on your computer take
extra precautions, a small static charge can do thousands of dollars in damage to
periphery cards and other cards inside a computer.
- January 27, 2004
- Copywrite law, patents, BSE, Free Trade, world peace, it seems there are no topics
that are not somehow involved with the ideological, political and economic struggle
between the inhabitants of earth and the inhabitants of the United States of America.
This struggle will be protracted, get used to it.
- January 26, 2004
- In the 60s there was the mantra of the Maharishi who said "ignorance is
bliss." Serious concept, for the more you know, the more you have to either
worry about, or concern yourself needlessly about things over which you have no influence.
Does this mean I am advocating ignorance, I don't think so, but I am warning you
that there are perils in understanding.
- January 23, 2004
- Cool weekend has begun, stay warm and smile as much as you can.
- January 22, 2004
- The nature of computer technology combined with our increased reliance upon data
processed by our equipment means that ultimately we are all on thin ice unless we
have an operational system to routinely back things up. Hard drives and operating
systems fail so don't put this issue off the cost of a back up system is a fraction
of the cost of losing your stuff.
- January 21, 2004
- Arlene Willows found this great site
and I blasted away to my hearts content.
- January 20, 2004
- The reason most of us are overweight is because we are constantly attempting
to satisfy our hunger. Despite the fact that we can get along as we are youhave to
accept that obescity is a deadly issue. It is not a matter of guilt, get after this
problem, seek counselling, exercise and avoid fast food joints.
- January 19, 2004
- Good furniture is made to last. The cost of re-upolstering your sofa and chair
is money well spent. Most coverings will last for more than twenty years so your
cost of recovering can be spread over that length of time and becomes insignificant.
- January 18, 2004
- For your computer needs in Tisdale you can get printer cartridges at LaCroix
Drugs, The Recorder, RWB Communications, Extra Foods, Zellers
and TSL Computers. Both RWB communications (Radio Shack) and TSL
Computers have just about everything you need.
- January 17, 2003
- There is mounting evidence that what goes on inside your head is probably much
more important than what is happening around you. Good ideas and innovation come
not from practical "nose to the grindstone" attitidues but from
imagination and the willingness to consider "what if!" scenarios.
- January 16, 2004
- That sign about the "boil water" is still on the Tisdale Post Office
door. It is there because there is a plausible threat. Do not consider this water
problem solved until that sign is taken down, positive rumors are dangerous when
you are confronted with matters of your family's health and safety.
- January 15, 2004
- It is a remarkably fine balancing act each of us must perform each day as we
weigh what we believe to be facts, our senses, what others tell us and our gut emotional
responses. It is no wonder that we as people so often draw such conflicting conclusions
to what seem to be identical data. Perhaps it would be wise to cut each other a little
more slack.
- January 14, 2004
- If you are a snow mobiler here is a US
web site on the topic. Now here is an interesting
thing seen on a Middle East web site.
- January 13, 2004
- Wacom's various tablets that allow input into your computer with a pen
and your regular handwriting. Microsoft Office 2002's Word, Excell,
Explorer all have hand writing recognition and Apple's Mac OS 10 uses
"Inkwell" technology which has handwritting recognition in AppleWorks,
Mail, Safari and other applications. The Pen is back!
- January 12, 2004
- CBC television has upgraded Monday night with three new and outstanding programmes.
Next week if you need a thoughtfull laugh tune in at 8:00 for Rick Mercier's Monday
report and at 8:30 Ken Finklemann's Newsroom, great stuff.
- January 10, 2004
- I am convinced that the people you meet and deal with every day are doing the
best they can and want to do the best they can. Few will have motives less than honourable
and most will be acting as good or better than you are.
- January 7, 2004
- Business is business and Canada must come to the realisation that their neighbours
do not like us and will treat us like dirt at any opportunity. They have a serious
uncorrected problem with beef and are blaming us, its way past time we shut the door
on US imports of beef to Canada and it is also time to raise the royalties on natural
gas and oil.
- January 2, 2004
- One of those email quotes of the day; Windows is a 32-bit extension to a 16-bit
graphical shell for an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor
by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
- December 31, 2003
- Live to the fullest each and every day of 2004 and laugh as much as you can.
- December 30, 2003
- The beef industry in North America is integrated and the rate of BSE has gone
up 100%. The words of reassurance from the politicians sound pretty much what the
people in England were told and . . . well you know what happened there. Sounds like
chicken, pork and fish to me.
- December 27, 2003
- The worst thing about the Internet is e-mail and the plague of SPAM but the best
thing about the Internet is e-mail. If you are having troubling using your email,
get some help because it is the most useful tool to come along in decades.
- December 24, 2003
- The New York Times reported today that the meat inspectors in the US only test
a fraction of the cattle that are unable to walk at the time of slaughter. The animal
that tested positive for BSE in Washington was processed for human consumption two
weeks ago. The Canadian cow with the disease was sent to a rendering plant. The Canadian
herd and all related were destroyed immediately, the US herd is being quarentined.
If you visit the United States take your food with you.
- December 23, 2003
- After dashing around crowded and overcrowded Winnipeg streets for several days
I think that the personal freedom and liberty afforded an individual with the use
of the motor car is to high. But even worse is the state of public transportation
which suggests urban life is less than desirable with so much time consumed in moving
from work to home and home to work.
- December 16, 2003
- Are you not a little concerned about the fact, and it is a fact, that both Saddam
Hussein and Osam Bin Ladin were both former allies of the United States.
Is any of what they say about either even remotely or possibly close to being true.
- December 15, 2003
- These weather and driving conditions are perfect for gasoline system icing. Running
your tank near empty to pick up lower priced gas, temperature changes all help to
produce a little ondensation and your fuel injected engine is going to stumble a
bit. Add some fuel line anterfreeze with each fill-up or drop in some mythanol it
will smooth things out.
- December 14, 2003
- Though it has been some years since we had "daytime running"
lights on all Canadian cars there are a huge number of new and late model Chrysler
products roaming the streets and highways of the country with little orange lights
or no lights at all during the day time. Therefore just because you don't see a car
coming toward you does not mean there isn't one there, these Chrysler products
are practically invisible.
- December 13, 2003
- The most dangerous words in our vocabulary are the absolutes. "All",
"Never", "Ever" "same" we say them often without thinking
and because of such words extended implications, our trival use of such words reduce
our credibility and weaken the statement we are making. Whereas more considered "most",
"rare", "foreseeable" and "similar" are more precise
and accurate.
- December 12, 2003
- The only thing that prevents the past from repeating is the past itself. The
compounding effects of events based on prior events predetermines continuous change.
- December 11, 2003
- I have decided that my intolerance of offensive odours is no longer something
I wish to refrain from expressing and suggest that you too consider this environment
issue and also let those who operate places to eat, that if they smell of tobacco
smoke, tell them plainly "your place stinks." Politely putting up with
the abuse by a few people is being impolite to yourself.
- December 7, 2003
- Bad manners may cost a society more in real terms than bad behaviour. The social
customs that evolved in every society develop for often obscure reasons but by deterimining
what is acceptable and what is not, with these customs a society civilises itself.
Smoking around non smokers is the best example of complete disregard for the health
and choices made by others.
- December 6, 2003
- The most important part of getting a good picture is the planning and content
target you have in your mind. So many confound themselves with worrying about their
camera, hardware and fail to have a clear idea of what they want their picture to
tell the viewer.
- December 4, 2003
- In the saga to find the best breakfast I went to the Beeland Co-op this morning,
the breakfast was fair but was served on a paper plate. What I did find was Tisdale's
worst cup of coffee. Didn't smell like coffee, didn't taste like coffee, seemed to
be a brown bio-fluid with a hint of toxic waste flavour. Got someone you don't like
send them to the Co-op for coffee.
- December 3, 2003
- There is nothing to indicate that the Canadian dollar will not continue to rise
in comparison to the US dollar while we have to realise that compared to other currencies
the Canadian dollar is rising slower than all other currencies because of the close
ties between our economies.
- December 2, 2003
- Of course you can buy stuff for people for Christmas but if you do that you arre
missing the point. The value is that it is a gift, selected for some one, the best
gift is not the most expensive but it is the most fitting.
- December 1, 2003
- Tune in to CBC Radio's (540) phone in show Tuesday at 1:00 when Lindy Thorsen
will be dealing with the topic of spam.
- November 28, 2003
- We have a nasty tendency to identify those in society who do not conform, yet
it is indiviidual uniquiness that proviides our species with the necessary variety
and willingness to take risks so often necessary for the pagent of successful adaptation
of unstoppable change. The incredible variations in human capabilities is a strength
and not a weakness. Anything that will give an individual a slightly different perspective
on reality will almost automatically lead to unseen creativity that has benefit to
all of society. It is interesting to note that First Nations people historically
valued and made allowances for individuals with mental disabilities.
- November 27, 2003
- Everyone wants to be "with it" right? Well here is a sure fire way
to fit in with the driving public, get a cell phone, don't call anyone that's expensive,
just wait until you are in traffic, wedge it in between your shoulder and your head,
look distracted and to look really authentic recite the Lord's Prayer, . .
. backwards, everyone who avoids being hit by you will say "wow that's cool,
he is one of us."
- November 26, 2003
- Retracted Tip of the Day, after running Mac OS 10.2.8 for several month
without a single crash it has been an awakening to have had two crashes in two days
with Panther, Mac OS 10.3. Yesterday's was unexplainable but today's was due
to have eight applications open at once, otherwise known as a user induced error.
- November 25, 2003
- The provincial election is behind us but this is not the time to forget about
politics. Now is the time to encourage and offer suggestions to the people you have
elected. All MLAs and the cabinet will appreciate your input and greetings. Being
a politician is tough work and if you want good government, get involved.
- November 24, 2003
- Keep it clean, it is even more important in winter to keep your vehicle clean
than in the summer. The salt applied to the highways and streets to improve driving
conditions are pretty unkind to metal so its important to give your buggy a bath
as often as you can.
- November 23, 2003
- Its flu season, if your feeling poorly, keep it at home until you feel better.
Honestly we all forget that these things are very contageous and bed rest, fluids
and a little chicken soup are better than a prolonged illness for you and your neighbours.
- November 21, 2003
- Of all the encumberances and obstacles that can get in one's way in an effort
to solve a problem or succeed in some project, time itself is the most important
factor and the least forgiving.
- November 19, 2003
- Macintosh users, if you have a G3 (iMac) or newer and you have
been putting off moving to OS X nows the time. Panther
OS 10.3 is faster, better and offers new screen action that spees up and
makes your use of the computer much easier.
- November 18, 2003
- If you own or manage a restaurant, let it be known, you will lose more business
by allowing smoking in your premises than you will gain from smoking customers as
we non-smokers are now the majority. Went to lunch at the Blue Sky
restaurant in Porcupine Plain but left due to the level of smoke in the place.
- November 17, 2003
- It took four hours for CBC to television sixty minute of football yesterday.
One has to wonder that perhaps instead of paying for television those advertisers
owe us to sit through a three to one entertainment to commercial ratio. At some point
viewers will turn off the commercials and play cards.
- November 14, 2003
- We do not yet realise the remarkable loss we as a nation have suffered as our
Prime Minister leaves office with an approval rating above 50%. It is unlikely that
his successor will rise to anything more than mediocre.
- November 13, 2003
- If you want to have a great Christmas this year wait. Wait until Christmas, make
it a special time of the year, not two months of mush.
- November 12, 2003
- There is a reason that novelty is one of the most attractive things that can
occur in our lives. Our curious minds need new things and so do our bodies. The more
variety in our diet the more likely we are to provide ourselves with the nutrients
we need to survive.
- November 11, 2003
- No matter how missplaced the efforts of the United States in its inappropriate
aggression in Iraq we must extend to the over three hundred American families and
all the friends of those lost in this conflict, as well as the more than 9,000 Iraqis
and their families who have lost their lives to please the United States' political
objectives, our heartfelt sympathy and shared sadness for this loss.
- November 10, 2003
- The two most important things about your computer workstation are not the hardware
or the software but your chair and the lighting.
- November 7, 2003
- The biggest problem we have is conceiving the idea of "infinite". Not
only is the concept hard to place in the quantifying realm but the whole idea of
something being limitless defies all logic. In actual fact nothing is truly infinite,
only bigger than the mathematics we have to describe that condition.
- November 6, 2003
- My way weekday lunch buffet, outstanding quality,
now ranks as the best lunch in Tisdale.
- November 5, 2003
- The fact that you voted in today's election puts you in charge. Don't quit now,
the election campaign for 2007 has begun and you make sure your member knows what
you want and what you need. Email, fax, telephone keep your member in mind and keep
in mind we can make our voices heard. This government and the members of the opposition
can not do their work without your continued support and participation in the decision
making process.
- November 4, 2003
- Tomorrow's election will be determined by those who vote and those who do not
will have no right to voice their opinion about how things go there after. If you
want to be part of this democracy get involved and mark your "X" tomorrow.
Polls open at 9:00 across the province and are open until 8:00PM.
- November 3, 2003
- So your plastic bottle of chocolate syrup is nearly empty and won't come out
because it is cold from being in the fridge. If you decide to warm it up in the microwave
it will run easily out onto your sundae but don't put the lid on tight and turn the
bottle upside down in the microwave. Thirty-seconds is enough heat but set asside
about twenty minutes to clean up your kitchen and oh yes, you will have to change
your clothes.
- October 30, 2003
- A fix can be worse by far than the original problem. If you want to have your
furnace and the air handling system in your home cleaned, beware of those who pump
a deorderant into your heating system. The smell will not only stink up your home,
but if you are sensative to petroleum problems or have respiratory ailments, your
house will be the last place on earth you will want to be. For only $160 you can
have your house turned into a contaminated environment with air quality equal to
a toxic waste dump. If you want this for your home, call PowerBrush in Saskatoon
1 877 351 7300.
- October 29, 2003
- We have all heard that old saying about "throwing the baby out with the
bathwater". Elections are like that, we may be disconcerted with the present
government, or even the present system of government, but before we dump something
out, we should really seriously consider the alternatives. The Romanow Government
may have ticked you off, but focus on the abilities of the leader of the Saskatchewan
Party for a moment and realise that Grant Devine was a smart guy who got
this province into a very big economic hole, just imagine what a dumb guy might do.
- October 28, 2003
- The learning process involves learning from the mistakes that one makes. Unfortunately
the whole idea sounds good but so often we are inclined to lock down a routine or
behaviour and often repeat it bit by error filled bit. This is especially true with
computer software that can lead to disaster compounded upon disaster. The sign of
serious trouble about to occur is the escallation of problems. One minor glitch leads
to a failed minor correction that leads to a bigger glitch followed by a more extreme
remedy. Before you know it your only solution is reformatting your hard drive. So
before not so good leads "well that's it!" pause, take a walk do something
to break the slide to doom. Better yet, call an expert.
- October 26, 2003
- If you are a new user of the Macintosh OS X and would like some help to
understand the inner workings of your computer's operating system. Apple produced
an outstanding CD and provides a web site to help you with the transistion.
For more info contact me.
- October 24, 2003
- There is something to be said for good manners. Manners have grown out of historical
context and convey to yourself and others a sense of comfort in that you show yourself
and others that you know what is appropriate behaviour. Gentlemen do not wear ball
caps when they eat in a restaurant and ladies let gentlement open a door for them.
- October 23, 2003
- I regret to inform you that there is no solution to the age old problem of being
"unable to see the forest for the trees". The need to see the whole
yet be able to concentrate on the details is something we share with all life forms
but for us the problem is exaggerated because we tend to add more demensions to most
problems so that their complexity is increased while over simplification is just
as scary. This is the reason why people need to work together when problems involve
"whole" or "details" issues.
- October 22, 2003
- The provincial election campaign is at its half way point and the results matters.
Don't let others make the decision for you. Take a considered look at the alternatives
and make an informed decision. Keep in mind that those signs in fields are not an
accurate way of measuring the way things are going.
- October 21, 2003
- Tomorrow is election day for Tisdale as citizens get to voice their choice of
members of town council, and the mayor. Make sure you make the effort to go and vote.
You will help to make the best choice and your act of voting will commit you to the
betterment of your community as a whole.
- October 20, 2003
- Every person who puts their name up for public office deserves your admiration
and respect because no matter how much you may disagree with them they have made
a choice to set aside some of their life to serve the public. Some no doubt enter
the world of politics for their own personal reasons but in the end they work for
us if elected and if not elected their efforts further the democratic process.
- October 19, 2003
- If you are having trouble getting your hand in your vest pocket, check to see
you don't have it on inside out.
- October 16, 2003
- An honest man will often have to pay for his convictions. I am still getting
into trouble with folks for giving Mr. Ribs a bad review. Of course I could have
lied but I have to live with me.
- October 15, 2003
- Talk about credibility! Peter MacKay signs an agreement with David Orchard agreeing
not to merge with the Canadian Alliance in order to gain the votes needed to become
the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party. Today he and Stephen Harper complete
the merger talks, now this is a guy that can be trusted!
- October 14, 2003
- Maintaining the "status quo" is a losing strategy. Everything is dynamically
changing and for each of us and for every circumstance we all must progress with
- October 10, 2003
- One plain burger in both value and food value from the Tisdale RECPLex canteen
is better than two A&W teenburgers. Flavour in the meat and lower sugar in the
bun make the RECPLex burger a winner.
- October 9. 2003
- There is harmony in 2, 4, and most of all 16 but conflict in 3, 7 and most of
all 9. "12" is compromise but leans toward confusion. Positive supreme
in "44".
- October 8, 2003
- Take charge of this provincial election. Do what you can to ignore what the parties
want you to know and concentrate on the issues that concern you and what you want
to know. When you know what's important to you drop by the candidate's offices and
place your questions. It is your responsiblity to be informed and demand the information
that will allow you to make an informed decision.
- October 7, 2003
- The town has made an effort to repair the sidewalks in down town Tisdale but
even now with no snow or ice, watch your step. The street is much smoother, in fact,
the average grain field is smoother.
- October 6, 2003
- Assume everyone on the road has the potential to be crazy and will signal left
and turn right, jump stop signs and in general be a menace. Your responsibility is
to drive in such a manner that you will have a defensive move for what ever others
might do. It will cost you nothing to leave extra room when stopping and don't get
annoyed with anyone, if you survive you have everything you need.
- October 5, 2003
- Digital photography: The most startling advantage to using a digital camera
is being able to the take the pictures that would cost you something using film but
with digital you have nothing to lose and you just might hit the jackpot and capture
and unforgettable image. Night photography is tricky and costly but with a digital
camera you can experiment.
- October 3, 2003
- What you must do, what you need to do, what you can do, so many choices. One
of the things that is demanded of you is to access your situation and set priorities
for your self. No one can do that for you but without some order and realisation
of what is truly important you are destine to bump along reacting rather than acting.
- October 2, 2003
Fadora, that's right men, they are making a come back. The
hat of choice for Humphrey Bogart is coming back into style. I saw a Detroit
reporter wearing one doing a standup about the cool weather early this morning in
their city.
- October 1, 2003
- "Adaptation, adjust, get used to it," all easy things
to do but very hard to do. Most of us find things in our lives which seem to fit
and it is dramatically difficult to deal with the necessity of change. Upsetting
your routine, altering your pattern of life is hard on you and you have to recognise
that though you have to adapt, adjust, get used to it, change being inevitable
is also uncomfortable.
- September 30, 2003
- Being able to swim will not help you much in a dust storm and being able to construct
a snow shelter will be of little comfort if you're lost in a jungle. Everything depends
upon location.
- Septebmer 29, 2003
- When you read this web site you will have determined that no matter how hard
one tries political bias shows up. However, the stories that appear on this site
are the views of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views
of the editor. The goal is to strive for balance and honesty, if someone says something
they believe, it is only fair to accept their work. Stories that offer nothing more
than condemnation with out substance and stories that are pretending to be what they
are not, are not posted. But in every case I
want to hear what you think and will pass that along in a story or in "letters."
- September 28, 2003
- Just because the amount of fat in a hot dog is more than a bag of prezels doesn't
mean you should eat a bag of prezels.
- September 26, 2003
- What we think we see and what we think we understand, both demand reasonable
- September 25, 2003
- Following the revelation of Mr. Hermanson's hit list there may be a job opening
with the Saskatchewan Party as a uniform designer. They need something distinctive
but discreet, preferrably in black for their new "Saskatchewan
Savage" squads. We also expect bids from rural
towns and villages who would like to be host to some modest camps. All that will
be needed will be a few acres, huts, barbed wire and perimetre towers. Sirens, guard
dog and search lights would be optional.
- September 24, 2003
- There are things that you can do something about, but there also things over
which you have no control. So which of those two categories does it make sense to
concentrate your efforts?
- September 23, 2003
- Computer technology is almost entirely an issue of software and most users run
into trouble when they step outside the boundaries laid out by the creators of the
applications they use. If you start to encounter trouble, avoid pushing yourself
to frustration and confusion. Accept the fact that some things are not going to work
for you unless you seek help. The more you wrestle with a problem that is beyond
you, the more likely you are to transgress into destructive activity that will cost
you a lot to repair the damage and you could lose the most valuable stuff in your
computer, the data.
- September 22, 2003
- When making pancakes avoid grasping the edge of the frypan with your thumb when
attempting to use a flipper to flip over your pancakes. That's what the handles are
- September 21, 2003
- For me the pressing issues of the day involve so many other things I sometimes
wonder why am I out of step. That's when I discover that the ballhoo over same sex
marriage is not a moral issue at all, but a political event demonstrating once again
the bigotry of Alberta's party of choice, the lame brained Canadian Alliance.
Now we know why the snaps on their shirts, buttons present a technical challenge.
- September 20, 2003
- With the Canadian dollar moved back to 74¢ yesterday there will be some
repercussions and the decline of the US dollar will have direct effects. Gas prices
should go down in Canada and up in the US. Any products imported from the US like
vegetables should show a modest decline in retail prices. Electronic goods, almost
all produced in Asia will remain about the same. Provincial and Federal governments
would be smart to stuff as much cash as possible into US debts if the US dollar continues
to sink.
- September 19, 2003
- A major change in the status of Canadians has taken place today as the Metis
have been granted rights by the Supreme Court that have been in limbo since 1885.
If you want to sort out your status and you may qualify as Metis contact your nearest
Metis Nation local. Our nearest centre is in Archerwill.
- September 18, 2003
- Including what is left of today their are 97 shopping days until Christmas unless
you don't go shopping on Thanksgiving or November 11 and then you will only have
95 days left to shop til you drop.
- September 17, 2003
- Do you sometimes get bored with your same ole' same ole' bit? Its a curious problem
that is not only something that affects us with age, but seems to be part of our
conscious existence. When we lock on to an issue or topic, that seems impossible
to change, we sometimes become a bit frustrated with it and are often unable to move
on to other things. There is no ready cure, just check yourself out and see if you
are stuck on the same thing and in a loop.
- September 16, 2003
- Check out the CBC's
description of the symptoms for West Nile Fever.
Symptoms are usually mild and include fever, headache, body aches, sometimes
skin rash and swollen lymph glands. Severe infection is marked by headache, high
fever, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, with coma, tremors, convulsions, paralysis
and occasionally death.
Anyone with those symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
- September 15, 2003
- As expected the World Trade Organisation summit in Cancun Mexico was a
total failure. So it is that we are all getting to experience the 1920s a period
when the rich got very rich and the poor got angry, it is a pity that the lessons
of history are wasted on humanity.
- September 14, 2003
- The price of gasoline at the pump is still holding up fairly high but the price
of crude has dropped more than enough to result in a reduction soon (two weeks),
until then, drive less.
- September 12, 2003
- We all are convinced that each of us is so totally unique. That's really only
a personal perspective because what we are is what we have been and so we share so
much with those around us who have lived and experienced the same surroundings for
some time. Perception is shaped not by reality, but by our interpretation of what
we think is reality.
- September 11, 2003
- Neighbours, we take them for granted and think we ourselves are good neighbours,
but its time to become a little more like Mr. Wilson. Your eyes and your neighbour's
will keep your neighbourhood safe. Sometimes minding your own business is just a
cover-up of being irresponsible. A good community shares and cares for each other.
- September 10, 2003
- We have been duped into thinking that technology and advanced science is about
to solve all of our problems. Certainly our world is advancing but it is in danger
of regressing just as fast as advancing mechantilism is crippling and retarding social
and humanitarian development.
- September 9, 2003
- Statistics show that most accidents occur within a mile from home. Good reason
to make sure that seat belt is done up before you start the vehicle.
- September 8, 2003
- The system of solving disputes has evolved from the days of Henry II with
the establishment of "common law" it continues to grow and evolve.
It is as good as we make use of it and the constant attempts by the public and politicians
to want to invent some other form of conflict management is foolish as it ignores
over 1,100 years of adjustments.
- September 5, 2003
- We are all told that we are asking for trouble to hide a key under the flower
pot or door mat as it just gives buglers an easy way in but having to get ladder
and go through the bathroom window is pretty embarrassing as well.
- September 4, 2003
- In Tisdale the best value, nutrition and service are : Breakfast - Hannigan's
$4.00, Lunch - Chicken Delight Soup N Sandwich , Supper - Sweet Aroma
- September 2, 2003
- The time has come for rural users across Saskatchewan to contact SaskTel.
High speed wireless Internet service is one of the new things SaskTel is planning
to provide to rural customers, they need encouragement.
- August 30, 2003
- The reason e-mail spam continues to strangle the e-mail process is because we
the users are gullible enough to respond to some of it. If tempted, tell yourself
to smarten up, don't respond, just chuck the stuff, don't ask to be removed from
their mail list that merely confirms that your e-mail address is a valid one. If
we all show discipline this scrooge will flail itself to death. But even the smallest
number of successful sales with spam will offer the vermin encouragement to keep
on pumping.
- August 29, 2003
- We actually have to remind ourselves of this simple every day fact of life: we
are all in this together, everything we do and everything everyone else does affects
everyone one way or another. We must always ask ourselves what are we doing to make
things better and what should we do not to make things worse.
- August 28, 2003
- Keep in mind that all forms of communication are meaningful. So if you don't
receive an answer or response to a question that failure to communicate is in itself
a form of communication. When some official or individual says "no comment"
that is essentially a form of communication that essentially tells you to make up
what ever answer you want. Though not exactly true the puzzle of evasion is a complex
form of bad communication. Humans are social beings and demand and depend upon shared
- August 27, 2003
- This is a secret kept from all teenagers, it shouldn't be a secret because everyone
should know and understand that beauty, that thing about an individual that makes
them appealing and desirable to all, is not how they look but how they act. Poise,
self control, self confidence are the features that make a person attractive.
- August 26, 2003
- In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare reports that "there is a tide in the
affairs of man that taken at the flood leads on to victory." So it is
that we all must seek out new challenges and pursue them with vigour. Status Quo
is not going to keep you or your mind active enough to see you through with new accomplishments
and perhaps even more important, more chances to make mistakes, for it is your mistakes
that give you the opportunity to succeed and learn new things. For all activity you
must realise that it is rare to hit a home run and you have only a 50/50 chance of
getting on base, but you must play the game to be alive and growing.
- August 24, 2003

- After receiving more than 400 individual e-mail messages containing the "SoBig"
worm I thought it best to be sure that it was not coming from me. This and other
similar problem virus things are designed to run on Windows machines
and my check revealed that it did not in any way affect my Macintosh
system. However, Windows users if you get e-mail with the subject heading;
Re:Movies, Re:Sample, Re:Document, Re:Here is that sample, Re:details
and there are others all with a ".pif" attachment, do not open these things
and its time to run some virus software. The "SoBig" worm
has its own mail server routine and will go to work sending itself to everyone it
August 23, 2003
- Of the Bonanza restaurants still operating in Saskatchewan the Moose Jaw
one holds the title of best in the province.
- August 22, 2003
- A good man, Dave Rollie from Mossbank, left us a week ago today. Dave's
life and the way he lived it is an example to us all as he moved through life accomplishing
things, learning things and sharing what he learned with his legions of friends.
- August 18, 2003
- So often I am criticised by those around me for making snap judgments and to
broad a generalisation based on limited data. I submit that most of us ignore to
much empirical data fearing that the obvious is a fact. From the obscure observation
department: watch out for two door GM inexpensive cars, their drivers tend
to be overly aggressive, particularly females in such cars.
- August 16, 2003
- One of the serious problems with democracy is that you often get what you voted
for and it is distressing to see voters upset because of the consequences of their
selection. The Ontario voters elected their conservative government in two elections
and the Americans elected their president. Suffer!
- August 15, 2003
- Gosh what a surprise! The big deal in the United States is "tax cuts"
and the "common sense" government of Ontario prides itself in tax cuts
and privatising the electrical system. Now I wonder what might have caused their
massive black out?
- August 14, 2003
- If you have an obtuse and belligerent neighbour it is unlikely that he will respect
your civility, timidity and good manners. All of those will be considered weakness
on your part. Now think about NAFTA.
- August 13, 2003
- The word "accident" is primarily an excuse for indeed few if any things
are truly accidental. What is happening to Africa is not an accident, it is a political
policy of more than one international country or of the UN to see the continent depopulated
and prostrated for corporate take over.
- August 12, 2003
- We are not acclimatized to temperatures in the 30º especially with humidity
over 40% stay cool drink plenty of fluids and during the mid day, take a nap. A weather
channel reported the temperature at Wynyard this afternoon to be 136ºC, hmmm!
looks like Environment Canada is not alone in making mistakes.
- August 7, 2003
- Driving car is not like riding a bicycle it requires continued practice to keep
the skills and anticipated timing up to par. The easy pace of rural life and small
towns does not keep you up to the level needed for urban or multi-lane traffic. The
simple solution is that at a regular interval you need to engage in high density
travel with your vehicle to maintain your competence.
- August 6, 2003
- Small "p" politics seems to consume a major part of the income of any
organisation. Though cartoonist Scott Adams illustrates the twists and turns
it can take in his comic strip "Dilbert" he is often understating
the nature of the problem. Where ever you have more than two people working in a
business, institution or whatever you will have "office politics" it is
a human thing and all we can do is get used to it.
- August 5, 2003
- Next Tuesday visit the Tisdale Farmer's Market, great environment and atmosphere.
- August 4, 2003
- If you are planning a trip to the United States get ready to tough it out when
it comes to food. Though all restaurant food his much more expensive most we encountered
was also inedible.
July 25, 2003
- While I and others extoll the wonders and superb life style of living in rural
Saskatchewan it is a reality check to discover that Saskatchewan's two largest cities
lead the nation in crime with the most violent crime in Saskatoon and the most property
crime in Regina. Not only that Saskatchewan is the only place in Canada where sexual
crimes increase in the past year.
- July 23, 2003
- Much of the time all of us find ourselves "trail oriented" we focus
to much on the narrow path we are following and failed both to appreciate or understand
the wider world about us. The relational nature of human existence demands that we
constantly remind ourselves to look around.
- July 21, 2003
- We often consider ants and bees as slaves of the ecology and system under which
they were born. As social beings our difference from them is only marginal as we
often attribute far more autonomy to ourselves than is really the case.
- July 18, 2003
- Warning: The most dangerous thing to have happen
around any form of technological system is a person who knows "a little"
about how it works.
- July 17, 2003
- Most people carry special insurance to cover the glass in their vehicle. Keep
your eyes open for stars, small star hits can propagate quickly destroying your windshield.
When you spot one get your vehicle to the glass shop and have it repaired, costs
you nothing and is much cheaper for the insurance company than replacing a windshield.
- July 16, 2003
- The beauty of reading is that the reader brings to the material their experience
and background often projecting themselves into what they read. Today I got a nasty
piece of e-mail from someone who did not read a story written six months ago but
simply assumed what was in the story and reacted to it. Oddly enough that is not
that uncommon as reading text on a computer screen is a difficult task and you are
always advised to print out stuff that looks like it will need some extra thought.
- July 15, 2003
- Interest rates dropped as we told you they would and with the drop the dollar
came down a full cent however the Canadian dollar will regain that penny by Friday
and will continue to rise gradually in value as the US economy slips into a recession.
- July 14, 2003
- Watching television has somewhat upset our appreciate of drama. If you do not
like the first part of a play or a movie you have moved to quickly to judgment and
need to consider the work as a whole. Terminator 3 disappoints many viewers
because it does not have a happy ending,tough its an action flick with a $6.5 million
dollar chase scene. So neither the whole or a part is to be the judgment of quality
but rather what message you the viewer get from the experience.
- July 9, 2003
- A tiny reduction in already low interest rates is expected next week.
- July 8, 2003
- Telephone abuse is growing as corporations indulge in seeing just how far they
can push people around. If you get a call from a computer that asks you to wait,
hang up. If you get a call from a company telling you they are going play a recorded
message to you, hang up. Do not accept abuse from telephone racket operations.
- July 6, 2003
- You have always been warned about making snap judgments about people as this
is a form of stereotyping and is unfair. Please understand that all behaviour is
meaningful and if someone dresses or acts in an antisocial manner they are intending
to be perceived in that way, therefore it is reasonable to judge a book by its cover.
Probability of accuracy well above 90% at all times.
- July 5, 2003
- It is not your duty to go around spreading sunshine but there is no obligation
on you to bring dark clouds and gloom to the lives of others. If you are unhappy
do something about it don't make others share in your misery.
- July 4, 2003
- If you wear a partial plate keep it in your mouth rather than in your pocket
when you are fishing the keys from you pocket in a darkened movie theatre.
- July 3, 2003
- Want a soft ice cream cone in Virden? Forget it, just keep on driving $1.79 for
a "small" cone. Fuel on the Transcanada, Swift Current 73.9¢, Moose
Jaw 65.9¢, Regina 74.9¢, Moosomin 73.9¢, Brandon 70.9¢, Portage
73.9¢, Winnipeg 69.9¢.
- June 30, 2003
- Provincial road maps are inaccurate and misleading. Herbert Ferry isn't a ferry
its a park, and Echo Valley provincial park is not in a field North West of Pasqua
Lake. Oh yes one other thing, for marital bliss, read the map yourself
- June 26, 2003
- Making a decision is much more difficult than carrying out a task, no matter
how time consuming or taxing. It just makes sense to help train young people to make
decisions, doing the wrong thing or not thinking through a decision and its consequences
can seriously cripple a person's will to accept new challenges.
- June 25, 2003
- We all know that Burger Baron (Prince Albert) makes a good hamburger but yesterday
we were enjoying a great Burger Baron hamburger on the outdoor picnic tables and
a waitress came out side and pour an extra cup of coffee for our neighbour. Outstanding!
- June 24, 2003
- Don't let planning and process results and substance. We some times lose sight
of a goal when the means to obtaining that goal becomes an obsession.
- June 23, 2003
- Put your money where your mouth or is it put your mouth where your money is,
one way or another your teeth are really important. Get a good dental plan and keep
those pearlies looking and feeling good.
- June 22, 2003
- There is a reason they call it "Echo Valley" thunder detonations not
only last for a while but arrive with real concussive power.
- June 19, 2003
- Sunscreen and insect repellent are a must for outdoor activity but for simplicity,
put up with the discomfort and wear long sleeved shirts and a hat. For unknown reasons
few of us ever put sunscreen on often enough or thoroughly enough for it to be any
good and avoid insect bites, your health depends on it.
- June 18, 2003
- We all live within conventions, accepted and agreed structures and the abrasion
of "same sex" marriage challenges what we accept as the norm. This is not
a trivial thing nor should it be as emotion as is so often the case with discussion
about sexual issues but we all need to discuss this and reach some compromise within
ourselves that will let us feel more settled and less disturbed.
- June 17, 2003
- You know how Gerald Crawford blows about the food at Fisherman's Cove
at Greenwater, well the food is very good but the coffee is a blend of pavement and
industrial waste.
- June 12, 2003
- Mistakes, they happen all the time. If you are doing a modest paint job and the
colour is unimportant check out your favourite paint shop's mistakes. $10 to $13
a gallon and $3 to $5 for a litre.
- June 11, 2003
- Did you know that Saskatchewan Department of Highways have all weather roads
that will take you all the way to Black Lake and even to Uranium City? Saskatchewan's
North, the new frontier.
- June 10, 2003
- Unless you are determined to involve yourself in some self inflicted punishment
avoid hardware stores and places that sell home improvement products, paint and tools.
- June 9, 2003
- Kevin McIntyre pointed out to me today that natural gas prices in the United
States are going to rise dramatically, as much as 700% in some areas, that means
you can our prices to rise right along with them so its time to think about alternative
heating systems and improved insulation.
- June 8, 2003
- If you see an aircraft and wonder where it is from note the last three letters
in its registration on its tail and look it up at Transport
Canada's database.
- June 7, 2003
- Missed it when it was showing in theatres so we rented the last James Bond Movie,
"To die another day", it has a couple of outstanding scenes
but is absolutely the worst Bond movie of all time.
- June 6, 2003
- Looking for large reasonably priced Tisdale meal, check out the Pizzarea (formerly
the Venice House) their strong point is the quality of their pasta dishes.
- June 5, 2003
- The facts of life are that we are all doomed, face it and accept the inevitable
but while there is still time make the best of the life and abilities you have. The
light you shine will warm others.
- June 4, 2003
- Do not under estimate the serious nature of that single case of one case of mad
cow disease. We were assured that our system would do its part to protect Canadians
and the Canadian cattle industry. It is clear now that there must have been some
problem to cause the death of more than 700 cows now and still not smoking gun to
identify where the cow came from or if the feed system is responsible.
- June 3, 2003
- Listen up, this is a matter of life and death, your life and your death. Either
we all get leaner or our days are truly numbered. Obesity is a leading cause of a
whole string of life shortening conditions. Get yourself an appointment with a nutritionist,
work out a programme and walk or get some active exercise five days a week. There
is no magic formula, you have to sort this out for your body, but you owe it to yourself
and those who love you. Not only will being thinner make you live longer it will
make you live better.
- June 2, 2003
- SaskTel is promising high speed wireless Internet connections to rural Saskatchewan.
If you haven't switched your e-mail from "sk.sympatico.ca" to "sasktel.net"
get with it.
- June 1, 2003
- So often CBC and CTV television journalist and the national CBC reporters and
commentators have a serious disconnect from reality. When it comes to Saskatchewan
and especially Saskatchewan politics they seemed to have memories capable of remembering
ten minutes ago and nothing more. David Orchard is a Diefenbakerite and that populist
movement won the conservative a huge electoral victory yet yesterday the press are
referring to Orchard as a Maverick, a left winger and all manner of things, You would
think they could check to see who voted in 1958, it wasn't Dalton Camp conservatives.
- May 31, 2003
- The power of people of like minds working together to achieve a goal is nothing
short of awesome, first decide what you want and engage others to share in that goal
at that point almost nothing is truly impossible.
- May 30, 2003
- Ontario complains about Canadian Regionalism when any issue outside of Ontario
- May 29, 2003
- Migratory water fowl rely upon each other to signal danger and the slightest
thing can send a flock into the air. Humans declare their independence and self determination
by affecting the behaviour, speech patterns and costume of each other. Is there a
connection here?
- May 28, 2003
- Screen tent, salvation for your back yard or camping. Let the blood sucking mosquitoes
go unfed and enjoy the outdoors. ($59 from Sears.)
- May 27, 2003
- Orville Wright, Charles Lindbergh, Chuck Yeager, Yuri Gugarin and Neil Armstrong
all firsts, all did what thousands said could not be done.
- May 26, 2003
- This is a hard one, try to think of a "good thing" about Mad Cow disease,
all I can come up with is that it gives us something to talk about other than SARS.
- May 24, 2003
- If you must garden do so with long sleeves and a hat. If you must mow, don't
even think about shorts, that's just plain stupid.
- May 23, 2003
- Perfect day today and tomorrow for yard sailing.
- May 22, 2003
- This is a time for patience. Everyone wants answer about the cow that it was
discovered last Friday had Mad Cow disease. Right now there are no answers only more
questions. Let's let the investigators do their work and sort out the confusion,
right now they aren't even sure how old the cow was let alone know where it was born.
- May 21, 2003
- This is the year, well the beginning of many, to avoid mosquito bites. Take no
chances use bug repellent and cover up, West Nile is not a phantom illness but a
real and present danger as the first cases have begun to show up in Ontario this
- May 20, 2003
- Brace yourself the single "mad cow" in Alberta is going to fall on
our economy with an impact that could reduce income for all agricultural products
in the country. Surprisingly the 75¢ dollar will come and go as the dollar continues
to climb up in value.
- May 19, 2003
- We often trick ourselves into thinking that we are free to do what ever we want
but the reality is that choices do occur in life and they are meaningful events but
most often choices are really not a choice at all but an obvious obligation
- May 18, 2003
- The Saskatchewan party and the NDP will be working hard to win
the Melfort/Tisdale constituency seat in the upcoming election here is a perfect
opportunity for you to involve yourself in the process. Get a membership to one of
the parties, go to the nominating convention and help to shape the future.
- May 16, 2003
- Don't become desperate in search of fun, take life as it comes and that will
be fun enough.
- May 15, 2003
- If you think that everything that goes bad in your life is because of something
somebody else did, I strongly recommend you begin a set of plans to make your life
better, rely upon yourself. It is so easy to fall into the rut of self imposed helplessness.
- May 14, 2003
- Arlene Willows from Tompkins found a remarkable web site, so if you missed the
40s and 50s here is a web site with QuickTime
playing radio shows from the past.
- May 13, 2003
- So I patched the tube three times and each time a new leak emerged nearby. Looks
like a new tube and tire are the only solution. This only goes to show that being
stubborn is not necessarily a successful strategy.
- May 12, 2003
- Don't allow your reserve, preoccupation or self concern to interfere with your
curiousity. The more you experience and sample of the world around you the better
you are able to cope and remain aware of change and evolution.
- May 11, 2003
- Canadians have become predominantly urban dwellers during my life time. Big mistake,
the quality of life in rural Canada has so much to offer, certainly there are compromises
but for a good life "go country."
- May 9, 2003
- When all else fails, "read the instructions". With computer software
a lot of success can be had with just trial and error, the better the software the
better the success for this system but sometimes, the only solution is to peel back
the eyelids and read the instructions.
- May 8, 2003
- Even though we seem to live like we are immortal we must all accept that life
for humans as we know it has a 100% mortality rate.
- May 7, 2003
- Though some analysis's suggest that the Canadian dollar's rise in valued compared
to the devaluing US dollar is limited to about 75¢ they are mere exercising
caution. The reality is that, in theory, the US dollar once it is realised that it
is over valued, could easily descent to its true value and the Canadian dollar's
upper limit would rise well above par. Today it will close above 72¢. With the
US dollar based on its government's over spending, tower debt, 6% unemployment and
massive trade deficit it real value could easily reach $1.56 Canadian. Remember the
stock market has already lost 50% of its value since Bill Clinton left the oval office.
- May 6, 2003
- The other day I suggested using WD-40 on your bike chain. Mike told me that WD-40
will clean the chain but not lubricate it here is his advise: "
Clean the chain with WD-40. Then with a very fine oil (I use the same oil I use to
sharpen knives with a sharpening stone) apply liberally and wipe off any excess with
a rag. Apply this both on the chain and sprocket. Watch the chain over the next while
The WD-40 may require a further application of oil soon."
- May 5, 2003
- When taking a picture through a window press your camera's lens against the glass
any spots on the window will be out of focus and there will be no reflection.
- May 2, 2003
- WD-40 makes the chain on my bike go round quieter.
- May 1, 2003
- The best chance you have of keeping things straight and understandable is rely
upon what is not upon what is said.
- April 30, 2003
- Just as Walkerton affected the attitude of government toward health infrastructure
across this country, SARS has moved medication procedures in hospital up two or three
notches and for all of us, wash your hands.
- April 29, 2003
- The hardest part of engaging in a discussion with someone is listening. Active
participatory listening is a high level skill and all of us need to recognise how
important it is to refine what is said and grasp the underlying and valuable message
that is both consciously and unconsciously being transmitted.
- April 28, 2003
- Sugar Free ice cream is now available at Chicken Delight in Tisdale.
- April 27, 2003
- The only thing more painful than going to see your dentist is not going to see
your dentist.
- April 26, 2003
- Definition: Driveby sleuthing - a private detective in a car.
- April 25, 2003
- Almost everything we know of, to us is in all practicality infinite in its nature
except one thing and that's our own time. What little time we have and how we spend
it, who we choose to spend it with all are on the limited list.
- April 24, 2003
- Don't go to Toronto. The Toronto broadcast people are all in Toronto and though
SARs is serious it is not the only thing in the world. Far more Canadians will die
on the May long weekend in car accidents than a full blown outbreak of this deadly
disease. Since the first case appeared in Toronto far more people have suffered horrible
deaths from being addicted to tobacco. But for now, avoid tobacco, number 1 highway
and Toronto.
- April 23, 2003
- A surprising number of people believe in absolutes. Not even in mathematics and
physics are their clearly definable clear cut situations all things that constitute
the reality for us humans are a blend of perception and physical understanding. Fear
those who believe in absolutes for they will be prone to commit grievous errors.
- April 22, 2003
- One of the most important lessons to be learned in kindergarten is to share.
It is increasing obvious that a huge number of people either have or should have
failed kindergarten.
- April 21, 2003
- At various times in history we have known of evil, even sadistic people, on this
planet, but let us all unite in condemning those monsters who design the controls
for VCRs, DVDs, digital Cameras and television remote controls. The untold silent
suffers throughout the globe who buy equipment that "does work" but spends
most of its life flashing "12:00". The only more cruel and hated individual
was the guy who came up with "thank you for holding, your call is important
to us."
- April 20, 2003
- Children are important, if fact they may be all that is important and it is up
to us as adults to give them every possible help, guidance and most of set an example
so that they might enjoy the best lives possible.
- April 19, 2003
- The age of the consumable, throw away society has past. Its time now for us to
recycle, reuse and make things that will last.
- April 18, 2003
- Ben Johnson used drugs was caught and lost his medal to Karl Lewis who used drugs
and the American Olympic committee hushed up his positive drug tests (three prior
to the 1981 Olympics) moral of this story. Professional wrestling is fixed but entertaining,
Olympic athletics is just fixed.
- April 17, 2003
- Last night I was fascinated by a lecture by a Ivan Illich on CBC Ideas
who criticised the conversion into a series of "inservice" and on going
education. A valid criticism but perhaps an achievement for a society that sees itself
constantly struggling to be learners for life. We already know that each person will
go through about five careers in their lifetime which suggests that education can
not ever be a final solution but is something that we work at from the time we are
born until we die. We who are alive must always be bound to Aristotle's "cogeto"
"I think, therefore I am." perhaps better put "I learn to keep on
- April 16, 2003
- More and more we must begin to accept the extremely important issue that all
things, no matter how trivial are related and interactive. The both emphasises the
importance of seemingly unimportant events but also de-emphasises seemingly very
important things as elements of reality converge.
- April 15, 2003
- For those Canadians breathing their proverbial sigh of relief at the Liberals
winning the Quebec election, don't for a minute think that the pressure for Quebec
independence of history. During previous Liberal governments in Quebec most of the
problems the country has experienced over provincial rights and related issues took
- April 14, 2003
- Based on the amount of money lending advertising being done from South of the
border it looks like the United States is financing its operations with printing
presses. If you are holding American funds in an account recommend you convert them
to Canadian or other money quickly That US dollar is in real value over valued by
as much as 50%.
- April 13, 2003
- You do not need to be Ukrainian to eat poroguies, Polish to each Polish sausage,
First Nations to eat bannock, all you need to be is Canadian to appreciate the miraculous
wealth of culture that lets us embrace each heritage and know each is an important
part of what we are.
- April 11, 2003
- Expect a run on gold pricing this coming week and if you are holding US dollars
convert them immediately to any other form of cash as it will lose almost a full
cent this coming week.
- April 10, 2003
- Try to make your computer as friendly as it can be. Though screen savers and
decorative pictures in the background are nice they do slow things down and so do
many other cute things that come along. Try to keep things simple. That is why we
use QuickTime for sound an video streaming, low overhead and simplicity.
- April 9, 2003
- Some years ago several performers and Dion Warwick did a song called "that's
what friends are for" it surprises me to discover how little we all understand
about friendship, peer to peer or country to country. Good friends do not expect
their friends to become accomplices in crimes they commit and good friends respect
one another for the decisions the make. That's what friends are for.
- April 8, 2003
- As winter recedes let us embrace non-winter thoughts, let the sun into our hearts
and minds, for we shall, absolutely must make the best of the blessings at hand.
- April 7, 2003
- If you get an answering machine or voice mail system, use it, leave a message
and make that message clear. I spent more than half an hour and a dozen calls today
trying to track down, unsuccessfully someone who left a message "my number is
873 57(mumble mumble)."
- April 6, 2003
- Watch out stock market players this coming week does not look good. The realisation
that a short war is not going to happen will force a selling frenzy Tuesday and Wednesday.
- April 5, 2003
- Bare face lies have to be ignored. While CNN showed live images of soldiers at
the Baghdad airport hiding behind APC and tanks to avoid sniper fire they declared
that the airport was under their control. Accept this fact, if a news agencies lies
to you sometimes all of what it says is not only suspect but no longer acceptable.
- April 4, 2003
- When is a deal a good deal? When you get value for your money and most importantly,
you have the assurance that the retailer you are dealing with will stand behind their
produce with service and support. The lowest price with out service and support is
never the lowest price.
- April 3, 2003
- The LATimes fired a photo journalist for doctoring a picture from the Iraqi war.
If the same standard were to apply to the reports from embedded journalists the pages
of the newspapers would be blank. I was going to say that they would only have advertising
then I realised that this is what they are now.
- April 2, 2003
- t is the responsibility of the majority to see to it that equal opportunity and
equal access to all things in a society are available. There is room in our society
for wheel chairs, Don Cheery and guys with ear rings.
- April 1, 2003
- Never ever give up, inside you there is a kid or the spirit of a kid and the
minute you give up on the excitement and wonder of childhood that's the moment when
your consciousness is about to cloud over and showers of hopelessness will begin.
March 31, 2003
- If someone lies to you and you believe the lie does that make you wrong? Absolutely,
it is your responsibility to for your action and if you throw your hat in with a
bad guy you also become a bad guy. That makes it tough on everyone but it also makes
you realise that you need to have absolute reliable information to make your decision
upon. Do you think George Bush is telling the truth?
- March 30, 2003
- For all the things that we as Canadians consider being part of being true Canadians
let us remember and cherish the wonder of our ability to laugh at ourselves and never,
not ever, let a situation become so serious it can't be the subject of good humour.
- March 29, 2003
- We each look at ourselves and our own lives and make an assumption that could
be very misleading. What if your family has experienced generation after generation
of welfare and high levels of malnutrition and infectious disease, how different
would be your perspective and expectations from life. Welcome to the "res."
- March 28, 2003
- Being polite and reserved is what our parents taught us "seen and not heard"
not bad advice but if you want to participate in life take some chances and talk
to people you don't know, you will be rewarded time after time by over coming your
reserve and interacting with people who like yourself have lots to say.
- March 27, 2003
- It is remarkably easy to complain about what others decide, though complaints
are helpful we have to lift our sights above picking at the leader's mistakes and
concentrate on how we might make things better not worse.
- March 26, 2003
- We all need to test our sense of rightness and wrongness. Those are the absolutes
we live our lives by and without them life really has no meaning whatever.
- March 25, 2003
- The failure of the business and financial world to understand and accept any
form of ethics has become so accepted that it is now part of government and the public
has come to believe that they too must behave in the law of the jungle, winner take
all manner. The demand that Canada must do as the United States says because they
are a trading partner is quite simply an "unCanadian" attitude that accepts
bribery and blackmail as normal.
- March 24, 2003
- Financial disparity in Saskatchewan is growing at an alarming rate. Immediate
measures must be taken to even things out and raising business phone rates out of
the cities is not one of them.
- March 21, 2003
- The decision making process is really one of deciding what is important. There
is no acid test but you have to rely upon your own needs and what your deepest most
firmly held commitments are telling you.
- March 20, 2003
- News flash sports fans, television wrestling is choreographed and rehearsed,
so-called reality TV shows like survivor and others like it are edited to create
tension and a story line.
- March 19, 2003
- There is one thing that every person must always have, the firmest grasp upon
who he or she is. The cultural identity, your sense of heritage and what that means
in terms of what it is that you must both live up to and can rely upon to give you
guidance and inner strength. Understanding this will help you to understand the unbalanced
and perhaps mass hysteria that is described as Americanism.
- March 18, 2003
- Speculative investors are counting on a short war with few economic consequences
resulting in a modest rise in the market, might be a good time to sell.
- March 17, 2003
- Today's tip is for United States President Bush, "Can you say Milosevic?
- March 16, 2003
- Procrastination has some very positive things about it, best of all hard decisions
that are left undecided often resolve themselves making them into "no decision
needed". But then again maybe not, I'll have to think about it.
- March 15, 2003
- There is a certain inevitableness about the way things go, or at least that's
what we think as we conclude that had Julius Caesar stayed home today a couple thousand
years ago he would have just been assassinated another day. But that is simply not
the case. Humans and their actions are far less predictable than any of us can imagine
and even altering the tiniest detail will completely alter the course of human events.
- March 14, 2003
- Read. We all have been taught the mystery and with this boundless tool we can
escape or educate and all the while push back the horizon and the limits of time
and place.
- March 13, 2003
- Not a shot fired so far and yet all of us are war weary, enough already!
- March 12, 2003
- The first time I road on the back of skidoo I sat their like a lump we went a
few yards and toppled over. You see on skidoos or in life a person has to learn to
lean with the motion and adapt to changing circumstances.
- March 11, 2003
- I have some serious doubts about the adversarial system. Few understand it in
the court setting and is it really suitable for these times in provincial and federal
parliamentary democracy.
- March 10, 2003
- Beware of religious zealots, fanatical religion permits the commission of any
atrocity in the name of the almighty.
- March 9, 2003
- The best way to deal with a storm like the one today is to stay in bed and catch
up on your rest because there is nothing you or anyone else can do about the weather.
- March 8, 2003
- You are wrong if you think that your opinion doesn't matter. Though full of flaws,
we do have a democracy, municipally, provincially and federally. Perhaps even more
and more democracy is asserting itself on an international level. No politician or
dictator for that matter can act without feeling the affects of his actions from
public opinion.
- March 7, 2003
- Think warm thoughts, they tell us only a few more cold days. . . :-)
- March 6, 2003
- Killer tomato soup - One can of generic no name tomato soup, one can of
water, a good squirt or two of ketchup, pepper the top with Worsteshire sauce, sprinkle
with pepper, dust with powdered cheddar then dust with grated parmesan, zap for six
minutes and think Italian thoughts.
- March 4, 2003
- In addition to the Spring Ahead - Fall Back and change the batteries in your
smoke detector routine, reach under the sink and cycle those water shutoff valves.
Might save you a bit of grief in the long run. (Today's Tip from Kevin McIntyre)
- March 3, 2003
- The whole of your world is inside your head. Every experience, every understanding
and all reality. It is this simple factor that makes self awareness and individuality
so much a part of the world and is the reason organised behaviour between humans
is not an easy thing.
- March 1, 2003
- One of the coolest and definitely useful tools around a house are a pair of the
inexpensive FM walkie talkies with a range of two miles they not only cover the house
and yard but all of the town.
February 28, 2003
- The Canadian news is filled with SeaKing helicopter stories so you might want
to hear the SeaKing song.
- February 27, 2003
- An old SeaKing crashed this morning on the deck of the Iroquois. A decade
past the time they should have been replaced perhaps a note to the Prime
Minister or Minister of Finance would
help a bit.
- February 26, 2003
- I thought this thing with Iraq would just go away when the US government discovered
only they needed the conflict but its not and if I thought by ignoring the situation
it would disappear I was wrong and so are you. Looks like we are all going to have
to step up the pressure because if one country doesn't like another's leader and
thinks its okay to knock him off every sovereign nation in the world is in trouble.
- February 25, 2003
- You might want to take a look at the 2005 Homecoming web
site for Tisdale. Find out what being planned and there may be a way for you
to make a suggestion or two.
- February 24, 2003
- Let us not make excuses for those we entrust with governing and representing
us, instead let us offer them encouragement, we will get more out of those people
we elect if we treat them with care respect and good wishes.
- February 23, 2003
- Heah this winter is a bit of a drag so now its time to warm up your brain with
some serious thoughts.
- February 22, 2003
- With 85% of all meaningful communications being nonverbal perhaps we sometimes
get a little over sensitive about that other 15%.
- February 21, 2003
- For every endeavour that one undertakes there is a built in success and failure
factor. Each and every thing we attempt is on a scale and the sooner you realise
that every time at bat will not result in a home run the better off you will be.
Those who settle for doing their best are happy people.
- February 20, 2003
- There is a serious danger in taking any one factor into consideration. When you
concentrate on only one aspect of a problem you are certain to find a solution that
is useless. Aviators are trained to keep scanning their instrument panel, if they
fixate on any one gage they will definitely make a hole in the ground.
- February 19, 2003
- There must always be a balance between what is good for the individual and what
is good for the society. Clearly when either feel that unfairness is occurring the
majority has failed to live up to its responsibility.
- February 18, 2003
- RRSPs are one of the best bargains available and with the increase to $18,000
year, if you are paying taxes on income this is one of the most sensible things you
can do, even borrowing to buy an RRSP is true savings for you.
- February 17, 2003
- Details are just that, they are details and their existence does not establish
their significance to the great whole. When you hear someone talking about being
unable to see the forest for the trees we need to wonder is the forest or the trees
that are the significant factor.
- February 16, 2003
- Mark this time in your memory and remember what is being said for historians,
if there are any, in the future will measure these days and our age will be judged
upon the decisions made.
- February 15, 2003
- It is really remarkable how so many think that worth while things are easy. Though
occasionally some things are accomplished with limited input but they are the rare
examples for most things require dedication and the hard work that goes into developing
skill that will make the task "seem" easy.
- February 14, 2003
- Don't waste your breath, if you don't want people to understand what you say,
just shutup. But if you are interested in being understood make sure that you are
speaking clearly enough that there are a few consonants in your speech. If you are
looking for a really bad example of unintelligible speech listen to the message for
Melfort's theatre 306 752 5499. Val girl talk may be cool but it is not a reasonable
way of communicating.
- February 13, 2003
- Don't try this alone. We are at our best when we work together, share experiences
and learn from each other. Being a hermit is a form of solitary madness yet many
people fail to realise that even with other people they are essentially taking the
hermit path when they do not open themselves up to others or share themselves with
others. Social beings we are and shall always be.
- February 12, 2003
- A friend showed me his pictures of an outing over an hour's drive from Shanghai,
I saw fields and villages. The background of each picture was filled with scenes
I will never see in real life and can not imagine. Decisions and opinion are based
on what we know and that is just never enough.
- February 11, 2003
- With almost everything we do and for every action we take the time line of the
consequences extends far beyond the event horizon of our awareness.
- February 10, 2003
- The United States and its people are just simply having a difficult time with
the mourning process. They are frustrated and filled with anger and hostility. Their
attempts at revenge in Afghanistan failed, the bad guys were not caught, not one
person directly related to the 9-11 attack has been arrested and it looks they will
simply take out their feels on who ever seems most likely. This is not a pretty sight.
- February 8, 2003
- Inventing or slipping into the jargon of a particular field is a dreadful condition
as the individual afflicted gradual moves beyond this world and into one of their
own and their similar lost conspirators, ever shrinking focus. When you start to
refer to things by the initials in their title you are beginning to lose your grip,
stop your self and say the words.
- February 7, 2003
- It isn't until you try to do something difficult that you discover how truly
primitive modern technology is and the inordinate amount of user input necessary
to accomplish even minor tasks.
- February 6, 2003
- It wasn't until today I discovered the meaning of that fairy tale beginning line,
"Once upon a time." With my age advancing I now believe that each time
a thing unto itself as I now realise the past is gone and can not be repeated, moment
by moment.
- February 5, 2003
- Introspective analysis of the way you learn and cope is very important. After
all it is not how people say you should do things, it is how you do things that matters,
so be observant and see what you are up to.
- February 4, 2003
- What often troubles me is the realisation that the people I have met in my life
are good, each in his or her own way are trying to do the right thing. The problem
for each of us is not to be good people, but to decide what is good.
- February 3, 2003
- March 27 in Regina and March 28 and 29 in Saskatoon, the Royal Winnipeg is bringing
"Sleeping Beauty" to Saskatchewan, definitely recommended.
- February 2, 2003
- My personal disaster yesterday was nothing compared to the lose of Columbia and
its crew but both situations just make it even clearer that technology is only an
assistant to get a real screw up you need to combine human and technological failures.
January 31, 2003
- Shake off those cobwebs and get outside, temperature above freezing today in
the Southern part of the province but -6ºC here at noon today.
- January 30, 2003
- I was talking to a fellow this morning who did not want a drill, he wanted holes,
now that's a problem.
- January 29, 2003
- Its something all of us learned in the playground years ago. Bullies do not make
either good friends or enemies. Anti social behaviour on an individual scale or as
a country is counter productive and leads inevitably to violence.
- January 28, 2003
- For price and speed Canada Post's parcel post is still the best way to send a
parcel from place to place in rural Saskatchewan.
- January 27, 2003
- When it comes to human interaction big is not better. We need ever so much to
localise the interactions we have with each other. Be it dealing with antisocial
behaviour like alcohol abuse and driving or petty theft local involvement in law
enforcement and the judicial process is vastly superior to any alternative.
- January 26, 2003
- If you have misplaced or lost something and your wife can't find it for you accept
defeat you have screwed up and are responsible for the problem, check your pockets,
- January 25, 2003
- "That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee many a weary nibble!
Now thou's turned out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or hald,
Thole the winter's sleety dribble,
An' cranreuch cauld!"
Robert Burns
To a Mouse
- January 24, 2003
- So what new skills or concepts did you tackle this week? If you are not actively
engaged in challenging yourself, pushing back the frontiers, you are moving backward.
Status Quo is a no go.
- January 23, 2003
- Pay really close attention to what you say when you are talking to someone about
something that is important to you. Their reaction and comments are not nearly as
important as what you are actually telling yourself often important things you may
not have consciously been aware.
- January 22, 2003
- Check your tires. In cold conditions there is always a chance that you will see
your vehicle's tires sag or a little air will be pinched out around the bead. Under
inflated tires can damage themselves and are a fuel problem.
- January 21, 2003
- Though we know that we can have bad things happen to us, clearly, it is what
we do to ourselves that does the most damage.
- January 19, 2003
- The reason one of the first things someone wants to know about someone they have
just met is "what do you do"; form follows function for the most part we
are what we do and when a person determines that there is nothing for them to do
they rapidly cease to be.
- January 18, 2003
- Peel and cut up your potatoes (small chunks) spread on cookie sheet, paint or
dip in olive oil each piece, bake for an hour at 350º, yummy!
- January 17, 2003
- Innovation and change are like forces of nature, they are a gale force wind that
sweeps through and past present technology.
- January 16, 2003
- We have been deceived by the miracles of modern medications. There have been
great break throughs and improvements but a solution to all problems is not just
another perscription. Doctors are caught on the expectations of their patients that
there is a pill for everything and despite their patients they are doing their best.
We need seriously to reconsider the demands we make.
- January 15, 2003
- We are not, and shall never be Americans.
- January 14, 2003
- Working together, sharing both resources and capabilities has enormous potential.
If you live on a farm without high speed access don't waste your connection time
with large downloads, get a friend with high speed to do it for you, then burn the
download to disk.
- January 13, 2003
- The power outage in LaRonge yesterday and today brings to light the need for
every home to have emergency survival supplies. Candles, matches, fresh water, an
alternative heat source, flashlight with batteries, battery radio, and essential
food supplies.
- January 12, 2003
- We have Crown corporations in Saskatchewan because they were needed, why is that
those corporations today don't understand why they exist and even more important
who the owners are?
- January 11, 2003
- Shakespeare, words well said.
- January 10, 2003
- I saw a man today with curly hair sticking out in all directions about eight
inches from his head and it made me feel good about being bald.
- January 9, 2003
- It would appear that a CD burner has become an indispensable part of every computer
system. The very best available means for data backup, inexpensive and secure.
- January 8, 2002
- Today it was announced that the communicable disease that leads the list of killers
in the United States is influenza far exceeding AIDS. The report indicated that the
various flu shots seemed to be producing very poor results with senior citizens.
The conclusion one has to draw from this is increased awareness of public health,
washing one's hands and avoiding those close contact situations.
- January 7, 2003
- Bad economic sign. The US government is acting to prop up the stock market with
tax breaks and low interest rates, this is a definite and unmistakable sign of deep
rooted trouble. Good time to dump that mutual fund investment and find some real
valued item to protect your capital. (real estate or a commodity like gold)
- January 6, 2003
- If you are looking for someone or other people to give you some excuse to go
on living you have reached a very dead end, all life stems from within and no one
gives anyone happiness they must find that for themselves.
- January 5, 2002
- If you are on a trip here is a place to avoid. Highway #6 truck stop at that
junction of #16 (Dafoe) absolutely the worst stuff to be marketed as "coffee"
hot water and food colour.
- January 4, 2002
- Tires really make a difference in the performance of your vehicle, don't go for
long wear, go for traction, good handling and keep them balanced. The money you will
save in a set of hard rubber long mileage skidders will be more than made up for
in superior gas mileage and safety in a set of medium priced Goodyear
- January 1, 2003
- Surprise, surprise, surprise we have made it into another new year. 2003 is yours,
you have exclusive rights to each and every day of this year do your best with it.
December 31, 2002
- If a merchant needs to swipe your debit card more than once be sure to check
your bank statement and demand a copy of all printouts. No sensible merchant would
bill you more than once but it could happen without his or her knowledge.
- December 30, 2002
- When is it easier to travel, in a storm or after? Patience and letting nature
take its course is a far superior plan than getting out into poor visibility situation.
So often people believe they can beat an approaching storm only to waltz into a situation
that would be better dealt with in a warm place watching TV or visiting with friends.
- December 28, 2002
- If you were the recipient of a digital camera for this Christmas one of the handiest
and simplest accessories to have is an inexpensive card reader. Saves camera batteries
and is a simpler way of handling digital images.
- December 27, 2002
- If you don't need something it doesn't matter how low the price its not a bargain.
- December 26, 2002
- Cell phones, PDAs, laptop computers, the Internet itself all show us that we
are now in an Information technology age but our physical world is still coming to
terms with the transportation age. Innovation without application is of little real
practical value when a society fails to recognise its need for cohesive coordination
Transportation is the assertion of independence communication is the assertion of
- December 25, 2002
- Traditions are the most important part of identifying who you are and the more
grounded a person is and the more solidly that they can view their culture and heritage
the less likely they will feel the need to find some thing else to make their lives
- December 24, 2002
- Though some families have a tradition of cameras and Christmas others forget.
Take a few minutes and document your Christmas, this one only happens once.
- December 23, 2002
- Have you got a proper survival kit in your vehicle's trunk. If you don't get
busy and assemble one. The basics include: sleeping bag, shovel, candles and matches,
first aid kit, extreme winter clothing.
- December 22, 2002
- First official day of winter so get out the sun tan lotion, remember what Robert
Browning said "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
- December 21, 2002
- Internet traffic tends to build up on holidays and this year the numbers of users
world wide has reach an enormous number. The Internet can cope and the capacity is
there to handle the present traffic levels. Minor slowdowns in accessing popular
site is unlikely to be noticeable.
- December 20, 2002
- We all know the advice we get when we are ill, "get plenty of bed rest and
drink lots of fluids." Good advice when you're not sick.
- December 19, 2002
- It seems almost natural for people to surmise that their level of joy is somehow
the result of external conditions. This is actually not so, how you feel, how you
see things, if you are happy, or if you are sad depends entirely on you. Make the
best of your life that responsibility is up to you and no one else.
- December 18, 2002
- If you have been paying attention to the latest news discussions about diet you
should be confused and let that be a lesson for you. The plain truth is hard to swallow,
medical research is in its infancy and so little is known that almost everything
seems contradictory and if this is of any comfort, we should expect the situation
to be about the same in a hundred years.
- December 17, 2002
- Civilisation has painstakingly advanced in northern Europe and North America.
Since Henry II we have taken one step after another to change from our barbarian
roots to seek a more humane way to deal with one another, let us not let a moron
trample upon international law and common law. Yesterday the CIA was authorised to
conduct assassinations, the barbarians have been among us before and civilisation
will triumph once again.
- December 16, 2002
- Behold, beyond the limitations of ones sight and the ear shot of each us is the
promise of unfettered development and infinite relms. Put another way, the old hockey
axiom is the promise of the future, "keep your head up and your stick on the
- December 15, 2002
- Christmas is a personal time of wonder and you will lose
sight of the meaning of Christmas if you fret about duties you might think you have
to others. Savour Christmas, you can share your joy and happiness but do not neglect
your own needs to reflect on the season and what it means to you.
- December 14, 2002
- Gosh I am still struggling to catch up. Have you been getting a build up in spam
lately? I am getting about 100 pieces a day this week.
- December 13, 2002
- It should not surprise me but it did, someone told me she didn't know how to
use email. Time to learn, don't let minor stumbling blocks prevent you from doing
things. Find out how to use your email. If you haven't done e-mail start by using
a dedicated e-mail application, not Netscape, use Eudora or Microsoft's Outlook Express.
The easiest way to learn is get a kid to show you.
- December 12, 2002
- After watching the Fifth Estate last night on CBC TV I am convinced
that diplomacy has a place but at some point you have to quit dancing around and
calling a spade a spade and Saudi Arabia is the enemy. As the leader of the
so-called free world needs to realise and indeed "make no mistake about that
" Saudi Arabia is the enemy.
- December 11, 2002
- I have to wonder if we are not our very worst enemy. We so often think that this
or that might solve our problems when in fact much of what we want is our problem.
- December 10, 2002
- It sounds like a lot of money, money that could have been used for much better
purposes than a gun registration programme that doesn't work but actually it is about
$27 for every Canadian.
- December 9, 2002
- Most really important things have already happened by the time we become aware
of the condition.
- December 8, 2002
- E-mail is one of the greatest modern tools even though the advertisers are making
it harder and harder to use. But unless you can send a document as a "PDF"
the only attachments you should ever use are "JPEGs". Sending "Excell"
and "Word" documents as e-mail attachments is not only almost certain that
no one will ever read your document, but if you receive an e-mail message with such
an attachment and you are using a Windows machine you are wise to toss them
immediately and not attempt to open such e-mail risking contamination of your system.
- December 7, 2002
- Keep it clean, this is the time of year that you need to pay the most attention
to the cleanliness of your vehicle. Salt can do a lot of damage even in cold temperatures
and when the temperature varies so much and you go from slush to ice every day or
so, keep it clean and perhaps a coat of wax wouldn't hurt.
- December 6, 2002
- If you want to make a point at a meeting about two important things and say "I
have two points to make" be sure not to hold up three fingers.
- December 5, 2002
- Sometimes numbers are a little confusing, let me help you with this: Some one
offers to shovel your driveway for $2 and then you find out that they gave the bill
to your wife and she paid $1,000 for the job. That is the size of the over run on
the gun registration programme carried out by the federal government and they need
more money because the $1 billion is not enough.
- December 4, 2002
- Politicians are listening and will hear what you have to say and will respond
to your concerns. Though the system lumbers along some times we citizens have a serious
responsibility in voicing our opinions on issues like the Romanow report, employment
insurance, no fault insurance, military spending and lots of other things. E-mail,
fax, telephone or use snail mail it is your right as a citizen and everything counts.
- December 3, 2002
- Extreme discomfort comes from knowing that you have been instrumental in creating
your own difficulties. The Free Trade agreement was and is a serious mistake we are
suffering from it and its time to consider the six months and out of it because that
pain will be less serious that additional agony from more softwood lumber, grain
and fishing incidents.
- December 2, 2002
- The tragic loss of four ladies from the Moose Jaw area last night near Caron
Port underlines the impossibility of stopping a heavily loaded semi unit. These things
can neither stop nor can they avoid anything in their path so please do not ever
give one an opportunity for a full break test.
- December 1, 2002
- It is all about balance, you will emotionally fall over if you don't make sure
there is some levity, some spirituality, some intellectual challenge and some silliness
in your life every single day.
November 30, 2002
- We each seem to have to find our own way in this world. The process of discovery
of what we want to do , what we can do and how best to compromise the ambition with
ability is a charmed process.
- November 29, 2002
- "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." Everybody knows the
saying but its validity is not proven. Repeating a mistake over and over will achieve
nothing but wasted time and a good deal of frustration. Recommend you limit the number
of "try try agains".
- November 28, 2002
- About fifty years ago it was thought that each person's mental capabilities were
a preset thing. We now know that this is simply not the case you can as an adult
and most assuredly all ages can actually improve their abilities as we have discovered
that what we call intelligence is actually little different than physical ability
and everyone has seen how dexterity can improve remarkably with practice and training.
This doesn't mean we can all be like Einstein but it does mean there is at least
a 5 to 10% improvement available to everyone.
- November 27, 2002
- What people say is important, the content of speech is a complex form of communication
only a small portion of it really relates to the words said. Gossip, for example,
is a way a society tells itself what is troubling or what people are anxious about,
skip the content of the story, but consider the issues and the background feelings.
- November 26, 2002
- Many have condemned change for changes sake, but they are wrong, change is the
only constant of all variables and status quo is always a backward rather than forward
- November 25, 2002
- We are all going to have to guard ourselves against increased levels of political
and economic polarisation. The ultraconservatives, as in the 1920s, see now as an
opportunity to turn back time and establish authoritarian administrations, while
there is no formalised social opposition to the jackboots gang, the general moderates
of society are being forced to think in terms of ultimatums and extremisms.
- November 24, 2002
- Timing is everything, well at least when it comes to communications. There are
good and bad times to handle various types of messages, the times themselves are
part of the context of the message.
- November 23, 2002
- Hearing impairment is not a disability but a blessing. Last night in Prince Albert
Super Store my poor hearing wasn't bad enough to filter out "Silent Night."
- November 22, 2002
- I think I must have got this wrong but it's in the book, it could mean if
you drink cheap wine you will go straight to heaven. ("Blessed are the
poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."Matthew 5:3)
- November 21, 2002
- With the way the commercials and retail world are hitting on Christmas it is
a wonder the money grabbers of the world have not figured out a way to develop some
solid partnership with meek people, perhaps even develop a "meek" franchise.
(Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.)
- November 20, 2002
- Freedom is costly, that is one of the reasons the misers of the world try to
avoid paying taxes and advocate more security and more restrictions on all of life.
Sharing and putting money to work for us all is the Canadian way and in the long
run pays the greatest dividend.
- November 19, 2002
- Check out David Letterman tonight and see Shania Twain do her "Gonna Getcha
- November 18, 2002
- Everything, absolutely everything is in context. Because this medium is constantly
evolving and taking on new roles the problem of context is particularly confusing.
But since the web has the ability to be personal it is and will remain a means of
information. Advertising, promotion and sales are all silly ventures that will all
come and go but you and others will go to this medium to find things out.
- November 17, 2002
- Wrinkles, nice out fit then it gets messed up with wrinkles. It doesn't seem
to matter what it is we humans seem plagued with little annoying things the degrade
good things. Consider making a short list of wrinkle free things, it will be a short
- November 16, 2002
- It is a year since Microsoft introduced Windows XP and right now
there are fewer computers using that operating system then Macintosh. Corporations
who are upgrading their systems are electing to install Windows 2000 rather
than XP.
- November 15, 2002
- What we think we know is temporal in nature. Awareness is dependent upon information
and interpretation of that information and that combination depends one one single
concept: WHEN!
- November 14, 2002
- Historically all young men are warned about the dangers of "wine, women
and song" now it looks like all three are good for you.
- November 13, 2002
- The physical danger some construction and agricultural workers face is definitely
a threat but for true anguish nothing seems to beat the emotional bashing of office
- November 12, 2002
- Have you noticed lately how exaggeration is now consider the normal means of
communications when it comes to advertising.
- November 11, 2002
- SaskTel is migrating all people with high speed or high speed
lite Internet connections from "manual" TCP/IP to "DHCP"
this will not be a smooth road but expect a few problems.
- November 10, 2002
- There are enough problems with Netscape now that if you are still using it you
might be well advised to move to another browser and another e-mail application.
- November 9, 2002
- Computer technology is not new fangled stuff folks, it will be twenty-one years
this Christmas since we brought one into our house and a full eighteen years since
we began using the Internet. In all that time you would think things would work better
than they do.
- November 8, 2002
- The more automation and the more simplified developers attempt to include in
products the greater the chance of failure and the more helpless the user when failure
- November 7, 2002
- People can give you all the advice that they want but ultimately it is you and
you alone that must make the decisions that affect your life.
- November 6, 2002
- So now you know crime does pay and when it comes to winning elections wars are
good also. Its times like this that you have to clean your glasses and straighten
your tie.
- November 5, 2002
- There are two things we cyberfolks must never ever go cheap on. The chair we
sit in and the monitor we view.
- November 3, 2002
- Hot porridge, great for my sore throat and a nice change for corn flakes.
- November 2, 2002
- This morning I saw vehicles in town with US license plates, one from Michigan
and another from Washington State. I felt deep resentment because of the recent border
incidents and treatment of Canadians by American officials. We must resist such feelings
for it is American to act like an idiot and Canadian to always display good manners.
- November 1, 2002
- People are good and few if any want to cause harm or want to hurt others. Some
will make mistakes and forget that their actions will affect others but in general
people are positive but when it comes to attitude - dogs, horses and crows are better.
- October 31, 2002
- The thing about embarrassment is that it is what programmers call a loop, you
earn it, only you experience it and it is always available for instant replay.
- October 30, 2002
- I told you so!!!!!! Researchers announced yesterday that they had isolated a
gene responsible for obesity
- October 29, 2002
- Saskatchewan requires some form of high speed Internet service to all of the
province not just those 3km from a SaskTel switch. The company will not respond unless
the customers make demands. Make demands.
- October 28, 2002
- The ultimate feeling of futility that washes over everyone who shares concern
about what happens to their fellow beings is perhaps our greatest challenge to over
come as we need always to be reminded that should we stop our struggle we are abandoning
our own reality a logical impossibility. With knowledge and awareness comes responsibility.
- October 27, 2002
- Each single moment is one of a kind, the once and only time what is happening
will occur, we need to increase our awareness of the importance of the passing moment
and be consciously aware of making that time the best that can be made.
- October 26, 2002
- We did not post on this date.
- October 25, 2002
- Today's release of the Kirby report is important but it really fails to address
the primary problem. Medical health care needs to be administered by professionals
and the real problem with the system is with government attempts to control rather
than pay for the system.
- October 24, 2002
- Recommend that the goings on in Ottawa be renamed trivial pursuits. While serious
matters are ignored parliamentarians get worked up over ethics and our own MP puts
out a questionnaire on same sex marriage. These people really need to focus.
- October 23, 2002
- Yesterday a Canadian Yann Martel, won
the prestigious "Brooker award" for literature and said this morning
about being born in Spain of Canadian parents and making his home in Montreal while
teaching in Berlin, that Canada is a multicultural country without a known culture
of its own.
- October 22, 2002
- If you want to get the most out of your investment in your computer, the first
thing you need to do is learn basic touch typing. With the keyboard issue a success
story the other details are easy to master.
- October 21, 2002
- Success is dependent upon trusting those responsible for action to be empowered
to make the vital decisions about what and how they do what they do.
- October 20, 2002
- If you treat everyone like they are criminals you are almost certain to turn
some into criminals.
- October 19, 2002
- Even a bad movie is better than being stuck in front of your television night
after night so go check out the theatre now an then.
- October 18, 2002
- Balancing a plate of melted chocolate on top of a glass of coke in the living
room probably not a good strategy, anyone know an easy way to get chocolate out of
a carpet?
- October 17, 2002
- Take your body for a walk it needs the exercise, might even help your mind out
as well.
- October 16, 2002
- I've said this before but you don't listen, back things up! CD-RWs are inexpensive
compared with the data in your computer, buy one and make permanent copies of your
data. Your computer and its software are only worth a fraction of the value of the
data you accumulate after only a few months of use. He or she who trusts a floppy
also believes in the tooth fairy.
- October 15, 2002
- The Saskatchewan Association of Health Organisation caused strike has gone on
far too long as we are now into the second month, isn't it time the government disband
SAHO and reach an agreement with the union.
- October 14, 2002
- We are trying to confirm a rumor that Monsanto is attempting to develop a genetically
modified pink elephant designed to roam across the prairies hunting and stomping
on unlicensed "roundup ready" Canola crops, the new breed of pacadurm will
be known as the "deschmizeriser."
- October 13, 2002
- It is your task in life to figure out what is good and aim for it.
- October 12, 2002
- There have always been good music performers male and female, but you are now
alive at the time of what looks like the best performer of all time, Canadian Shania
Twain having only two huge albums out has released the first hit from her third
mega album. No perform in the past has ever shown such enormous popularity from all
genres of music and combined it with such simplicity and well presented audio and
- October 11, 2002
- It is such a rare event in Saskatchewan this year so it seems appropriate to
remind you that when it is raining it is probably better to not stand around in it
and get wet, well unless you need a shower.
- October 10, 2002
- Even though the US president has forced the dockworkers back to work on the American
West Coast the damage has already been done and the economic effects will spread
through North American for two to three months.
- October 9, 2002
- Being polite is a dandy thing but manufacturers and retailers are not mind readers.
If something doesn't work or function properly let them know so that they can fix
the problem for you and in the product.
- October 8, 2002
- Procrastination has a low performance and success record.
- October 7, 2002
- Zeller's seniors 99¢ breakfast on the first Monday of the month is a waste
of time. The place will be full, one waitress and after an hour I left without a
second cup of coffee. Paying nothing for nothing is still nothing.
- October 6, 2002
- The primary and most sustaining inspiration you have in your life is "hope"
the expectations we have are more responsible for what happens to us than any other
- October 5, 2002
- The headline on the Star Phoenix today reads "I feared for my life"
just what we need frightened policemen with semiautomatic 17 shot pistols trained
only to shoot to kill. If you are in trouble call a teacher.
- October 4, 2002
- Every time you create or use a piece of paper (document) you are going to have
to do something with it. Therefore the wise man can save himself time by finding
ways to use his computer to replace paper based tasks. We have known this axiom for
more than a decade but persist in "hard copy" the time has come to get
over it.
- October 3, 2002
- You see its all about squeaky wheels and grease. Ron MacLean and the CBC have
worked out a deal and all is right in the land. The CBC got more free publicity than
it will cost for Ron's raise and Blue will not have to fill in for Ron.
- October 2, 2002
- If you are wondering why the highways are falling apart here is a news flash.
Almost all Saskatchewan trucks are running with year round overweight permits, issued
by the government.
- October 1, 2002
- If you feel that the decision of the majority is always right then consider why
you need to think at all or should even deserve the right to freedom of expression.
We all warn teenagers and tell them to think for themselves but as adults to frequently
we lack the guts to stand up for what we know to be right.
September 30, 2002
- If you come upon a vehicle driving erratically, don't pass, your best bet is
to keep that vehicle where it can be seen
- September 29, 2002
- The amount of "Spam" (unwanted advertising e-mail) is not more
than double what it was a year ago with at least one Nigerian Scam message
a day. The mass of waste is endangering the whole Internet and e-mail process as
people will simply lose or not bother checking e-mail as the burden of going through
so much garbage each day. No known solution available.
- September 28, 2002
- We all hear of the scary stories of doctors making errors and we also know they
each receive years of training and extended painstaking apprenticeships, yet we head
off to the pharmacy regularly buying over the counter medicines most of which we
have no clue what ever what they might do or interfere with. Does this make sense?
Practicing medicine without a license is far more dangerous than sinking your life
savings into a sure bet on 649 lotto tickets.
- September 27, 2002
- A considerable amount of your brain's ability is focused on identifying and interpreting
the faces of others. So, put your best face forward, smile.
- September 26, 2002
- One voice complaining is an annoyance but many voices will be listened to. This
terrifying prospect of yet another medical strike has been created by SAHO who refused
to negotiate until the strike occurred and has made an unacceptable offer well below
other fellow worker. Tell Mr. Calvert to fix this and do it now.
- September 25, 2002
- There is a serious lesson to be learned from what is happening in the world right
now. An American president who was not truly democratically elected is raising hell
and he has more than two full years in office to confound situations everywhere,
as he turns back civilisation, perhaps a full century.
- September 24, 2002
- Sir John A. MacDonald intended to send a strong message to the West when he insisted
that the rebellion be ruthlessly put down and the leaders hanged. The attitudes of
Canada's first prime minister remain in place today in the federal government of
this country and don't you for get it.
- September 23, 2002
- A glimmer of understanding moves an enormous responsibility unto your shoulders.
While ignorance may be bliss awareness demands action.
- September 22, 2002
- Deer will look at you and their eye reflection will give you an instant warning
when driving in areas where they frequent the highway but moose and elk will actually
turn their heads away and offer you no warning other then a dark void in your car's
headlights. The only defense is slow down in areas where moose or elk may wander
onto the road, that will not guarantee missing them but will reduce the killing impact.
- September 21, 2002
- A tiny village North of La Loche is doomed, water and sanitation are more expensive
than the provincial government feels can be paid for and offers free housing in La
Loche. The fundamental principle needs to be considered if someone can not be supported
where they have always lived demands we consider our societal priorities.
- September 20, 2002
- Of all the things we attempt to achieve none of those things ranks in importance
with the need to educate our children and ourselves. Developing an attitude based
on ever improving levels of understanding and expanded skills is the key to adaptation
and ultimately our success as a species.
- September 19, 2002
- In this information age and with agriculture in such a tense situation we need,
need high speed access in rural Saskatchewan, on the farm. Yell at SaskTel, they
are not listening.
- September 18, 2002
- Try to avoid sending attachments, unless they are pictures, via e-mail. Most
people are very suspicious of attachments because of the transmission of virus and
worms. Even if you know the sender you are best advised to destroy on receipt e-mail
with attachments.
- September 17, 2002
- In an interdependent society like our own every part of our lives depends upon
"trust." We expect people to bring their cars to a halt at stop signs,
we trust our Medicare system to look after our health needs and we expect those we
elect to office to be honest and server our needs. But all that trust does not go
one way we have responsibilities as others trust us to be honest, pay our taxes and
respect their privacy and human nature.
- September 16, 2002
- Offer a helping hand, do a good deed, volunteer not because it is the right thing
to do or your duty but because it will make you feel good about yourself.
- September 15, 2002
- I have it on the very best of authorities that the movie you don't want to miss
is in theatres now "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Written, produced and directed
by a Winnipeg film maker this low budget film is fresh and fun.
- September 14, 2002
- It is most likely that each of us least understand the concept of time. Certainly
we can see it pass, mark its passing, recollect and speculate but where we go wrong
most often is making preparations for the past and thinking we know what is to come
in the future. Temporal awareness means that you understand what is, what was and
await what will be.
- September 13, 2002
- Being rude has its place in this world even though we know the importance of
being polite to one another, when it comes to supper time calls from telemarketers
just hang up.
- September 12, 2002
- SaskPower doesn't always work as we learned last night always keep a flashlight
or alternative light source somewhere, where you can find it in the dark.
- September 11, 2002
- Shorts, definitely short pants weather, it is actually hot here, I know Dave
Letterman recommends no shorts after labour day but today we must make an exception.
- September 10, 2002
- If you are a Macintosh user iMac 300 or above or G3 Pro
or G4 do not listen to the hype about Mac OS X, including Jaguar.
Talk over the pros and cons of upgrading with someone other than a sale person and
discover the few advantages and the many disadvantages.
- September 9, 2002
- No one, including the First Nations people originated where they live on this
land. It is your responsibility to explore your ethnic heritage and appreciates the
wonders of being a Canadian able to celebrate our multicultural society.
- September 8, 2002
- One of the distinguishing features of humans and their other relatives on this
planet is that humans make tools, thinks to work and play with that are extensions
of their senses, their hands and feet. These gadgets have been with us since our
beginning as a species and are indicative of the level of technology of each era.
- September 7, 2002
- Test yourself, note how long it takes to travel a specific distance at the speed
limit then do the trip at your push and rush speed then decide if the time you saved
is worth the added stress involved.
- September 6, 2002
- It just makes sense that an individual or a society should learn from its mistakes.
Saskatchewan's heath regions were established to bring efficiency to medical care
delivery, they didn't work so now we have bigger health districts, chance of success.
. .6%.
- September 5, 2002
- It was once said that "easier it is for a camel to pass through the eye
of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Probably the most
positive indicator we have for the here after, given the economic times in which
we live it may be in need of some major expansion.
- September 4, 2002
- With the money grubbing mentality of today's world everyone suspects everyone
else up to some scam. You have to be on guard but let us not cut ourselves off from
each other because of rampant capitalism.
- September 3, 2002
- The key to making any change is the decision making process. Put your efforts
into working out a way of making a decision. Once a course of action is reached,
even approaching the impossible is easier than the original determination of that
main issue, what do you want?
- September 2, 2002
- Please let us all stop griping about the Prime Minister's legacy, let him push
on, it might do some real good.
- September 1, 2002
- Each of us clings to life in a very precarious and sometimes fragile thread that
just as easily be severed as continues to hold on despite all that happens. You have
no control over the strength of that thread only how you live each moment while it
still holds you life on the positive side.
August 31, 2002
- Each of us establish reasonable expectations and when conditions fall short we
are faced with disappointment. Clearly, disappointment is one of the most difficult
emotions to deal with but deal with it we must, the key factor is setting that behind
you and establishing new goals as there are specific limits beyond which we have
no control. As in all things we must grieve loss and work toward acceptance and hope.
- August 30, 2002
- Went over a menu for a restaurant in St. John's Newfoundland this morning, no
wonder those folks are having a hard time of it with food prices that high. Recommendation,
if you are planning a trip to the Rock, make sure you have lots of money, or a fresh
credit card, because it looks like one expensive place to dine.
- August 29, 2002
- Optimism may well be as dangerous as pessimism when both rely upon feelings instead
of empirical evidence.
- August 28, 2002
- Your memory is not a hard wired system but is a learned and practiced activity.
The more you use your memory the better it will become. Paper is a curse.
- August 27, 2002
- Don't erase a return telephone number from your answering machine or messaging
service until you know you wrote down the right number.
- August 26, 2002
- Stubborn and relentless attempts to carry out a task might be admirable in some
fields but when it come to old computers it is a definite liability. Most old computers
should be labeled " do not resuscitate."
- August 24, 2002
- Our failure as a society is not upon our inability to produce dramatic changes
and improvements but it is our inability to reach agreement on what to do.
- August 23, 2002
- Listen to yourself, your most valuable resource is your own awareness and experience.
All that you are is dependent on you making the very best use you can of what you
- August 22, 2002
- I would like to propose that all those who restructure, down size, find the synergy
and involve all steak holders; be highlighted and deleted.
- August 21, 2002
- Out of balance tires on your vehicle will rob you of gas mileage and do damage
to your suspension. Get them balanced or replacement will save you money.
- August 20, 2002
- Looks like a good time to park the car and spend some time at home as gasoline
prices are likely to rise substantially during the next three to four weeks.
- August 19, 2002
- It is just common sense, if you plan to sell here you had better buy here.
- August 18, 2002
- Grain futures, the stock market is a dangerous place but with the level of commodities
available grain is a good investment.
- August 17, 2002
- "Your point being?" we ask that question perhaps nonverbally but we
do and so does everyone else, it seems we actually believe that everything should
be focused or aimed, but the reality is that sometimes things are said that are just
said, relevant commentary on the state of the reality we perceive and there is no
- August 16, 2002
- Before you install that set of lights or light fixture, check to see that they
work before you go to that wasted effort.
- August 15, 2002
- No matter what the US congress says, Alexander Graham Bell did invent the telephone,
but alas this great invention is no longer a useful part of our world, as another
invention, automated answering systems and voice mail have destroyed is functionality.
- August 14, 2002
- It is truly remarkable that people are more likely to act upon what they believe
rather than what they know for certain.
- August 13, 2002
- Blueberries in season and they are berry berry good.
- August 12, 2002
- Once upon a time not long ago or far away the churches stood for good, they condemned
evil and deserved our respect, but that was and is a fairy tale.
- August 11, 2002
- Ultimately you only have two choices in life, please no one, or please yourself.
- August 10, 2002
- Demonstrable potency, attracting a potential mate is the primary concern of the
single male and in today's technological world that could mean a car stereo that
can be heard blocks away or no actual muffler on your pickup truck.
- August 9, 2002
- The reason you are not a multimillionaire corporate executive is simple, you
are to honest for the job.
- August 8, 2002
- Accentuate the positive from the negative. Example: Is it good luck if you see
a black cat and it doesn't cross your path?
- August 7, 2002
- All this talk about political leadership is ridiculous, an intelligent actively
involved voting public must assume full leadership in a democratic society only dictatorships
need strong leaders.
- August 6, 2002
- Cutbacks, You want cutbacks, I'll give you cutbacks, let's cut the number of
days in the week from seven to six. That would give us five extra days for an end
of year party, we would have sixty weeks in the year with five weeks a month with
an even thirty days each and every month. Look at the saving we would no longer have
to remember that "thirty days hath September. . ." bit. On top of that,
we could get rid of the worst day of the week, Monday, and have five weekends every
month with a four day work week.
- August 5, 2002
- Scientists believe the development of an opposable thumb is the most significant
evolutionary break through in hominoids but they are wrong it was the seat. Just
try sitting on your thumb.
- August 4, 2002
- In the movie "A Few Good Men" the character played by Jack Nicholson
spits out the line, "the truth, you can't handle the truth." He's right.
- August 3, 2002
- When we realise that commercials offer the best entertainment value on television
we have to wonder what we have allowed to happen to this powerful medium.
- August 2, 2002
- Climatic and weather conditions next year will be similar to this year or even
more likely to be very close to what we experienced last year.
- August 1, 2002
- Salt Lake City Winter Olympics sets new standard for athletic competition as
Russian mobster is arrested on charges of rigging figure skating judging.
July 31, 2002
- Knowing what could have been also tells us what can be. Don't give up on your
dreams, without them you will have a lessor future.
- July 30, 2002
- The best piece of electronic equipment to own is something that you know how
to operate. The worse piece of electronic equipment is any machine that has a clock
LED blinking 12:00.
- July 29, 2002
- Here is how to make telephone solicitation go away. Don't buy, not anything,
as a result of telephone marketing and tell your friends to follow our example.
- July 28, 2002
- The most help you can give anyone is encouragement and affirmation of the efforts
they are making.
- July 27, 2002
- Are you constantly at odds with your watch, clock or timepiece? Make time your
ally not your enemy.
- July 26, 2002
- Long term planning is grossly over valued.
- July 25, 2002
- Extend the index finger on your right hand, nice and straight now, then with
a flourish straighten your elbow as you direct your finger toward the unknown, you
will have made "a good point."
- July 24, 2002
- If you encounter someone who stutters, ignore the problem, do everything you
can to seem unperturbed by waiting for the words to come, look as relaxed as you
can so the speaker can let the momentary tension dissipate and please do not complete
the words or sentences for the person. This is a time to be really patient.
- July 23, 2002
- The reason for so many radio stations playing old music is because new music
has been so bad, but that trend is changing and so is the music.
- July 22, 2002
- Is it true that if you don't move your lips when you read silently you are to
advanced to appreciate the Alberta Report (now called Report) magazine?
- July 21, 2002
- If you want to make this a summer to remember, go to the library once a week,
share the experience with your children.
- July 20, 2002
- Not everything can be fixed. Though doctors often prescribe medication that is
harmful to their patients they are responding to the patient's request for help,
Be careful what you ask for.
- July 19, 2002
- A home run, a hole in one, a hat trick, a perfect chocolate chip cookie, total
success happens only now and then so savour those moments of glory they each must
tide you over until fortune smiles on you once again.
- July 18, 2002
- If you get a chance to talk to the Premier and his tour group or the leader of
the opposition and his people who are both touring the province, give them a big
smile and offer them encouragement, it will get more done than complaining.
- July 17, 2002
- Words are what's left after you have been thinking.
- July 16, 2002
- If you want to know what's happening in Whitehorse Yukon go to CBC's web site and you can tune in with real audio 24 hrs a day.
- July 15, 2002
- Though we all like to accentuate the practical value of some retail product,
for it to be "really" good it must have a special "toy" value.
- July 14, 2002
- It is human nature as a simple matter of memory efficiency to look for and find
patterns in all things. This inherent organisation is a distinction of being human.
- July 13, 2002
- Well priming the rain gauge worked and we got a light shower this morning but
since there was already water in the rain gauge we don't know how much rain fell.
- July 12, 2002
- Civilisation is not inevitably bound to progress. Time moves forward but a disturbing
element of every society is determined to turn back from the future seeking solutions
from the past often without realising those solutions lead to this present.
- July 11, 2002
- It works with a pump so last night I primed the rain gauge. Didn't want to overdo
it just an inch.
- July 10, 2002
- If you drink "Coca Cola" check that label you may be buying furniture
polish, lemon flavoured Coke, absolutely the most disgusting soft drink ever.
- July 8, 2002
- Why do so many consider health care unsustainable? Subsidies and tax cuts are
all considered sustainable, why not human life?
- July 7, 2002
- If you are a smoker there may be no need for you to go through the rigours of
quitting, that is if you also use a cell phone when you are driving a vehicle.
- July 6, 2002
- Just talk to people, every encounter offers you the opportunity to learn something
new or gain insight into another point of view.
- July 5, 2002
- Hang up, telemarketing is an intrusion on your privacy and you are not obliged
in any way to listen to advertising.
- July 4, 2002
- Like the muscles in your body, your memory is reliant upon exercise and skills
training. Do not rely upon a single input, back up important stuff with other channels,
if its auditory, associate with a visual, or text. The more detail the easier it
is for the memory to construct the cross references that will retain the important
- July 3, 2002
- Almost every modern car comes with "overdrive" and almost everyone
operates their vehicle in this transmission setting. The thing will last longer if
you operate it in "Drive" when driving around town or in a city.
- July 2, 2002
- Self reliance is an excellent attribute for hermits, but do you know any hermits?
If you do they are probably not hermits.
- July 1, 2002
- Enjoyment and fun are a result of the decision making process and not reliant
upon something you buy or contrive.
June 30, 2002
- We can all tolerate just about any character flaw in the people we meet but the
hardest to cope with and the least acceptable behaviour is that of bad manners.
- June 29, 2002
- The barber told me, keep it short, that thinning top will look fuller with shorter
- June 28, 2002
- In city traffic ignore the rush to the next light mentality, drive at the speed
the city planner intended and you can cruise the street green lights all the way,
save gas and get their in the same amount of time as Mr. HeavyFoot.
- June 27, 2002
- Routine, our day to day existence hangs in the balance of repeatable and predictable
- June 26, 2002
- Human indignation has no place whatever in the drivers seat of a passenger vehicle.
- June 25, 2002
- Poverty, the root of despair
- June 24, 2002
- If you are traveling from point "A" to point "B" and you
come to a right hand turn 90% chance of the next turn being to the left otherwise
you will be traveling in circles.
- June 23, 2002
- Make room in your life for some creative activity, though others may sing better,
paint with more flair and have a spark in their writing it is not your song, your
flair or your spark.
- June 22, 2002
- Robotic devices have been in our homes and used as equipment for almost half
a century and we are still pretty much in denial as to what part this expanding technology
should take in shaping of an evolving society.
- June 21, 2002
- Take stock of your life and determine a balance between work, leisure, family,
private time and social responsibility. Time is the most precious commodity of all
make sure you consciously give some thought as to how you use it.
- June 20, 2002
- Walking is fine for a simple and effect form of exercise but riding a bicycle
is better.
- June 19, 2002
- Saskatchewan produces 1/10th of Canada's gross national product with less than
a million of us, what the heck are the thirty-one million other Canadians doing?
- June 18, 2002
- Being stupid is no excuse, everyone knows the limits of their understand and
lives within those parameters, when a problem exceeds resources only the foolish
fail to seek help.
- June 17, 2002
- Long short pants make as much sense as short long pants.
- June 16, 2002
- Exercise is good for you but there is always a possibility of to much of a good
- June 15, 2002
- Into every life there comes some discomfort, the trick is to know how much you
can tolerate and still keep on kicking.
- June 14, 2002
- The word "terrible" comes from its root "terror" yet we so
often use this powerful adjective to describe things that are not frightening at
- June 13, 2002
- The perspective we have on all things is not absolute but time and location related.
- June 12, 2002
- Self determination is the greatest illusion of all, so do everything you can
to enjoy all of the delusion.
- June 11, 2002
- Conventions in life develop to meet the lease resistance and have that as their
only function. It is for every individual to decide if they too wish to play along
with the path of least resistance or will they chart a course that establishes reason
and honesty as their guiding principles in life.
- June 10, 2002
- The operation of a motor vehicle is not and should never, be a form of social
interaction between you and the operators of other motor vehicles. Your only concern
is the safe conduct of your vehicle for yourself, your passengers and others who
use the road.
- June 9, 2002
- The next time someone begins one of those privatise/outsourcing speeches, ask
for positive examples.
- June 8, 2002
- Men who wear mustaches have something to hide especially the words they say.
- June 7, 2002
- Canada is undergoing a reevaluation of its political thought, get involved in
the process, its your duty.
- June 6, 2002
- Rather than consider who was to blame for some problem, always consider what
action you might have taken that would have reduced the severity or prevented the
- June 5, 2002
- Bad guys think everyone thinks like they do.
- June 4, 2002
- Pizza Hut, covers all the food groups of fat, lard and grease, starvation
a better choice..
- June 3, 2002
- Be you a pilot of an aircraft, riding your bike, driving a car or guiding your
life, above all else maintain control.
- June 2, 2002
- So, you have mastered something, big deal, now its time to learn something new.
- June 1, 2002
- Tisdale drivers beware when driving from the SAAN store to the Golden Age Centre,
North-South traffic on both intersections East and West of Cedar Villa, tends to
ignore the yield signs. (Yield signs get no respect at many intersections, it seems
some drivers mistake them for a speed up sign.)
May 31, 2002
- SaskTel wants to move all "Sympatico" e-mail addresses to "sasktel.net"
by the end of the month watch for e-mail alerting you of the change.
- May 30, 2002
- If you find yourself frustrated or anxious while waiting for a traffic jam to
clear, you better examine your feelings carefully and see why you are having a problem
with the passage of time.
- May 29, 2002
- Safer to back into your driveway and drive out rather than drive into your driveway
and back out.
- May 28, 2002
- Please don't use municipal water for growing grass, it may look good but unless
the skies open we are going to need all the water available.
- May 27, 2002
- Canadian dollar to make steady climb in next two weeks as the US dollar falters
considerably. Buy gold.
- May 26, 2002
- Floods in BC, drought on prairies, tornadoes in the US and out of season tropical
hurricane all add up to one thing, more to come. The Pacific is out of kilter and
weather and climate of North America confused.
- May 25, 2002
- If you have a bank account in eight figures, a mountain of gold and jewels, you
would still be a pauper compared to a man with friends.
- May 24, 2002
- Gloom and despair are easy, its hope and a positive outlook that takes energy
and brings rewards.
- May 23, 2002
- A home run, a shut out, a hole in one, perhaps, but personally I am just happy
with a smile.
- May 22, 2002
- It would be prudent at this time to conserve water, though municipal water supplies
are coping, without rain soon rationing is a certainty.
- May 21, 2002
- If you find coins on the floor and your pocket getting empty, you have a hole
in your pocket.
- May 20, 2002
- We build our existence moment by moment, choice by choice as we assemble what
becomes our past with the fragments of the available present.
- May 19, 2002
- Onions, flavour, nutrition and bad breath no matter let no food go un-onioned.
- May 18, 2002
- Everything is pointing toward a time when secrets will become very hard to develop.
- May 17, 2002
- No matter what your age, memory is not something that is good or bad. Like almost
any skill it is directly related to practice, everyone can improve their memory.
Some tricks are to repeat out loud something you want to remember, use novel associations
and do not let stress or tension build as that reduces memory efficiency.
- May 16, 2002
- When you read articles and stories on this web site use the references that accompany
most of them. We want you to find out for yourself, the opinions expressed here are
opinions and we want you to have the chance to think these issues over and form your
own opinion.
- May 15, 2002
- Don't put up with it and complain loudly about the use of letters instead of
words. It isn't short hand it takes longer to understand and creates elite who know
the jargon. No more RBC, CIBC, AT&T, PLO, FBI, CIA, NSI, SCIS, RCMP, DND, SGI,
UBC, UofA, UofM, SFI,
- May 14, 2002
- Complain: there are few psychics among us, so unless you don't want things to
work or don't care, keeping silent about something isn't good manners, its bad manners
because if doesn't give anyone a chance to fix what they don't know is wrong.
- May 13, 2002
- This may come as a shock to a lot of people but homosexuality is not a matter
of sexual choice or preference but a matter of genetics and biology.
- May 12, 2002
- Decision making is based upon a reasonable expectation of outcomes. Bad decisions
are when reason is set aside
- May 11, 2002
- Mac users use the iTunes radio and check out the "Chinese classical"
music, out standing!!!!
- May 10, 2002
- The days of cheap fuel are history. Plan to acquire an energy efficient vehicle
soon the time for the big pickup and fuel guzzling SUV has passed.
- May 9, 2002
- I have given this matter considerable thought and the decision is this, the most
valuable commodity of all is . . . Time.
- May 8, 2002
- Keep your eyes wide open for two wheeled kid powered machines. They are everywhere
and often where you least expect them. Just like early winter when drivers have to
adapt to icy streets now is the time to expect the unexpected cyclist.
- May 7, 2002
- Its a mountain/molehill thing, we tend to see the future in terms of the present
often realising that this moment is an exception. Don't let temporary set backs turn
into bottomless pits.
- May 6, 2002
- Gosh we all take ourselves too seriously.
- May 5, 2002
- Learn the etiquette of e-mail, no shouting (all caps) and only send attachments
that are necessary (no .bat or.exe) and do not send back in a response the message
you just received from some one.
- May 3, 2002
- Write or call up your MP and Senator. Tell him you are a Canadian and you expect
him or her to do something about it.
- May 2, 2002
- Not a single think can be accomplished without productive conflict.
- May 1, 2002
- Winning is one thing but sharing the glory is magnificent as it is a benefit
and raises spirits leaving a legacy of pride and joy.