Regina’s snow mountain range
Tisdale - Thursday, April 11, 2013
by:Timothy W. Shire

Friday, April 5, 2013 was yet another day of storming weather for Saskatchewan. We had drifty snow across the highway between #35 and Naicam but the visibility was acceptable. Good enough that we noticed that the ravens along the highway were really small, yes folks they were not ravens at all but crows. Despite the adverse weather we were pleased to see these harbingers of spring.

Visibility was acceptable to Watson but from there on there was more spray on highway 6# which seemed to be in the midst of a semi truck convention but we did not have ice and the visibility remained about a half kilometre until the last fifteen miles into Regina where a pole length was about as far as one could make things out.

After we had a light lunch we headed out to SGI’s Regina salvage depot. I had ordered parts for the Escape and SGI sent one unit complete and the other was not useable. This outlet is on the extreme northeast corner of the city on Flurry Street south of the refinery. By the way, the refinery is one massive construction zone with work going on where ever you look and a forest of construction cranes. The SGI place is on the edge of the city and as we moved south we could see a couple of car lengths ahead in blowing snow but on the right hand side of the street is this vast snow dump area.

I had listened on the radio to truckers the week before lamenting the long line ups waiting to get into to unload their loads and their consternation when the site was to muddy and to full of snow to access and was closed. But, the temperature went down and they reopened the place though we did not see many trucks in the area on that Friday afternoon.

These pictures are pretty deceptive because the size and extent of the snow piles is hard to make out just driving by but Judy did her best to get these pictures for you to see what it is like. Experts say that the volume of snow on this site exceeds what will melt away this summer. One math guy said that if the snow were made into a snowball it would be about five times taller then Regina’s City Hall.