The Week of November 25 to December 1, 2001
Jingle Bell Run For Arthritis
- Sunday
November 25, 2001
Saskatoon turns out in costume to celebrate a fund raising run for Arthritis, Saturday
The Pax Americana and Journalist Eric
Margolis: waging war for oil?
- Sunday
November 25, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the extraordinary close connections between the control
of oil and political power on the whole planet.
Winter Arrived Yesterday
- Monday
November 26, 2001
Though it was only a light snowfall Sunday the temperature remained below -10C for
the entire day. This morning the ground compains with every step a person takes,
winter is here.
The Greenwater Report for November 26,
- Monday
November 26, 2001
Jerry Crawford has some great stories to go along with an amazing picture as we find
out about lower temperatures, shopping in Kelvington and a drought that has plagued
most of the province.
Over The Yukon And Cassiar
- Tuesday
November 27, 2001
Today we travel back in time and place to take a plane ride from Watson Lake Yukon
and South to Cassiar. Enjoy the ride.
The Myth of Dr. Henry Kissinger
- Tuesday
November 27, 2001
Another American hero bights the dust as Mario deSantis discovers extensive documentation
that condemns the work of the 1973 Peace Prize winner.
Let's Go For A
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Yesterday we took a flight from Watson Lake to Cassiar. Today join us on a simple
hop over the canyon. Images by TimII
The Demise of the Loonie and Productivity
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
The National Post and many Ontario wizzards believe strongly that we ought to ditch
our own money and become Americans. Mario deSantis explains why he disagrees with
this loser attitude.
Grumman Goose
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Amphibian aircraft of the thirties and forties now only a think for the history books.
Dean Baker and mark Weisbrot:
The Myth of the American Productivity Growth
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Mario deSantis is constantly researching the issues that seem to be shaping our economic
destiny and he has been discovering some remarkable legends with no basis in fact.
Holiday Season
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
Tomorrow night Tisdale's business community kicks off the Christmas shopping season
with its Midnight madness as some business make their preparations today.
Parkland Photography
Club - November Meeting
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
This month the club recognises the efforts and achievements of four members and show
us this month's competition to produce a "touching" image.
A Free Market Conspiracy? Joseph
Stiglitz and the World Bank's four step program
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
With the money men calling the shots the third world has no chance whatever of obtaining
any success, their only course is to do as they are told and adopt a flawed economic
Golden Age Centre
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
The last day of a construction as tomorrow there is an afternoon programme, pot luck
supper and evening dance. Success!
Breakfast With Addicts
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
Surprises are part of life, people are very difficult to understand and people hooked
on addictive substances are not in control of their free will.
Flu - Shots: Smart
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Preventative health care makes sense and the positive move to reduce illness will
not only benefit individuals but all tax payers in general.
Winter Comes To Winnipeg
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Matthew Shire lets us peek at the chill of this morning as the snow arrives and with
it the awareness that the long fall is over for the capital of Friendly Manitoba.
Golden Age Centre Stages First Big Event
- Friday
November 30, 2001
The stage was set Thursday afternoon for today's big supper and celebration. This
page includes a QuickTime VR panorama of the scene and you must have QuickTime
in your machine to view the real time moveable scene.
Closure An Abuse of Democracy
- Friday
November 30, 2001
The government party has tired of discussion and imposed their majority on the country
by passing one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation seen in more than a century.
Rebecca Gingrich expresses her outrage at this turn of events.
The Value of Money
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Mike Townsend discovered some old bills that his father collected and wonders if
they are just neat collectables or are they worth anything.
Multinational Bankrupt Enron:
an example of colonization, greed, fraud, corruption, and gambling
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Did someone say "private enterprise?" Mario deSantis tells us the remarkable
story of American politics and very big oil money.
Pot Luck At Golden
Age Centre
- Saturday
December 1, 2001
Huge crowd on hand to celebrate the opening of the Golden Age Centre.
Alternate Media
- Saturday
December 1, 2001
Mario deSantis passes on some ideas and concerns about the way stories are told by
the commerical networks and publications.
Learn To Snow
- Saturday
December 1, 2001
Fresh snow and the memories of childhood mix together in today's essay of pictures.