The Week of December 14 to
20, 2003
December - 14 - 15
- 16
Ups and Downs, What has been 2003 and what might be 2004
- Sunday
December 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Qu'Appelle Valley: Though it is still two weeks from
the end of the year this one is a tough one to call and today we do a little preliminary
to the annual New Year's prediction project.
A deeper Free
Market in Canada: Charest fights for his privatisation of Quebec
- Sunday
December 14, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: It appears as though the government of Quebec
like that of British Columbia has begun a process of reducing the numbers of public
workers and reducing the earns of those still employed while moving more government
services into the private sector. The unfortunate facts are that there is no evidence
to support the economic positive affects of such action while at the same time the
public will be subjected to strikes and the kinds of problems that brought Ontario
situations like Walkerton and the inability of Toronto to deal with a medical crisis.
Not exactly a
thing of beauty
- Sunday
December 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale:It is almost a month since Tisdale's Town council
decreed that the people of Tisdale no longer put their garbage in the garbage can
stands in their back yards by the alley but instead each garbage day take the cans
out to the front of their houses for curb side pickup.
Christmas baking
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Of course you can go to the bakery but if you
want to give someone something that really means something, make it yourself. How
about some great cinnimon buns?
Judge Martin’s Cabinet on
the job titles and record, not on map locations
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: The very large government set forth by the new
prime minister has many wondering about costs. Knowing that the prime minister watches
the flow of money carefully he has served up a very large platter of government this
means he has two choices, either cut many existing programmes or follow the pattern
he has followed in the past creating excuses to slap on more taxes.
The Greenwater
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Winter advances as Greenwater
folks get together for a pot luck, some fishing stories, and Porcupine's Bar is getting
ready to open.
The malfeasances
of Bush's Free Market: Halliburton's profits and failure to securitize
the Iraqi Army
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Something is very rotten in the state of Iraq
as Vice President Cheney who still gets $400,000 a year from his company Halliburton
each year is charging many times more than a reasonable profit for services and products
while the Iraqi Army looks to be very suspicious. Can anyone say "Vietnam?"
Cutting Edge Cutlery
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Regina: Here are a set of pictures of a really unusual
shop in Regina's Victoria Square Mall.
The first hundred
- Tuesday
December 16, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Oshkosh Wisconsin: A hundred years ago powered flight
began and it has been rising ever since. We celebrate this occassion with a set of
29 pictures mostly from the third decade of flight when it became a facility of life
instead of a screwball experiement.