The Week of August 22 to 28,
August - 23 - 24
- 25 - 26
loses engine enroute to Saskatoon Airshow
- Monday
August 23, 2004
by : Will Clabun and Timothy Shire
Red Deer Alberta
: Commerative Airforce B-17 forced down in Alberta after an engine failed last Thursday.
Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
August 24, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : A Saskatoon arts and craft show, a visit to the air show (no pictures)
and concerns about frost damage.
Why is "Tobacco the
new currency of crime?"
- Tuesday
August 24, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario
: The need to reduce tobacco consumption has prompted governments to lay on the taxes,
sin taxes as some call them. The motive is good by the results predictable as Halifax
and Winnipeg have recently seen bold and really dangerous criminal acts.
a fixed ratio image
- Tuesday
August 24, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This
is a technical help page for people who are struggling with Adobe Photoshop
or its close relative, Photoshop Elements. This walks the user through the
steps to make a picture fit.
- Wednesday
August 25, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : With
some curbing already in place work has begun preparing the surfaces for paving bricks
in Tisdale's town square and downtown improvement project.
- Wednesday
August 25, 2004
by : Joseph Toe
Sammamish, Washington
: It would be wonderful of issues that affect the people of the United States were
none of our concern but with the links in communication and the tendancy for political
concepts to float across the border, we have to pay attention. Reacting to a story
on attempts by the US federal government to restrict litigation Mr. Toe gives us
his perspective on the issue.
in Russia touches us all
- Wednesday
August 25, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Two
civilian aircraft downed in Russia will push Russia toward some reaction to what
must surely have been an attack by force or forces unknown. This story asks us to
consider the consequences.
Vetting Supreme
Court Judges
- Wednesday
August 25, 2004
by : Brian Marlatt
White Rock, B.C. :The
basic concepts of the principles of Canadian law seem to be a bit beyond the members
of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. The Conservatives disdain for the Charter of Rights
and the importance of an independent judicary was made amazingly clear this week.
School Division gets new school year underway
- Thursday
August 26, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Today
is an inservice as the teachers for the school division prepare for the school year
2004 - 05. Tomorrow staff meetings and classroom preparation and students join the
teachers on Monday.
about lunch?
- Thursday
August 26, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This
is a "yes" for Western Pizza. Good menu, good service, good food.