The Week of June 6 to 12, 1999
- Sunday
June 6, 1999
Let's take a look around the chicken coupe and contemplate the relatives of our egg
Morning Flowers
- Monday
June 7, 1999
The aroma of these far exceeds their appearance, I took this image only minutes ago
and we are going to have to figure out a way to get smells to transmit over the internet.
Building On A
- Tuesday
June 8, 1999
Here is a look at a house construction site that is different.
- Summer Employment Centre: Putting the Work to the Worker
June 8, 1999
Check out the Summer Employment programme for this summer as student can find work
and employers can find workers at this excellent centre.
Collage Kids Home For The Summer
- Tuesday
June 8, 1999
A discussion about the concerns the editor (Timothy Shire) has about the uncertain
future of our collage students of today.
Nuform Packaging Inc.
- Wednesday
June 9, 1999
Development of Nuform Packaging began in the fall but the company is in production
now as its markets expand.
- The Constitutionality of Bill 23 : Back
To Work Legislation Against Saskatchewan
- Wednesday
June 9, 1999
Strong evidence exists that Bill 23 is illegal and the government will get rid of
it to avoid embarassment as soon as there is a settlement with nurses.
"Chance Of
Showers!, You Don't Say!"
- Thursday
June 10, 1999
The picture above was taken late yesterday and is a small portion of a QuickTime
VR panorama of the early evening sky. This story discusses the weather condition
but the panorama puts you into the environment.
Foam Forms
- Thursday
June 10, 1999
This is a follow up article on one done earlier this week on a house built on a slope,
in this story see how the actual pieces are assembled to create a basement.
Rebuilding - Manhole Bottoms
- Thursday
June 10, 1999
While taking a picture of some clouds I discovered this serious bit of underground
Tisdale Gardens
June 1999
- Thursday
June10, 1999
A quick look at the state of vegitable gardens in Tisdale with some interesting new
Four Pictures of A Prairie Community
- Friday
June 11, 1999
Rural life is not mysterious it is there for all to see. Four images of Tisdale Thursday
night give you a glimpse and perhaps more of this place.
- What Happened To The Saskatchewan Health Information Network?
June 11, 1999
The puzzle of why we as tax payers spend so much on health care and it is not enough,
is demonstrated in this insightful article about wasting money by Mario deSantis.
June 12, 1999
Starting a little slow this morning, the dark skies and rain a definite deterent
to enthusiasm. This picture was taken at 1100 this morning in our back yard and though
the rain dampens the spirits the lawn and trees have a much different attitude toward
the precipitation. Drop back later today we are working on some other stories and
hope to post later today, thanks for dropping by and send me email
I love to hear from people who visit Ensign.
June - A Time
For Weddings
- Saturday
June 12, 1999
A wedding picture and commentary on a couple's life together.
June 9 Years Ago
- Saturday
June 12, 1999
Here are some file pictures from nine years ago of the Tisdale area and the fine
crop that was in the fields that year.