The Week of November 18 to 24, 2001
Tisdale Montana
- Sunday
November 18, 2001
The amazing unusually warm weather we have been experiencing in November of this
year makes us wonder just where we are.
Pushing Bush's Agenda using the War against
Weakening people and Strengthening Oligarchy
- Sunday
November 18, 2001
Is this a war of convenience, has Terrorism played into the hand of the United States
President and the Multi-national corporations? Mario deSantis not only makes us wonder
about this but gives us some solid evidence in the outstanding links on this page.
The Greenwater Report for November 19,
- Monday
November 19, 2001
The happenings and developments at Greenwater Provincial park are here to see and
read in Jerry Crawford's weekly column. The documenting of the coming of the lake's
ice cover, new hiking trail, parking lot for the golf course and much more.
Recycling and
- Monday
November 19, 2001
Northern Steel Industries, which made its reputation as an environmentally friendly
tank manufacturer goes further with its rebuilding of older tanks.
Soil Testing At
The Tisdale Mall
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
Test holes are being made on the mall parking lot by a geological engineering firm.
Hmmm, Interesting.
The economics of Dean Baker and Paul Krugman
versus the economics of George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
Mario deSantis gives us a chance to review the links and compare the two opposing
views of the Econmic base line of the current United States/World crisis.
Big Blue Tractor
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
Out of sight, definitely need a wide angle lens to get a picture of this machine.
A question for Nobel Prize Winner Economist
Milton Friedman: "How free is the Free Market?"
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
When to free trade supporters say that "trade protection is just fine thank
you very much." Find out as Mario deSantis points out a serious exception that
explains a lot of policy from governments everywhere.
Long Anticipated Winter Overdue
- Wednesday
November 21, 2001
There have been late falls and early winters but this time we are "still waiting."
No need to convert to the US dollar as
our problem is one of constitution
- Wednesday
November 21, 2001
Mario deSantis explains that it make no sense to consider shutting down our own monitary
Golden Age Centre Shower
- Thursday
November 22, 2001
In keeping with the spirit of the development and construction of the Tisdale Seniors
Golden Age Centre, Wednesday afternoon there was a shower to fit out the kitchen.
Avery - Kelso Pioneer
- Friday
November 23, 2001
"At thirteen I was driving a five horse team working a field." The amazing
story of a woman who made her life in South East Saskatchewan.
Don Ching's SaskTel: conquering
Australia at the Expensive of Saskatchewan
- Friday
November 23, 2001
Long term investment in foreign capital projects by Government owned SaskTel raises
serious questions by MLAs and citizens alike.
Problem Solving - Not Just Using The Same Solution
- Friday
November 23, 2001
Today's article explains the problem and gives you the solution. No downsizing, no
cutbacks but expansion and development.
USURC is pushing Ken Fyke's recommendations:
Less rural hospitals and more fraudulent researches
- Friday
November 23, 2001
University of Saskatchewan's creative "let's make it up" research department
wants province to "go for" implimenting the Fyke report.
A New Vision for Saskatchewan Government
Insurance: SGI's Larry Fogg shoots for either No-Fault program or Tort
- Saturday
November 24, 2001
The Boss at SGI declares either "go no-fault or we'll get yah." The basic
principles of SGI's system remain intact as does the unofficial motto "we decide".