The Week of April 4 to 10,
April - 6 - 7
- 9
Spring run-off
- Tuesday
April 6, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Weekes & Tisdale : After several years of not enough
snow or moisture of any kind we have a real run off this year and here are some pictures
of the way things are going out in the Weekes area on Saturday and today in Tisdale.
The Mighty Wascana
- Tuesday
April 6, 2004
by : R. W. Shire
Regina : The excavation that worked around the clock
all winter has concluded as contractors now put on the finishing touches around the
forming lake. One of these additions will be a cycle trail that will let you ride
almost the width of the city along the lake. Rere are twenty pictures that tell the
story of the way it has shaped up.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
April 6, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : So they have spring at the park and its time for a few
special fishing stories. Gerald spotted a lynx and a few announcements to keep us
all informed.
Tanks for the
- Tuesday
April 6, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : If you have been wondering what is happening
to fuel prices here are some thoughts on the subject.
World Health Day:
Road Safety is no accident
- Wednesday
April 7, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Safety check at the Tisdale Mall, radar trap
at the north end of town and wall to wall police with over twenty uniforms and mustaches
in Tisdale.
Will Conservatives
Listen This Time, Or Repeat Past Mistakes?
- Wednesday
April 7, 2004
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : One of the major critisisms of the former
Canadian Alliance Party was that it failed to pay attention to what the major
of Canadians were saying about government policy. Now the newly reorganised party,
the Conservative Party must look at what it did in the past and discover why
most voters east of Winnipeg simply did not agree with party platform.
"for God
so loved the world he gave his only begotten son . . "
- Friday
April 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire and illustrated by Dawn LaRochelle
Tisdale : On Good Friday we restate the need to recall
what the day is set aside for and what this one man's life did to affect so much
change in the world since his death.
Wet Winnipeg
- Friday
April 9, 2004
by : Timothy and Cassandra Shire
Winnipeg : Though the Red River is at the top of its
banks, for the most part it is staying were it belongs. This story includes a QuickTime
VR (1.5MB).
Disagree with
Police article
- Friday
April 9, 2004
by : Tina LaCroix
The accusations made in the April 7, 2004 World Health Day: Road Safety is no accident
story are unfair and wrongly accuse the police of their use of lethal weapons.
The values brought
to you by privatisation: Corrupt health care in Saskatoon and corrupt
Canadian politicians
- Friday
April 9, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The real conflict of our age is an ancient
one as the struggle continues between selfishness and selflessness. The Saskatoon
Emergency room doctor who warns of the dangers in his ER get fired and politics continues
to be about power and not about the well being of people.
Taking a chance
- Friday
April 9, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Its hard to be a criminal any more as government has taken over the business
and just just can't get respect.