The Week of March 7 to 13, 1999
- Sunday a foggy morning
- Sunday
March 7, 1999
The deep foggy of the night is quickly disappearing here but will linger in the South
of the province until noon. A large number of upgrades have gone into the background
of Ensign this morning We welcome James deSantis for the second time
today this article appearing today is the first of three and parts 2 and 3 will appear
tomorrow and Tuesday. Due to a server failure yesterday morning we were unable to
upload yesterdays upgrades.
- Systems
Dynamics In Education: Constructivism and Knowing Thyself
March 7, 1999
Mario deSantis practices what he preaches and he points out the impossiblity of separating
education from its society. Keep in mind that Mario's endnotes are all dynamic and
the meat of his article is in these references.
Seed Companies
- A Competitive Alternative
- Monday
March 8, 1999
Small farm based seed farms make for a more competitive and alternative to the growth
of the large scale grain handling companies.
Technological problems
- Monday
March 8, 1999
Our appologies to you have been trying to get to this site, we are experiencing difficulties
with the server or the network, perhaps both and access to Ensign has been slow for
the past few days. Our E-mail is not functioning so if you have sent me e-mail Saturday
or Sunday I have not and will not receive it unless you direct it to my alternate
e-mail address
We do not know when these problems will be cleared up but it could take a full week
or an hour, somewhere in there.
This Odd House
- Over Grown
- Tuesday
March 9, 1999
The trees have claimed the site of an aging crumbling farm house West of Melfort.
Horse Talk
- Tuesday
March 9, 1999
An interview with three of Tisdale's biggest citizens.
Fritjof Capra: The Theory of Living
Systems.Part 2
- Wednesday
March 10, 1999
James deSantis shares with us his second article discussing the implications
of the work of Fritjof Capra.
- Wednesday
March 10, 1999
We not be able to regain our childhood but four energetic girls let us enjoy their
later afternoon fun.
- Technical Problems Continue
- Wednesday
March 10, 1999
Yesterday morning SaskTel's DNS server crashed before 8:00, by 10:30 it was
functioning and only temporarily quiting, they booted it again at 4:00 and reported
that by 5:30 it was functioning normally. However, the server we use for Ensign
crashed Tuesday night and is running very slowly, efforts are being made to correct
the problem so please hang in there with us. Due to the SaskTel problems I
did not upload Tuesday's edition of Ensign until 9:40 in the evening. SaskTel's
ragged performance lately is causing trouble for both our web server and the one
in our office, let's hope they soon get their problems sorted out.
The Madison
- Thursday
March 11, 1999
With spring on the way that building fever is setting in once again as Tisdale's
housing boom carries over from last year with a new proposed condominium and more
private homes on the way.
Fritjof Capra: The Theory of Living
Systems.Part 3
- Thursday
March 11, 1999
James deSantis' third and final installment on the philosopher Fritjof Capra brings
us to the conclusion. The uplifting and positive nature of this modern thinker gives
us all something to work toward and realise that we can make things better.
51 Dodge
- Friday
March 12, 1999
My favourite colour, blue and this blue beauty is an eye full. The owner has just
taken it out of storage because he needed the room and this machine is for sale.
Best Value Opens
- Friday
March 12, 1999
Zellers closes for good and the new store is getting ready for business with a full
staff of part time workers.
- Saturday
13, 1999
Though the weatherman talks of warmer weather this is a slow spring largely because
of the premature arrive of the season last year. Seems a little cool this morning
and a sharp South East Wind.
The Best
- Saturday
March 13, 1999
The first article on defining some of the best things in Tisdale.