The Week of May 12 to 18, 2002
MGB Roadster
- Sunday
May 12, 2002
Best sign of spring to be seen, a read roadster on a parking lot with the roof down.
A question for Professor Richard Swinburne:
What is the conditional probability that God exists? Is it 97%?
- Sunday
May 12, 2002
We have talked about this problem before, the use of statistics to calculate reality.
Mario explains the recent revelation by Oxford University's Professor Swinburne who
claims a 97% chance of Christ's resurrection.
Bike Repair Shop and Student Support Centre
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Lindsay Krestianson explained the entrepeneurial high school credit program for a
group of students in a new programme operated by Tisdale School Division.
This is San Jose
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Kevin McIntyre takes us along in his van to see a bit of the Silicon Valley home
to most of the world's computer industry and about four million folks living in the
valley South of San Francisco Bay. The streaming "flash" presentation is
1.5MB and on a dial up connection will at a bit of time to download.
The Greenwater Report for May 13, 2002
- Monday
May 13, 2002
The lake still has ice but the geese are entertaining the folks at the park as service
are re-established for the summer and its time for Gerald to do some travelling.
Church and State
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Ron Thornton is concerned that the clash between the Catholic Separate School system
in Oshawa Ontario and Ontario courts could have serious ramifications.
Rock and Roll: Earthquake
- Tuesday
May 14, 2002
Kevin McIntyre road out a moderate earthquake last night in San Jose and gives us
his account of the ride.
Trent OfukanyJoins Royal Bank For the Summer
- Tuesday
May 14, 2002
New face at the Royal Bank in Tisdale as Crooked River man joins staff for the summer.
1963 Ford Thunderbird
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Far more than transportation or just a machine, the Ford Thunderbird has served throughout
its history as an icon for design and the way Detroit thinks the consumer sees the
Dust, Dust and More Dust
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Stu Innes is trying to get his crop in the dry windy part of Saskatchewan Southeast
of Regina near Lewvan. His pictures from yesterday truly tell us what its like out
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Ron Thornton comments on the Prime Minister's remarks about security at the up coming
conference West of Calgary. Seems that Yogi may be doing crowd control.
The Ties of the Free Market in California's
Fraudulent Energy Crisis: Enron and the Bush Administration
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
In only a few lines Mario deSantis explains the method used by Enron to squeek California
consumers using deregulation and what amounts to simple fraud. Their representative
in charge of the project now is a member of the Bush cabinet.
Liner and Fill
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
To close up this huge clean up site a subsurface water liner has been installed to
prevent and residual contamination migrating on top of ground water.
- Lobster Weekend
May 16, 2002
Mike Townsend has shared his annual spring get together with his Kamloop Harley Davidson
Motorcycle club the hogs. This year we get to see the fire and the spirit of the
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
Well into the garage and yardsale season I visit two this morning and show you the
Number Two, Going Up
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
Both of the new housing starts this year are now well above ground as they quickly
move from basement, to shell to finishing.
President George Bush Enronized his Pre-Knowledge
of 9/11Terrorist Attacks
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
Back on April 22 we told you he knew it was coming today that news makes it into
the mainstream US media but there is more to come. This story points the cause and
you owe it to yourself to read the references on this one.
Tisdale Senior
- Friday
May 17, 2002
Meeting twice weekly the fitness group held a special Jamboree Thursday.
Robin's Nest
- Friday
May 17, 2002
Cold, windy definitely unspring-like but life must go on and this Regina robin family
are doing as best they can.
We Try Again
- Friday
May 17, 2002
Time to get back into gardening. We start our garden and promise to keep you informed
about our garden and others through the summer.
Beyond Twilight
- Saturday
May 18, 2002
Here are some interesting images of Tisdale Thursday evening with the moon and planets
filling the pre-dark sky. This page includes a 400K QuickTime version of the Platters
Twilight Time song.
President George Bush must learn to connect
the dots
- Saturday
May 18, 2002
Now the American mainstream media realises that they have not been told nor are they
telling what was and is known about the September 11th attacks. Did a lack of awareness
contribute to the intelligence failure?
Will Bush patriotism shut up Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney?
- Saturday
May 18, 2002
Congresswom Cynthia McKinney does not consider it UnAmerican to question the President's
war on terrorism policies, meanwhile back in Afghanistan a couple more "opps".