The Week of July 23 to 29, 2000
Darlene and Allan Celebrate Quarter Century
- Sunday
July 23, 2000
Today we share in a couple's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with lots of pictures,
this articles takes a little time to download because it has a 20KQuicktime
Greenwater Report for July 24, 2000
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Gerald Crawford gets us the scoop this week on the Porcupine fire, a stray cat and
bison. This morning's front page picture is by Gerald Crawford.
Studies Conclude That Natives are Vulnerable
to Gambling Addiction
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Common sense and the realisation that poverty and disadvantage play such a major
role in producing the conditions that lead to gambling and substance abuse.
Watch Out For Blue-Green Algae
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Mario deSatnis tells us about losing his dog to the algae bloom that can occur in
many of Saskatchewan's lakes and streams this time of year.
Diversification of Rural Saskatchewan:
A dumping ground for huge hog producers
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Suspicion and concern continues to be voiced by those wondering what is prompting
the Government of Saskatchewan to subsidise Big Sky of Humboldt.
Behold this sky, it is a gift sent only once
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Last night's sunset seen in a series of still images and a QuickTime VR panorama
to liberate your mind as well as your eyes.
Another Tuesday, Another Market Day
- Tuesday
July 25, 2000
This morning another peek at the farmers market today, wow! a dollar a bag at the
Star City Hutterite table!
What's In A Name
- Wednesday
July 26, 2000
Zellers is back on August 6 and the transistion is close to complete.
Grumman American
- Wednesday
July 26, 2000
Remarkable modern general aviation aircraft pointed the way to inexpensive production
for all aircraft.
96Th Street
- Thursday
July 27, 2000
Looking South down 96th Street and for the first time their is a house there this
The common sense of University professors
Richard Gray and Michael Freeman
- Thursday
July 27, 2000
Two professors reply to governmental statistical propoganda, with a simply comment
, the other with a new study to really get to the bottom of a problem.
The system is
not more worth than one person's rights
- Thursday
July 27, 2000
The good of the system must not ever subvert the rights of the individual as that
will in fact destroy the system.
New House #7
- Friday
July 28, 2000
The numbers continue to rise as the summer of 2000 proves to be adequate as new homes
are built or relocated in Tisdale.
Golden Age Centre Moves to TUCs Field
- Friday
July 28, 2000
The seniors group organising the new Centre have decided to move their project closer
to downtown, but not without some discention.
Evidence is developing against the two
huge hog projects
- Friday
July 28, 2000
Mario deSantis links the bad planning for water on the Rama project and the results
of a hearing into the deaths of workers in a hog barn as evidence of what we can
expect from the government and the developer.
Thar Be Scotts Aplayin'
- Saturday
July 29, 2000
Friday midday, a concert of Scott music on the shady side of cenotaph park.
- New House #8
July 29, 2000
The numbers rise as one house after another is constructed in Tisdale.
Simplicity, common sense and the unreasonable
behaviour of Greg Trew
- Saturday
July 29, 2000
Today Mairo deSantis discusses the issue of reasonable behaviour and how allies need
to support each other if progress is to be obtained.