The Week of August 25 to 31, 2002
School Year 2002
- 2003 Begins Today
- Monday
August 26, 2002
A magnificent August day for the new school year to get underway here in Tisdale
and in much of the province.
The Greenwater Report For August 26, 2002
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Warm weather as the season draws to a close for the park and Gerald tells us about
berries, sales and sunflowers.
"Will you
have cheese with that?"
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Work began this morning on developing the Tisdale outlet for the A&W fast food
No Fault in Saskatchewan:Lorie
Terry publishes an article on insurance research and medical ethics
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Since the spring of 2000 we at this web site have been haunted with the horror of
the behaviour and intent of SGI with more than seventy articles written on the subject.
Mario deSantis points out the recent article published written by Saskatchewan activist
Lorie Terry.
Fire Damages Welding
- Monday
August 26, 2002
This shop is one of the stories we were working on and had missed seeing the owner
for a picture and details.
Thank you Sheila Steele for letting us
get to know police Superintendent Brian George Dueck
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Saskatoon City police officer continues to practice his trade while many consider
his actions and that of the police force he works with to be extremely suspicious.
Ottawa Far Out of Touch
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Regina area farmer Stu Innes explains the inept Federal Government's response to
Western Canada's drought with yet another programme that will benefit almost no one
in Western Canada.
Auction Day In Tisdale
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Mostly household goods from furniture to antiques go on sale tomorrow at the auction
sale. Here are some of the special items to be found at the sale.
New Line Under
the street
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
SaskTel discovered a problem with its line and this morning replaced it using a drilling
system to make the fix without digging up the street.
PC's praise the Lord
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
Ron Thornton gives us an outsiders view of the man who certainly impressed Progressive
Conservatives at their convention this past weekend, New Brunswick premier, Bernard
The pretend auto
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
Back in May of this year we did a story about the expensive SUV version of the US
military Hummer. Here is the story of how we got this one wrong.
Harper's regional soapbox
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
A week ago Michael Watkins pointed out some disconcerting reasons why the Canadian
Alliance is unpalitable to the Progressive Conservatives to which Phyllis Hubeli
replied. Today Michael responds.
Sharing sunrise this morning
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
At 0600 the morning was fully lit with a great sunrise and you can share the moment
and learn about landing as well.
New speed bump
to be installed
- Wednesday
August 28, 2002
Tomorrow morning work begins and turning this intersection into a very big hole.
Prime Ministers
- Wednesday
August 28, 2002
Ron Thornton passed this discussion on to the editor in email and it is just what
we all need to sort out some of Canada's prime ministers.
Careful Now
- Thursday
August 29, 2002
The water and sewer lines under main street are intercepted as the service for the
new A&W is being accomplished today.
Kyoto: What if we do, or we
- Thursday
August 29, 2002
Today CBC reported that the Federal government plans to sign the accord in October.
Ron Thornton gives us his view of what this really means.
Western Separatism
and Provincial Rights
- Thursday
August 29, 2002
It is definitely time to get this discussion out in the open. This is Phyllis H.
Hubeli's response to Michael Watkins Tuesday story. It is important to see this discussion
because if we think about our country we know that we share and disagree with various
views. Today we are given the case for increases provincial rights.
Terry Fox sign-up
- Friday
August 30, 2002
Today its time to get in the spirit and sign up for the Terry Fox run at the front
of the post office.
Breaking down the brainwashed perception
of GDP and Productivity
- Friday
August 30, 2002
Just saying something does not make it true and the politicians and economist have
a tendancy to make pronouncements that are far from accurate. Mario deSantis asks
us to think about the continuing use of GDP and Productivity as some measure of the
way things are going. Be sure to check out the links on this page.
Tisdale Today - August 30, 2002
- Friday
August 30, 2002
Some observations in our little town today.
Second Growth
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
The preculiar growing conditions have created one of the most unusual harvests ever.
Why Canada should not ratify Kyoto
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
Certainly we are all for clearn air and water but will Canada going for the Kyoto
accord make a difference? Phyllis H. Hubeli has taken on the challenge of dealing
with this topic and this story is worth considering carefully.
Tourist booth closes this weekend
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
All summer long the booth has been greeting visitors and giving them a clue about
what to see and do but this is its last weekend open.