The Week of June 9 to 15, 2002
Saturday At The Scottish Pavilion
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
Stu Innes takes us back to Mosiac 2002 in Regina as the pipers and dancers wow the
crowd. (to hear the music you need QuickTime)
Garage Sale Highlights
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
Here are some interesting things that were being sold this past weekend.
Grad Car 2002
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
Another year, another batch of grad cars. This year they look better.
President Bush's Trickle Down Economics
& his Speech to the Pork Producers
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
It would appear that the economic political agenda of the Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney
years is the main event as the US president is essentially campaigning on the economic
agenda of the Free Market as he struggles for the hearts and minds of American voters
in the Midwest to sort things out for the fall Congressional election.
The Greenwater Report For June 10, 2002
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Boats in the water, the water is warmer, despite only small rain fall and Gerald
tests a Mango.
Travel Storage
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Remember the saying that you can never have to much closet space, well the same is
true when you go camping with a pickup, you can never have to much storage space.
Jelly Fish
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Kevin McIntyre and his wife go out to dinner to celebrate the life and career of
Dr. R. O. Waiton in California. Kevin gives us an account of the dinner.
Good Riddance To The Front Step
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Time has a magic circle to it as fads in furniture, clothing and houses come and
go. Now its time to make use of the front of the house.
Everyone Survives Crash Landing at Logan and McPhillips
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
At 9:30 Keystone Air Service Ltd. Piper Chieftain made a crash landing on a Winnipeg
street. Pictures and details to be posting in a few minutes.
A Little White Duck
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
Looks like this guy had his flying license suspended, perhaps for medical reasons.
The Chretien Legacy
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
After nine years as prime minister Ron Thornton suggests that Jean Chretien is still
looking for something that he will be remembered in history for. Ron has a suggestion.
Climatic Slowdown
- Or Just Plain Late
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
Crops and gardens were about two weeks behind time they are now approaching four
weeks later than normal.
Ready To Stand
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
The new Inchworm building is moving right along with its walls all assembled and
ready to be put in place.
Employment Week
- Wednesday
June 12, 2002
This is summer employment and more students than ever are looking for summer jobs.
America's Bushism with the Cheneys: Defending
Civilization and Patriotism
- Wednesday
June 12, 2002
The US Vice President's wife has written a book on patriotism while there are nagging
questions about the president and the vice president during the Vietnam war.
Team Randall In
Final Preparations
- Wednesday
June 12, 2002
Its been a long haul but Rendall Automotive of Tisdale have nearly finished their
stock car to participate in this year's season of racing.
Life Begins Again
- Thursday
June 13, 2002
Yesterday after a week of cloud and cold the sky began to break and the new rain
had softened the ground and the grass began to grow. Sigh
- T
Hand of God
- Friday
June 14, 2002
Reaching out from the sky a great cirrus cloud swept over us mystical and omnipresent
traversing the horizon in a few minutes. But there is more.
President George Bush and Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld: are they Axis of Evil themselves?
- Friday
June 14, 2002
What? The US president is talking about first nuclear strike against terrorists and
the Secretary of Defence talks about unknown unknowns. Please stand back.
New Tee
- Friday
June 14, 2002
A new set of tees have expanded both the size and difficulty of the Riverside golf
course in Tisdale. Here are some shots of the tee off in St. Theresa Park.
Responsibility: Personnel or Party?
- Friday
June 14, 2002
Mike Reilly expresses his concern that the New Minister of Defence is, like his predecessor,
unwilling to stand up and demand funding for the Department.
For Protection or Perception
- Friday
June 14, 2002
Joe Hueglin is wondering if the government's talk of building up a stockpile of serum
for possible terrorist biological attacks is authentic or just some more political
fooling around.
- Saturday
June 15, 2002
Images of Saskatchewan as we go from Tisdale to Swift Current Friday night.
Swift Current At Night
- Saturday
June 15, 2002
Between 1:00AM and 2:00 a camera takes a walk in the Southwestern city of the province.