The Mario deSantis Index page 1
Unconventional Knowledge
- Sunday, July 19, 1998
By Mario deSantis
So how is business and business managing with the new Information age. Mario examines
the problem and let's us consider the thoughts of some experts on the problem.
- Sunday, July 26, 1998
Mario deSantis raises our awareness of the growing and developing trend toward "e-commerce"
- Sunday
August 2, 1998
Mario deSantis tells it like it is in the world of government as it relates to the
financial end of health care
Internet Commerce, Review of Internet Creator
- Sunday
August 9, 1998
Mario deSantis explains the features of the new software Internet Creator
and the importance of this kind of software as it relates to our evolving world.
August 10/98 with
Timothy (Tim) Shire.
- Sunday
August 16, 1998
Mario deSantis reflects on the new economy and how he sees it in practice.
- Sunday
August 23, 1998
Mario deSantis begins a several part series on the remarkable connectivity
between all things. This first articles features references to The Web of Life"
by Fritjof Capra.
- Theory of
Living Systems and Organizational Changes: Article 2-A From
Reductionism to a System Perception
of Life
- Sunday
August 30, 1998
Mario deSantis gives us a peak at the fascinating combination of pure science
and ecologyical humanity.
- Theory of Living
Systems and Organizational Changes: Article 3-Living Systems:Organization/Pattern,
Structure and Process/Cognition
- Sunday, September 6, 1998
Mario deSantis explains that if we consider all things as they relate to one
another we might more easily understand those things.
- Theory
of Living Systems and Organizational Changes: Article 4-Living Systems:Principles
of Organization and Building Sustainable Human Communities
September 13, 1998
Our journey into the realm of sustainable ecological human existance by Mario deSantis
September 18, 1998
Mario deSantis introduces us to a series of articles on how Saskatchewan needs
to catch up on organising itself politically and economically to meet the demands
of this era.
Knowledge Economy
- Sunday
September 20, 1998
Our economy is now global and we need management and administration techniques that
will get us to a competitive position Mario deSantis explores the management
world through a much different perspective.
- Need
of Transformational Changes in Saskatchewan: The
biological origin of cognition and
implications for Education
- Sunday
September 27,1998
Mario deSantis reveals an exciting and more appropriate direction for modern education
based on the nature of human beings.
- Need
of Transformational Changes in Saskatchewan: Healthcare Reform and Authoritarian
October 4, 1998
Mario deSantis gives us a hard look at the purpose of healthcare reform and
its remarkable tax consuming shortcomings.
- Need of Transformational
Changes in Saskatchewan
Fight against Racism and A new Worldview
- Sunday
October 11, 1998
Mario deSantis discusses the concerns of racial inequality in our province and how
it affects us all.
Need of Transformational
Changes in Saskatchewan
Healthcare Reform and New Economic Policies, part 1
- Sunday
October 18, 1998
Mario deSantis explains how the use of central authority and unquestionable
direction, reduces efficiency and nullifies the effect of the district board system.
This article goes considerably beyond opinion as it relies upon a large number of
sources in and out of government.
Need of Transformational
Changes in Saskatchewan
Healthcare Reform and New Economic Policies, part 2
What Happened to the Saskatchewan Vision for Health?
- Sunday
October 25, 1998
Mario deSantis explains the quagmire that is developing within the health
care system due to deliberate provincial governmental policy.
OF TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGES IN SASKATCHEWAN: Healthcare Reform and New Economic Policies,
Part 3: Is the Saskatchewan
of Health Organizations (SAHO) above the Law?
- Sunday
November 1, 1998
Mario deSantis points toward the corrupt beginnings of the regional healthcare system
in the province.
- Need
of Transformational Changes in Saskatchewan: Healthcare Reform and New Economics
Policies, Part
4, Personal Experiences With Corruption.
- Sunday
November 8, 1998
Mario deSantis takes us through the unpleasantness of discovering corruption and
being fired when it is discovered that he knows what is going on.
Technology is changing the way to study and learn.
- Sunday
November 15, 1998
Mario deSantis explains the tangible and positive link that is establishing between
the learning process and the computer.
CHANGES IN SASKATCHEWAN: Healthcare Reform and New Economic Policies,
Part 5
November 22, 1998
Mario deSantis shows us the more then $4,000,000 fiasco of squandered money on payroll
processing that could have been and still could be, accomplished within health districts,
for what relatively speaking, would be pocket change.
CHANGES IN SASKATCHEWAN: Healthcare Reform and New Economic Policies,
Part 6
November 29, 1998
Mario deSantis enters a plea for the inclusion of the massive money managed
by Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations in the work of the provincial
- Bureaucratic
Incompetence and Talks Between CUPE and SAHO

- Sunday
January 10, 1999
Mario deSantis returns to Ensign today with a pointed and sharp comment about the
negotiations and situation threatening health care in the province.
- Some
Observations on Changes Brought by new Technologies in Business and Education

- Sunday
Janury 17, 1999
Mario deSantis shares with us his understanding of accounting software and how
it can be used by all of us. Mario has packed into this little article a wealth of
important information as well as a set of references that could really help you get
your books under control.
The Incompetence
In Dealing with Y2K
- Tuesday
January 19, 1999
Mario deSantis expresses his indignation and deep concern about the cavalier attitude
toward the taxpayer and how the healthcare agencies intend to deal with this serious
- The
culprit of the Y2K Nightmare in Health
Care is plain Corruption!
- Wednesday
January 23, 1999
An authorative and fully documented report by Mario deSantis on squandering
of funds in healthcare over the Y2K problem.
- Thoughts
on Education, Knowledge, Learning and the Internet
January 24, 1999
Ensign is proud to post articles as well researched and yet easy to understand and
apply to our daily world. Mario deSantis gives us some serious food for thought
about the education system today as it points out the positive and progressive means
to making that system better.
A New Approach
In Learning Mathematics
- Sunday
January 31, 1999
Mario deSantis explains the use of software designed to teach students calculus.
This practical article gives you a look at this software cuts down on the learning
- A
Personal Story: Learning and New Technologies In Education
February 1, 1999
You can't beat first hand experience to bring awareness of not only problems but
how problems can and are solved. Mario deSantis tells us clearly and consisely about
some problems our educational system has and points to the direction we can take
to improve things drastically.
- A Personal Experience:
Knowledge Is Not Transferred, It is
- Tuesday
February 2, 1999
Mario deSantis shares with us his thoughts on the learning process, this is
an article that you need to read carefully and think over. In it, he explains the
key to a learning, the ability to construct one's own knowledge base.
Embedding The
Internet In Our Education System: It Is Not A Matter of Money, It Is
A Matter of Mind
- Sunday
February 7, 1999
Be sure to drop back and see Mario deSantis' excellent article on how schools can
impliment the use of the internet into their curriculum.
- Saskatchewan
Tin Pot Dictatorships: Lack of Integrity Is A Lack of
- Monday
February 8, 1999
Mario deSantis has some insightful comments about recent reports of
reports from our provincial government.
SAHO Payroll Policies
- Wednesday
February 10, 1999
An article in the Leader Post evokes an indignant response from Mario deSantis as
tax money is squandered by SAHO on yet another payroll computer fiasco.
Systems Dynamics
In Education: An Introduction
- Sunday
February 14, 1999
Mario deSantis tells us about an educational approach that will bring together the
fragmented elements of the curriculum.
A change of mind
set is better than a change of strategy
- Monday
February 15, 1999
Mario deSantis suggests a common sense approach to the most obvious political and
social problem facing Saskatchewan people.
- An ominous
suspicion: has SAHO corrupted the pension fund?
February 16, 1999
Mario deSantis reveals his worries about the Saskatchewan Health Care pension fund
and how it might be the source of the money that SAHO seems to throw away at regular
Dynamics in Education: Thinking Differently
- Sunday
February 21, 1999
This exciting approach to problem solving needs our full attention as Mario deSantis
explains the pitfalls of the present system and the way to make things work.
- Systems
Dynamics in Education: Systems Thinking and Systems Dynamics
February 28, 1999
Mario deSanatis explains the need to put things together and how this educational
process offers a means to that end.
- Systems
Dynamics In Education: Constructivism and Knowing Thyself
March 7, 1999
Mario deSantis practices what he preaches and he points out the impossiblity of separating
education from its society. Keep in mind that Mario's endnotes are all dynamic and
the meat of his article is in these references.
Lack of Vision
in Saskatchewan Education
- Sunday
March 14, 1999
Mario deSantis points out in a short editorial the failure for education leaders
within government to demonstrate the skills that students most need.
- System
Dynamics In Education: Failures of the Current System
March 21, 1999
Mario deSantis explains how the current approach in our school's is crippling our
students and reducing their chances to be creative problem solvers.
- System
Dynamics In Education: Commonality of Structure and Behaviour
March 29, 1999
Mario deSantis explains the way using a system could not only stream line education
but how it would enrich the stutent's experience by permitting the exploration of
a wider range of topics with competent techniques.
Never Enough Money
- Wednesday
March 31, 1999
When is $50,000,000 not enough money? When SAHO wants to fix the year 2000 problem.
($50 million would buy 19,230 brand new business type Macintosh Computer systems
or 33,333 Windows 98 computers 366Mhz 64Mb 6GB)
The Number Game
- Thursday
April 1, 1999
Mario deSantis suggests that there should be more then numbers on which to base re-election
of the present provincial government.
- Premier
Romanow's Shining Light To The World: The Canadian
Light Source
- Monday
April 5, 1999
Mario deSantis reports the concerns many have voiced about the new project
in Saskatoon and how it may negatively impact on the tasks at hand.
- Few
Words On The Synchrotron,
Politics and Education In Saskatchewan
- Wednesday
April 7, 1999
Mario deSantis reflects on the connections that people would like to make between
education and the University of Saskatchewan Synchrotron project.
- Bad
Faith of Honourable Romanow: Back To Work Legislation For Nurses
- Friday
April 9, 1999
A short condemning editorial about the Premier's shameful disregard for collective
Nurses Strike,
Premier Romanow And The 22%
- Sunday
April 11, 1999
Mario deSantis points out the glaringly obvious errors of the government and identifies
it as the real culprit in the present hospital services disruption.
Premier Romanow:
Playing the Number Game
- Tuesday
April 20, 1999
Publicising the 22% salary increase and covering up the $40 million over run on the
closing of the Plains.
The Political
Mission of Premier Romanow: Divide and Conquer
- Sunday
April 18, 1999
Mario deSantis has identified the Premiers inclination to use what ever works to
gain re-election
SUN's Strike and
Premier Romanow's Paper Legislation
- Sunday
April 25, 1999
Mario deSantis takes aim at the Premier's knee jerk reaction to pass back to work
legislation while espousing the "rule of Law".
- Romanow's
Legacy: Mortgaging the Future of Saskatchewan
May 3, 1999
The stifling of descent in government, within government agencies and even within
the University of Saskatchewan disturb Mario deSantis in today's editorial.
- The
Saskatchewan Government and SAHO: Mismanaging Health Care and Blackmailing SUN Nurses.

- Sunday
May 9, 1999
Mario deSantis levels a serious attack on the government and its leader for the bungling
of the Plains closure and Regina hospital renovations and the underhanded dealings
with Saskatchewan nurses with whom negotiations resume tomorrow.
- Premier
Romanow's Latest Magics: Shuffling Numbers & Mysterious
Bank Accounts
- Sunday
May 16, 1999
Mario deSantis points out some odd behaviour by the premier that poses some troubling
- An
Education Inquiry Sought: A Bravo For Mr. Ted Merriman!
May 18, 1999
Mario deSantis comments about the state of affairs in Saskatoon Board of Education.
Do We Need Further
Specialised Research In Saskatchewan Health Care?
- Friday
May 21, 1999
Richard Plains study of Saskatchewan Health Care is discussed by Mario deSantis and
common sense is applied.
- Technological
Changes In Saskatchewan
Health Care:
- An
Abysmal Disaster
May 27, 1999
The health care budget for Saskatchewan is high but far to much of that money is
being spent in a regressive non-productive manner. Mario deSantis explains the ways
of waste.
- The
Constitutionality of Bill 23 : Back
To Work Legislation Against Saskatchewan
- Wednesday
June 9, 1999
Strong evidence exists that Bill 23 is illegal and the government will get rid of
it to avoid embarassment as soon as there is a settlement with nurses.
- What Happened
To The Saskatchewan Health Information Network?
June 11, 1999
The puzzle of why we as tax payers spend so much on health care and it is not enough,
is demonstrated in this insightful article about wasting money by Mario deSantis.
- On
Milgaard's Compensation of $10 Million
June 14, 1999
Mario deSantis reacts unfavourably to some comments published in the Nipawin Journal
about the settlement between government and David Milgaard.
- Premier
Romanow Is Breaking Down Saskatchewan's Rule Of Law
- Saturday

June 19, 1999
Mario deSantis explains and gives evidence of the continuous encroachments on the
rights of the citizen and of the society in general as a result of government actions.
- The WCB
Is Defrauding The People of Saskatchewan
June 21, 1999
Mario has done some investigation and has discovered that more than the provincial
auditor are worried about the possible fraudulent practices of the Workers Compensation
- Milgaard's
$10 million compensation : covering up the personal assests of our policing Saskatchewan
- Friday
June 25, 1999
Mario deSantis helps us sort out some of the issues that seem a puzzle
over this case now over twenty seven years.
- Downsizing
and the City of Saskatoon

- Saturday
August 21, 1999
City Manager hired as a hatch man is himself axed. No justice involved, just confusion.
- Balancing
the Budgets & Downsizing Education

- Sunday
September 12, 1999
Mario deSantis condemns the Premier for his electoral promises and his government's
record in education.
- A
Good Samaritan and Premier Roy Romanow's Third Way

- Tuesday
September 14, 1999
Mario deSantis tells us of his adventures and how hollow is the sound of the Premier's
advocacy of the Third Way.
Fragmented Research Come To The Help Of Sasktchewan Reform
- Thursday
September 30, 1999
No doubt you were confused about he recent research that indicates that health care
is better since 1993, Mario deSantis helps us to understand the odd information and
sheds some light on what we have been hearing.
- Governmental
coalition in Saskatchewan: A private contractual deal at the expense of the electorate?

- Monday
October 4, 1999
Mario deSantis takes a critical look at the coalition deal between Liberal leader
and Premier.
- Saskatoon
Mayor Dayday : A professional politician with no cause beyond being in

- Tuesday
October 5, 1999
Mario deSantis lacks enthusiasm for the Saskatoon Mayor's desire to become a member
of parliament.
- The
Saga of Health Reform:
Pat Atkinson Wants Fewer Health Boards and Fully Appointed Boards
- Sunday
October 17, 1999
Mario deSantis presents a compelling argument for us to reevaluate government thinking
as it relates to health care reform.
Health Reform:Digging
Holes in the Ground
- Friday
October 22, 1999
Only in Ensign will you see such remarkable and insightful criticism and in-depth
explanation of issues in Saskatchewan health care. Today's article by Mario deSantis
reveals the foolishness of "short-term management confusion.
- Saskatchewan
Health Information Network: Gord Nystuen
leaves his post to cover his assets
- Monday
October 25, 1999
Money wasting project loses its boss, or is there some house cleaning taking place?
- University
of Saskatchewan: A Vision Built on Privileged Education and on the Synchrotron

- Tuesday
October 26, 1999
Mario deSantis takes an uncomplimentary look at the current trends at the University
of Saskatchewan.
- Saskatchewan
Bureaucracy: The Need of Better Decision Making Processes

- Thursday
October 28, 1999
Mario deSantis is dissatisfied with the way decisions are being made and condemns
the Premier for his methods.
- Getting
Ready For Re-Reengineering and Shifting the Blame
- Tuesday

November 2, 1999
The minister of health has commissioned an inquiry into the Regina health boards
budget problems, Mario deSantis is suggesting the minister need not look any further
then in her own department.
- A
message for our insulting Barb Byers: Solidarity is not for ever!
- Wednesday

November 3, 1999
Mario deSantis lacks enthusiasm for continued support of the present government given
its abuse of democratic processes.
- Ignoring
its mandate and diverting money for Y2K Nightmare
- Thursday

November 4, 1999
Mario deSantis clues us in on how SHIN money is turned from its intended purpose
to supporting Y2K problems in the health system
- A
Museum Mentality is Cheating Our Economy: Healthcare, SHIN and the Synchrotron

- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Mario deSantis, in an extremely well documented article describes the waste and disfunctional
confusion with in the department that controls 40% or the budget of the provincial
- U
of S Ranks 14 out of 15: Why not being the best of yourself!
- Friday

November 12, 1999
Mario deSantis offers us some reflections and explanations for the apparent drop
in academic standing of the University in Saskatoon.
- Brian
Rourke Wants more healthcare money: 40% of public expenditures are not enough

- Sunday
November 14, 1999
The head of SAHO is complaining about insufficient government funding as he notices
that reserves are declining yet the amount of spending continues to rise.
- The
U of S Synchrotron: A Mausoleum for a Museum Mentality
- Wednesday

November 17, 1999
Mario deSantis is less than impressed with the major University of Saskatchewan research
- Healthcare
Payroll and SAHO's Big Brains

- Saturday
November 20, 1999
Saskatchewan's nurses have still not received their back pay and salary increases
because of payroll problems.
- Learning
& Creativity: Basic Ingredients of the new Economy
- Tuesday

November 23, 1999
Mario deSantis gives us a hint about what would make things, all things better. This
three paragraph message is well worth your serious consideration.
- Saskatchewan
Nursing Shortage: Shifting the blame for our own Incompetence

- Satruday
November 27, 1999
The idea to close hospitals and reduce hospital beds was a deliberate effort by hospital
administrators to cut back on the labour component in health care costs. Mario deSantis
explains how this procedure crippled health care and increase over all expenditures.
- Saskatchewan
Healthcare: Using Research to Blatantly Lie to the Public

- Sunday
November 28, 1999
Things don't look good and Mario deSantis worries about the use of research to cover
up the real picture.
- Saskatchewan
Nursing Shortage: Our Leaders Must Walk Their Talk
- Tuesday

November 30, 1999
Mario deSantis comments on the practice of signing bonus practices for nurses and
how the same folks complaining of nursing shortages created the problem.
- Our Leaders
Can't Recognize An Asset From A Hole In The Ground
- Friday

December 3, 1999
Mario deSantis explains to us some facts about government spending that will shock
you as millions and millions are used to purchase poorly functioning software.
- A
governmental responsibility is to clean up our house first

- Tuesday
December 7, 1999
Mario deSantis gives us some thoughtful comment on the recent conference on the World
- It
is the system's fault: an incident with banking transactions
- Friday

December 10, 1999
Post date a cheque, used to work but not anymore. Mario tells us about his real life
experience with the service charge kings of the marketplace.
Banking is Changing:
electronic cheques on their way
- Wednesday
December 15, 1999
Mario tells us about the things we can expect from our banks in the future.
- The
Closure of the Plains Health Centre: The $50 million overrun and the gimmick of saving
money in health care

- Sunday
December 19, 1999
Mario gives us his take on the Minister of Health's comments about the huge over
run on the closure of the Plains Hospital.
- Revisiting
Maturana's Genius At Christmas 1999: Being human means languaging and emotioning
- Friday

December 24, 1999
Mario deSantis brings us a message of hope as he points the way to a simpler and
much easier way of handling our personal growth as we plod through each of life's
- The
Hypocritical Behaviour of Peter Federko, CEO of the WCB
- Saturday

January 8, 2000
Mario deSantis takes a hard look at the recent statement by this powerful individual
who claims the critics of the Workers Compensation Board are "off-base".
Troubled Children: 40% of our School Children
- Sunday
January 16, 2000
Mario deSantis questions the logic behind the present governmental attitudes and
policies towards children involved in crime.
Pat Atkinson:
Blaming the doctors for the deaths of patients
- Tuesday
January 18, 2000
Mario deSantis gives a chilling look at the Provincial Minister's attitude
toward health care and you better pray you don't get sick.
The misuse of
Statistics as a scientific tool
- Thursday
January 20, 2000
Mario deSantis points directly at the use of miss-information as a means to political
power and control.
- Saskatchewan
Healthcare: Breaking the Law & Mismanagement
- Friday

January 21, 2000
Mario deSantis makes a convincing argument that gravely undermines the credibility
of politicians and health care officials as he points out their squandering of tax
dollars on mamoth proportions.