The Week of January 5 to 11, 2003
- Sunday
January 5, 2003
Petroleum prices at the pump are beginning to show serious instability.
Heat Containment
- Sunday
January 5, 2002
A glaring example of wasting fuel brings the whole concept of conservation to focus.
Fragile: Space
Time Continuum
- Monday
January 6, 2003
It seems like only a few weeks ago that my little boy was waiting for me to come
home from work beside these trees, he was three and his head reached half way to
the top of the closest tree in the picture.
A letter to Deputy
Prime Minister John Manley
- Monday
January 6, 2003
I was unable to obtain the exact reference from early December but Major Baxter brings
a serious matter to our attention as he explains that the government of our country
has been unable or unwilling to draft a clear foreign policy which would guide both
planning and decision making with regard to Canada's underfunded military forces.
The joy of childhood
- Monday
January 6, 2003
Mark Allan Whittle of Hamilton launches the new year by celebrating the way children
look at thing and enjoy them for what they are.
Journalist Helen Thomas, George Bush's
NoFault and Saskatchewan's NoFault
- Monday
January 6, 2003
Mario deSantis points out the methods of the United States President and the anti-social
behaviour of Saskatchewan's Insurance company.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
January 6, 2003
Gerald Crawford tells us about the rising level of snow and snowmobilers at the park
and shows us the adventure of a family raising livestock.
Time to end the
reliance on grain sales
- Tuesday
January 7, 2003
More and more examples of farmers diversifying their operation to include livestock
as they adapt to the change in climate and the marketplace.
Hope for a better 2003
- Wednesday
January 8, 2003
Ron Thornton points out some serious concerns about the way things are going and
presents the hope that these are not trends and that we will some hope find a better
"arriving at a general approach"
- Wednesday
January 8, 2003
Joe Hueglin is from southern Ontario but he realises the counterproductive approach
to the Kyoto Protocol by exempting Ontario's automotive manufacturers.
Connecting the
dots . . . or not!
- Wednesday
January 8, 2003
When the hard news becomes implusible rumors and gossip will evolve to fill the unexplained.
The Bush Administration
policies of cutting taxes and going to war: an artificial propped up
economy and getting ready for another collapse
- Wednesday
January 8, 2003
Mario deSantis details what looks very much like wrong headed economic theory that
goes behind the United States tax cuts. The hard facts are that the American economy
is not performing well and despite predictions of budget surpluses the reality is
a big deficit.
Surprise, shock
and things are normal
- Thursday
January 9, 2003
This morning at 0800 the snow swirled around and the biting West wind gnawed at my
coat, this is January.
Bush tax cut plan will force
Manleyís hand . . . eventually
- Thursday
January 9, 2003
Walter Robinson of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation believes the US president has
it right and that Canada just get right at it and mirror the tax cuts proposed in
the US for stock holders and high income earners as he points out that Canadians
are paying more income tax each and every year.
Ravens and Woodpeckers
- Thursday
January 9, 2003
Sandra McIntyre tells us how she related to a story on this web site and the wonder
of being a part of a world that includes vocal ravens and noisy woodpeckers.
The Linear Thinking mentality of President
Bush Inc. and Thinking in Circles with Systems Thinking
- Thursday
January 9, 2003
Mario deSantis identifies a major problem. The method and and the thinking process
involved predetermines the solution developed. Though this seems like a simple premise
the ramifications are extremely far reaching and most definitely affects everyone
living on this planet.
Life Goes On
- Friday
January 10, 2003
For some a cold day is a day to stay inside and dream of warmer times but for others
it is a time to do what they always do.
Nystrom, Tim Horton's,
the cops and the NDP
- Friday
January 10, 2003
It looks like Edwin Wallace is not endorsing Lorne Nystrom as leader of the NDP.
Program Mismanagement A Hallmark
- Friday
January 10, 2003
Mike Reilly points out the complete and total failure of the federal government's
gun registration program that has seen $200,000,000 spent on making and upgrading
a simple database. (By the way the one in the illustration by FTLComm would cost
you a bit less)
President Bush
Inc.'s $674 billion Stimulus Package: A partial lesson of critical
thinking for Bush Inc. and Walter Robinson
- Friday
January 10, 2003
Mario deSantis takes issue with Walter Robinson's facts and observations that the
Bush tax cuts will be good for the United States and would have positive effects
if Canada followed suit. Mario sites a number of American sources that point out
that the US deficits are certain to degrade both the economy and the standard of
living for the majority.
- Requiem for a spruce tree
- Saturday, January 11, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Hardly a lamentation, this tree had the sharpest and most vicious needles ever experience
on a Christmas Tree.
An exemplified
description of Systems Dynamics: Small events can have large consequences
- Saturday, January 11, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Edward Lorenz made an incredible discovery about weather computer modelling that
has rippled through every theory related to existance. Mario gives us the details
on how he sees the chaos theory affecting human economic activity and theory.