Every country in the world is only as good as its ability to grow food, supply itself
and sometimes produce a surplus. This web site is centred in an agricultural community
and all that appears on its pages is in some way related to this industry and the
way of life that is a part of that industry. Here are the most recent stories that
have appear on this site.
- Finishing up
- Wednesday

October 24, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Those last few fields were being cleaned up this afternoon with combines while other fall work is in full swing. Banding and field draining.
- More than a week into the campaign and nothing about farming!
- Monday

October 22, 2007
by: Henry Neufeld
Waldeck: Though agriculture is the primary things about Saskatchewan you sure wouldn't know that by checking in on the campaigns of all three political parties.
- Producer car shipping
- Tuesday

October 16, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Do-it-yourself elevator business is far less popular than one would expect with the savings that available from this method of selling grain.
- Tisdale harvest in final stage
- Monday

October 1, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Less than 15% remains to be done as the combines were cleaning up fields this afternoon.
- Small farm harvest
- Wednesday

September 26, 2007
by: Matthew Shire
Gravelbourg: With the harvest at Tisdale stalled with more rain today we take you back to September 19th and a very small farm eight miles north of Gravelbourg. This is a photo essay that tells the story of getting the crop off as the day draws to a close.
- On again
- Thursday

September 27, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Just as in the two previous fall harvest seasons we have had weather that prolongs the process in the extreme. Today with clearing skies and low humidity the combines are back in the fields and the on again off again harvest is on again.
- Tisdale Dehydration plant being dismantled

- Friday
September 28, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Some portions of the old dehydration plant will be utiliised in the new ENSASK Biofuels ethanol plant but much of the old equipment is being taken down and shipped.
- Harvest on hold
- Wednesday

September 12, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: For the past week it has been wait, wait and more waiting as light rain is followed by mist and cool weather followed by more light rain. Now facing near freezing temperatures the process of degradation begins.
- Close to half done
- Saturday

September 15, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Drying conditions yesterday and this morning have contributed to the harvesting process getting back into gear this afternoon with combines seen in all areas immediately around Tisdale.
- 25% jump in grain and oilseed income Positive, but more work needed
- Monday

August 27, 2007
by: Richard Phillips
Ottawa: Here is a news release from the Grain Growers of Canada as they reflect on the announcement today by Stats Canada of a 25% increase in grain and oilseed income.
- Pulse crops dry enough
- Wednesday

August 29, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Cereal and Canola crops were still to tough for combining today but the peas and lentils are ready and being harvested.
- Harvest begins
- Thursday

August 16, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: For the past few days swathers have been working their way through Canola fields and some straight combining of wheat is underway. Its harvest time in this part of Saskatchewan
- Norman Borlaug
- Monday

July 30, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Washington: This man is credited with the saving of a billion lives as he is considered the person most responsible for the "green revolution" that doubled grain growing capacity in Mexico, India, Pakistan and had a huge impact on agricultural practices throughout the third world.
- Third aircraft joins campaign
- Friday

July 20, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Able only to work in daylight when the temperature is below 24ºC the aerial assault on the wheat midge continues.
- Big sale scheduled for tomorrow
- Monday

June 25, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Schapansky Auctions have a full yard of farm equipment, boats, campers, cars, trucks and loads of new and used stuff of all kinds ready for tomorrow's sale.
- Canola begins to bloom
- Wednesday

June 27, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Despite cool temperatures and delayed planting the first planted canola crops are ready to show their colour.
- Wet
- Wednesday

June 20, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The ground is super saturated and the recent rain can not be absorbed into the soil so the yards and fields are on the verge of flooding.
- Truth and the Canadian Wheat Board
- Friday

June 22, 2007
by: Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck: Ms. Neufeld outlines the methods and activities of the Minister and his parliamentary secretary to damage and destroy the Canadian Wheat Board all the while declaring everyone who supports the board to be "liars".
- Ethanol Forum
- Tuesday

June 12, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: About one hundred people attended the forum to learn about and discuss the issues of ethanol development here at Tisdale and the global affect of the technology.
- Premier Calvert announces provincial bio-fuel initiative worth $80,000,000
- Wednesday

June 13, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: A new incentive and biofuel development programme was announed Tuesday afternoon in Tisdale. Video of the announcement is a part of this story.
- Shell decides to end bulk sale July 20th
- Thursday

June 14, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: It was a complete surprise to the Tisdale folks who run the Shell bulk outlet. The property and infrastructure belongs to Shell but they own the delivery trucks.
- Up and on its way
- Tuesday

June 5, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This year's crop is definitely growing now that we have some warmer temperatures and farmers are rushing to get their herbicides applied before the weeds take over.
- ENSASK Biofuels
- Tuesday

June 5, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The company signs are now in place and there was work on the site today as a portiion of the dehydration plant is being dismantled.
- Pirates and the Wall of silence
- Monday

May 28, 2007
by: Edwin Wallace
Success: While the premier seems abandoned upon a sinking ship the opposition is saying nothing about what it stands for or would should it be elected.
- 2.5
- Thursday

May 24, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: We have had five days of rain and cold temperatures. Here are some pictures and comments about the weather and what it means for farmers.
- Seeding 2007
- Wednesday

May 9, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Despite winds over 30 knots the seeding process in the Tisdale area is well underway with that same ole wind being responsible for rapidly drying up the wet spots.
- Putting it in
- Thursday

May 10, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Here are four pictures of four field operations in progress today right around noon hour.
- Silverwheels
- Tuesday

May 1, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Investigating high floatation applicators lead to the interesting linage of this machine for sale at John Bob Farm Equipment in Tisdale.
- Unfriendly flames
- Wednesday

May 2, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Though no agricultural expert recommends or even condones this practice economics and the need to get the job done cheaply and quickly take precidence and fields are set on fire.
- Ag-Chem Equipment Terra-gator
- Friday

April 27, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: With many fields in swamp conditions this is yet another year where the demand for high floatation field equipment is very high.
- Over the banks
- Monday

April 16, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Despite the week of cold weather the amount of water heading north up the Doghide River channel exceeds the river's capacity and it is now in flood stage.
- Frozen fields
- Thursday

April 5, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Watson: The mild cold snap has retarded the spring run off process allowing the creeks and streams to drain and make the water movement out of the fields slow enough to prevent widespread flooding.
- CWB e-mail: Civil servant suspended for e-mail
- Monday

April 9, 2007
by: William Dascavich
Edmonton: Mr. Dascavich praises the work of the Canadian Wheat Board in the light of a recent story in the Edmonton Journal about the extremist right wing views demonstrated by someone working for Alberta's Department of Agriculture.
- Strahl adds option #2 to #3
- Monday

April 9, 2007
by: Nettie Wiebe
Delisle: Perhaps its a new form of political mathematics as the minister of Agricutlure takes liberties with the numbers obtained in the so-called plebscite on barley handling with the Canadian Wheat Board.
- Seeding time for Russian thistles
- Friday

April 13, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Swift Current : Canada may be an urban nation, filled with diverse cultures and depending upon immigration for growth but the bottom line remains the same as always, out here we grow things.
- Healey Farms Ltd. auction
- Monday

March 26, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Ten square miles of farmland, houses, seed cleaning plant and grain storage all sell at huge afternoon auction at the Tisdale RECPlex.
- Why go on and on about the Canadian Wheat Board?
- Thursday

March 29, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: We have devoted a lot of time effort to discussing the issues related to the Canadian Wheat Board. Those who are not involved in agriculture might wonder, why bother? This is why!
- Ste´phane Dion speaks out for Western Farmers
- Friday

March 23, 2007
by: David Orchard
Borden: There is considerable misinformation about the Canadian Wheat Board and its origins. In this story announcing an upcoming speech by the Liberal leader Mr. Orchard points out that the Wheat Board was originally established by a Conservative government.
- David Anderson and the truth
- Saturday

March 24, 2007
by: Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck: David Anderson is the Saskatchewan member of parliament who is the Parliamentary Secretary for the Canadian Wheat Board and he like the government is determined to do as the Americans want and destroy the efficient and effective marketing mechanism. The man seems to have a bit of a problem when it comes to keeping the facts and the truth straight.
- Government prepared to ignore
Wheat Board barley vote
- Tuesday

February 20, 2007
by : Wendy Manson
Outlook : The barley plebscite is heavily weighted to favour the government's American position to end the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly but the signals are already there that the minister of agriculture is prepared to ignore the results of the vote no matter what the outcome.
- CN strike is no surprise
- Monday

February 12, 2007
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Conductors go on strike and much of CN rail grinds to a halt. But the strike is just part of the growing trend in the American run company as it relies upon confrontation as its normal means of settling disputes.
- Nothing fair about the Wheat Board barley vote
- Tuesday

February 13, 2007
by : Jan Eliason
Outlook : Barley growers able to vote on the Wheat Board barley issue are cautioned to consider carefully what they are about to do for the US grain companies which seem to be who the minister of agriculture has decided support. For the Harper government its always US interests first.
- Combines replace alfalfa swathers
- Wednesday

February 14, 2007
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : It is interesting to hold meeting and issue press releases but the proof is in what is done and progress toward developing a bio-energy industry in Tisdale is beginning to emerge.
- Seeing is not always believing
- Friday

February 16, 2007
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : We have done it before and will certainly do it again in the future, we have made a mistake. The combines mentioned in the story "Combines replace alfalfa swathers" was just plain dead wrong and a reader pointed out the mistake but we invite you to help us get this one right.
- Grain burner 2.0
- Wednesday

February 7, 2007
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : A month ago Edwin told us about his work on a protype grain burning heating unit for his shop. Since then the work has progressed and a second version has been completed and is working.
- Saskatchewan is what you make of it
- Friday

February 9, 2007
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Its not Manitoba, or Alberta, though close to both Saskatchewan is a place geographically, socially and economically, entirely unto itself and we will all be better off when we begin to accept our place for what it is and realise what it is not.
- Minister Strahl's unsubstantiated words
- Sunday

January 28, 2007
by : joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls : The minister of agriculture in his campaign to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board continues to make statements without any substantial backing to support his claims.
- Barley Plebiscite
- Tuesday

January 16, 2007
by : Richard Phillips
Ottawa : The Executive Director of the Grain Growers of Canada expresses his and the associations delight with the decision by the Minister of Agriculture to hold a vote on barley marketing by those farmers who have grown barley in the past two years.
- Marketing boards on the table when CWB single desk gone?
- Tuesday

January 30, 2007
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls : All this time we thought it was idealogy and now Joe has discovered that the campaign to destroy the Canadian Wheat Board is just the boys in Ottawa doing what the boy in Washington wants.
- Growing organic
- Wednesday

January 31, 2007
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Farming for all of my life time has been a marginal business at best and in the last few years most farmers would be happy even to break even. Its time to consider "value added" options and on of those options is proving to be economically viable and certainly a hit in the grocery stores and that is becoming an organic farm operation. Difficult to get into be here is a way of jump starting into this form of agriculture.
- Salary for the CEO of the CWB
- Friday

February 2, 2007
by : Vern Bretin
Leduc Alberta : Here is an explanation about the paying of a salary to the rreplacement boss at the Canadian Wheat Board. The minister of Agriculture failed to follow the established guidlines for CWB employees and the Board refused to pay the man $30,000 a month.
- What is expected of the new Wheat Board CEO
- Monday

January 8, 2007
by : Henry Neufeld
Waldeck : The Federal Minister of Agriculture fired the head of the Canadian Wheat Board what might the possible directives be for his replacement?
- No smoke: grain burner
- Wednesday

January 3, 2007
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : The advancement of technology is not dependent upon some miracles of modern science but often upon putting the stuff about us into new applications. We have seen and reported on grain burning stoves here before but this one is a giant leap up as it vapourises the fuel dishing out a torch of flame.
- A different meaning
- Tuesday

December 19, 2006
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : Going ahead with a barley vote the minister of Agriculture has called a "woe" to action on wheat at the Canadian Wheat Board. Mr. Wallace suspects that the Harper bunch have spotted some reasons to slow things down.
- Strahl implementing what U.S. failed to achieve
- Friday

December 8, 2006
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario : The wheat Board has been a thorn in the side of US agricultural policy and now we see the Harper government doing their Republican buddies yet another favour.
- Opposition needs to oppose Government Wheat Board destruction
- Friday

December 8, 2006
by : William Dascavich
Edmonton : Though Liberal leader Dion vows to reinstate the Wheat Board if the government succeeds in destroying the institution by then the damage will not be reversible the need for strong opposition is right now.
- David Anderson's view of the CWB
- Tuesday

November 21, 2006
by : Henry Neufeld
Waldeck : The ideology not the economics or practicality of issues like the Canadian Wheat Board are hard to argue rationally. Member of parliament David Anderson sees no reason to rely on facts and figures but bases his arguments for the disbanning of the institution on simplton ideological theory. That may be politics but it will not pay the bills down on the farm.
Farmers could end up with a freight bill instead of a cheque
- Monday
November 13, 2006
by : William Dascavich
Edmonton Alberta : Former Vegreville farmer explains the origin of the Canadian Wheat Board and the dire consequences of its distruction.
- What is Cypress Hills-Grasslands M.P. David Anderson’s problem?
- Monday
October 30, 2006
by : Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck : The MP from southwestern Saskatchewan like other members of his party object to the Canadian Wheat Board for purely ideological reasons and refuse to consider all of the evidence that supports the sanity of retaining the present marketing system. Ms. Neufeld points out the glaring errors of reasoning by MP David Anderson.
- Who is Kyle Korneychuk?
- Wednesday

October 4, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Political sign for Canadian Wheat Board elections has appeared near the airport, so who is this guy?
- Combine World pays a visit to Tisdale
- Tuesday

October 3, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A working plane, a Piper Commanche (PA24) dropped into Tisdale today from its base at Allan.
Choice, another word for dual marketing
- Tuesday
October 3, 2006
by : Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck : Ms. Neufeld takes issue with Wheat Growers Association president Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel for asserting that farmers presently have no choice in marketing their products which is quite simply not true at all.
- Why the big hurry?
- Saturday

September 30, 2006
by : Henry Neufeld
Waldeck : In a good crop year farmers are luck to break even but most of the time things aren't perfect and farm income is marginal at best. Yet the federal government is hell bent on dismantling one of the few institutions that improves farm income.
- Its piling up again
- Wednesday

August 30, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A Louis Dreyfus an enormous pile of wheat has accummulated over the last few days.
Canada can't afford not to have the Wheat Board
- Tuesday

August 29, 2006
by : Ron Watson, Glen Reimer and Harold Blodgett
Lancer, Success and Abbey : Members of the National Farmer's Union, District 3 present a compelling argument with facts and dollar figures that establish the reason why the Canadian Wheat Board is so important to the country.
- Farm Credit Corporation
- Thursday

August 17, 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale :A new commerical building is well under construction east of Tisdale Glass with footings and foundation now in place.
If only
- Wednesday
June 14 , 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : There is something about this present wet year and those wet years in the 50s that triggered memories and the realisation of how little things have changed.
- Farmers protest at NDP nominating convention
- Monday

June 12 , 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This story summarizes the concerns and woes of the farmers who protested at the NDP convention in Tisdale.
- Another wet year
- Wednesday

May 31 , 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Thundershowers seem a certainty tonight or at least tomorrow night after a week of rain the sun has appeared and its time to consider the consequences. This story includes a spectacular QuickTime VR of Tisdale and its sky this afternoon.
- Countryside Grain Burning Stove
- Tuesday

April 4 , 2006
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Local distributor, Dan Salisbury has the answer to lower home heating costs on the farm. A grain burning stove.
Canadian Wheat Board or Cargill?
- Thursday
March 16, 2006
by : Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck: Harper’s government is moving rapidly to destroy the Canadian Wheat Board and prairie farmers most of whom voted for the Conservatives are extremely divided over this issue.
- Emasculated Canadian Wheat Board
- Wednesday

March 1, 2006
by : Henry Neufeld
Waldeck : Edwin has a shop made from bails, heats it with synthetic natural gas he makes from wood chips and now he has a home made wind generation system nearing completion
- Donkey power at Success
- Wednesday

March 1, 2006
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : Edwin has a shop made from bails, heats it with synthetic natural gas he makes from wood chips and now he has a home made wind generation system nearing completion.
Cattle Auction
today, first since mid May
- Monday
September 8, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
This summer's caves were being sold this morning going from $1.15 to $1.55 as buyers
began the process of restocking the feedlots.
A little hail
and a little rain
- Tuesday
September 2, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Monday night a modest but attention getting storm passed through Tisdale leaving
us with half an inch of moisture and leaves and twigs all over the place.
Ebon Fall Ride,
Drive and Dine Race and Horse Comfort Clinic
- Friday
September 5, 2003
by: Sharon Elder
This is some serious horsing around as the Saskatchewan Long Riders are planning
the fall event with a ride from Saskatoon on a 25 mile and 50 mile endurance race.
4-Js Feed Tack
and Westernwear Moves
- Saturday
August 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
From one side of town to the other this business is changing as it has to adapt to
the remarkable effect the BSE issue has created in Canada's animal feed industre.
This page includes a QuickTime VR panorama and your computer needs a recent
version of QuickTime installed to see this scene.
Paul McCarthy
- Monday, August 18, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Wisconsin farmer explains the troubles that he is faced with and there are no surprises.
Saskatchewan: now!
- Friday, August 22, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
From Mossbank to Regina and then some as we look at this place as it is becoming.
Harvest 2003
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The half way mark in this year's harvest is approaching quickly as most farmers have
or are just finishing their peas. Wheat and barley are being straight combined and
most advanced Canola crops are already in the swath.
A Letter to the Prime Minister
about BSE
- Wednesday, August 6, 2003
by: Peter MacKay
We received this letter while on our recent trip into the states and saw first hand
how the absence of Canadian beef in the US market has sent the price of beef well
above average. While here in Canada we are seeing cattle feed falling to unheard
of low prices. This situation is terminal for many and must be addressed. Peter MacKay
has a suggestion.
Beef about U.S.
- Friday, July 4, 2003
By: Rebecca Gingrich
Here is something you can do, after reading both Rebecca's letter to the ministers
of Agriculture and Health you too might want to make a recommendation of your own.
- Wednesday, June 11, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The alfalfa swathers got into the fields today and tomorrow Tisdale Alfalfa Dehydration
will start picking up the crop of the first cut of 2003 and these stacks will
come to life for another season of cooking.
Golburn Valley
- Wednesday, June 4, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Family business munches and crunches oilseeds for fun and profit.
Crooked River
- Monday, May 19, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Yesterday we looked in on the Crooked River advanced riding class as they are preparing
for this year's achievement day in June.
Mistatim Castle
- Friday, May 23, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Farm houses in Saskatchewan tend to be sprawlling ranch style homes as space is rarely
a problem. But this example is truly an exception reminiscent of an English manor
Country Roads (Part 1)
- Monday, May 12, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Come along on a drive west of Tisdale and down a country road with the sights along
the way with a QuickTime VR panorama scene (600K).
Country Roads (part 2)
- Tuesday, May 13, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
For the most part rural Saskatchewan is empty. The depopulation of the rural area
has left behind it a marvellous world of empty farm yards and a sense of what once
The new normal
- Friday, May 2, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
We are always adjusting, the snow is gone, some harvesting has begun, some farmers
are banding and in town life is made up of a series of stops from one garage sale
to the next.
To begin once
again: Crop 2003
- Saturday, April 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A wild snow storm smashed into Calgary this morning as winds wick away the winters
moisture as planting begins across the Great Central Plains.
Dry Southwest, as agriculture's wounds
devastate business
- Tuesday, March 25, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The worst crop ever has taken its toll as Swift Current is a mere shadow of itself
with its malls and business store fronts littered with closed and empty premises.
- Thursday, February 6, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Though there are many topics of great importance to this part of the world the number
one topic is and always will be, as long as we continue to depend so heavily upon
agriculture, and that is the weather. The weather matters and there is hope.
Piling up, good
looking winter
- Saturday, February 8, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
On Thursday in the story "signs" it was mentioned how the snow is gradually
accumulating. Here are some pictures of Tisdale and area as the winter develops.
Is This Where
We Are?
- Monday, February 10, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A photo essay of the Saskatchewan countryside on a sunny Sunday, but cold February
Getty-yup . .
. Gee
- Saturday, February 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A team of horses doing chore work North of Tisdale this morning reminds us all of
a time long in the past when all farm work was accomplished in this manner.
Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool: not a co-operative
- Wednesday, January 22, 2003
by: Joyce Neufeld
Less than a month may be left in the life of what was once the major grain handler
for all of Canada. Joyce Neufeld tells us about the warnings given the provincial
government in 1995 but they and the company went ahead and privatised the Saskatchewan
Wheat Pool out of business.
Anti Canadian
Wheat Board proponents lack credibility
- Wednesday, January 22, 2003
by: Henry Neufeld
The elections for the four open seats on the Canadian Wheat Board were filled with
only one going to the anti-wheat board forces but that hasn't stopped the rhetoric
and Henry Neufeld points out the simple lack of credibility.
Time to end the
reliance on grain sales
- Tuesday
January 7, 2003
More and more examples of farmers diversifying their operation to include livestock
as they adapt to the change in climate and the marketplace.
Water Supply
- Friday
December 27, 2002
Water, we all take it for granted but it is appearing to become the most important
commodity of all, don't plan anything without it.
- Monday
December 9, 2002
Caught in a time warp continnuium, fields remain unharvested in a season of neither
winter nor fall.
Forces at work
- Wednesday
November 6, 2002
The laws of nature, the behaviour of humans and the law of the economic jungle are
all getting together to clobber Canada's agricultural industry and you appear to
be in the cheering section.
Agri-business undermines Canadian Wheat
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
Canola growers, former politicians, former director of UGG all seeking office as
directors of the Canadian Wheat Board all claiming to represent farmer's real needs.
They are members of CARE a big business financed organisation set up to wreck the
Wheat Board and the work it does. Henry Neufeld of Waldeck clues us in on this remarkable
take over attempt.
Not in mandate!
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
The Canadian Wheat Board directors elections are now in progress, Joyce Neufeld of
Waldeck reminds everyone of the oddity this past summer when the wheat growers association
rejected help from the Wheat board to move feed to Western Cattle producers.
So Edwin, How Does the Canadian Wheat Board work?
- Sunday
November 3, 2002
To hear Ralph Klien and others you would think some horrible fascist state system
were in play with Alberta growers electing to serve jail time for exporting grain
with out a permit. Edwin Wallace runs through the process so we can understand how
the Wheat Board works.
Dehy turnaround
- Saturday
November 2, 2002
Pulling the bad crop into pellets was an excellent example of flexibility and resourcefullness
benefitting both the dehydration company and farmers a like.
Agricore replaces UGG
- Monday
October 21, 2002
Time to change the sign. Agricore and UGG announced their merger last November and
now the Valparaiso terminal has switched its signage.
And . . . then
it snowed
- Friday
October 18, 2002
The trials and tribulations of the crop of 2002 are not over as what is left in the
field was covered with a fairly heavy layer of snow yesterday.
Automated round bale handling
- Saturday
October 12, 2002
An Alberta manufacturer is turning out equipment that allows the pickup of those
huge bales fright from the field and then set them in the farm yard.
Canola, golden
- Thursday
October 10, 2002
A hardy oil seed crop that has delivered outstanding food value and could be the
source of abundant renewable energy.
It rained all night
- Monday
September 30, 2002
This rain should be good news but that is not the case with almost 50% of the crop
in some areas still in the field this looks like yet another final blow to the crop
of 2002.
Second Growth
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
The preculiar growing conditions have created one of the most unusual harvests ever.
Ottawa Far Out of Touch
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Regina area farmer Stu Innes explains the inept Federal Government's response to
Western Canada's drought with yet another programme that will benefit almost no one
in Western Canada.
The Unhappy Harvest of 2002
- Saturday
August 24, 2002
Though some farmers will drive their combines around in their fields many will not
as this is the crop year that wasn't.
Time for "investment"
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Joe Hueglin discusses the need for Federal Government participation in the assistance
of cattle producers in the ravaged dought stricken prairies.
Its more than yields and input costs
- Sunday
August 18, 2002
From readers in other parts of the country we know that there is interest in finding
out what this part of Canada is all about. This story tries to give some insignt
into the world of the grain farmer.
- "Oh
Give Me a Home . . ."
- Sunday

August 18, 2002
Cows with beards, aboriginal bovine, buffalo: the hardy original,s all pure bred
Saskatchewan tough grass converter.
- Wednesday
August 14, 2002
A new concept in grain marketing and grain buying as a company establishes itself
in downtown Tisdale.
Black Year In The Red
- Sunday
August 4, 2002
Five miles East of Tisdale then five miles North and things do not look good for
one of the most productive crop growing areas of Saskatchewan.
Bleak Fields
- Friday
August 2, 2002
Halfway between Tisdale and Nipawin is usually one of the most abundant farm fields
anywhere in the province but that's not the situation this year.
Brandt Grain Handling Equipment
- Thursday
August 1, 2002
Here are three innovations for the farmyard handling of grain, made by a Regina company
and marketed by John Bob Farm Equipment.
- Saturday
July 27, 2002
There are kernels in those heads and there will be a crop to take off.
Moving A Dugout
- Tuesday
July 23, 2002
A family at Zenon Park moves a dug out. The story of the move is in a series of pictures
that shows folks coping with the drought.
Cooking the End of the First Cut
- Monday
July 22, 2002
Tisdale Dehydration in last week of the first cut. Making do in a poor year.
Weekes BigSky Hog Barn
- Tuesday
July 16, 2002
Nearly fifty workers toiling to build first of seven large hog barns Northeast of
Dehydration Underway
- Saturday
June 22, 2002
Cold dry weather has serious delayed the start of this year's processing but mid
afternoon things began to cook.
We are all Thankful
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Showers swept the province yesterday and more expected today, Heavy sign and a thanks.
- Saturday
June 15, 2002
Images of Saskatchewan as we go from Tisdale to Swift Current Friday night.
Climatic Slowdown
- Or Just Plain Late
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
Crops and gardens were about two weeks behind time they are now approaching four
weeks later than normal.
- Friday
May 31, 2002
Down on the desert North of Swift Current Edwin Wallace has his Saskatoon bushes
all out in bloom. He says they are a bit late but looking good.
Create An Even
Playing Field
- Wednesday
May 29, 2002
Mike Reilly believes that the Federal government is not doing its part to square
things with Canadian farmers as they struggle with a low Canadian dollar, US subsidies
and internal trade problems.
But All Things Are Not Equal
- Friday
May 24, 2002
The Toronto Globe and Mail printed an article on Monday that demonstrated a dramatic
lack of awarenss by its author and perhaps the Globe and Mail itself. Mike Reilly
from St. Boniface, Manitoba sets out the case for Canadian farmers.
The Struggle
- Sunday
May 19, 2002
With determination farmers are planting the crop of 2002 but nature is showing extreme
indifference to the process.
Dust, Dust and More Dust
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Stu Innes is trying to get his crop in the dry windy part of Saskatchewan Southeast
of Regina near Lewvan. His pictures from yesterday truly tell us what its like out
As Each Day Ends Hope Begins Once More
- Saturday
May 11, 2002
Friday's sunset with the hopes for rain, a crop and a measure of happilness.
If There's A Crop!
- Wednesday
May 8, 2002
About the same number of bins are being assembled as other years despite the carry
over of some of last year's inventory.
Not Even Damp
- Monday
April 22, 2002
A stroll out into a field reveals the moisture depleated soil that awaits the crop
of 2002.
The Business - Agriculture
- Friday
April 19, 2002
Yesterday Kevin talked about farming, today we talk about the economics of big agricultural
Time Was . . .
- Thursday
April 18, 2002
Kevin McIntyre shares with us his concerns about the economic squeeze felt in modern
Saskatchewan Wheat Fool
- Friday
April 5, 2002
What did they think would happen? The company's management willfully destroyed the
once profittable grain handling giant.
Connie Calls It Quits
- Tuesday
March 19, 2002
Zenon Park greenhouse operator Connie Chabot decides to end her business.
4 J's Feed Tack & Western Wear Buys Out Byrnes
- Thursday
March 14, 2002
Ray and Bonnie Joanette from Mistatim take over the tack and feed shop at Tisdale
Tisdale Alfalfa Dehydration Gets Ready For Another Season
- Wednesday
March 13, 2002
More than twenty hooper cars stand ready to be loaded with what remains of last summer's
crop in the bins.
Future Desert
- Monday
March 11, 2002
Almost no snow remains on the fields from Melfort to Prince Albert. It looks like
a good time for agriculture to diversify, camels might make sense.
The Future Role of the Federal Government In Agriculture
- Wednesday
February 20, 2002
Edwin Wallace made his presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on
Agriculture and Food last night in Swift Current today we have the complete presentation
available for you.
Prairie Producer Car Shippers Association
- Monday
February 18, 2002
A new farm support organisation is well on its way to becoming a positive entity
as this press release announces their upcoming meeting in Swift Current.
Shifting Economics
- Saturday
January 26, 2002
What makes money one place loses money somewhere else as we see the alfalfa dehydration
industry radically altered.
Optimism - We
Do Have A Choice!
- Thursday
January 17, 2002
Saskatchewan is often described as "Next Year Country" when we consider
the alternatives, Optomism looks like a good idea.
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch:
Excerpts of a Study on the NAFTA's Legacy in Agriculture
- Monday
January 14, 2002
We regret that we are bringing you bad news but most of us already suspected that
NAFTA was less than successful, now we can see just how unsuccessful.
And They Shall Be Known By Their Editorial Content
- Friday
January 11, 2002
Edwin Wallace voices his thoughts on the self destruction of yet another Saskatchewan
institution, the Western Producer.
Winter Fence Building
- Tuesday
January 8, 2002
Edwin Wallace describes the winter conditions North of Swift Current and explains
the doubts about the coming growing season of 2002.
The Collective Farm
- Friday
April 27, 2001
An alternative to the family and corporate farm, the collective is economy of scale
and shared cultural and spiritual values.
It Has Begun
- Thursday
April 26, 2001
The crop year 2001 is underway as Tisdale farmers take to the fields after the dust
storm yesterday.
Agricultural Producers
Association of Saskatchewan
- Monday
April 23, 2001
Joyce Neufeld wrote Ensign about APAS and we included it as correspondence, but after
looking over the issue it seems that this story deserves to be consider more than
a letter to the Editor but as a story that agricultural people need to think about.
Pool Web Site Refuses to List Ensign
- Tuesday
April 17, 2001
No free link from the Western Producer web site to North Central Internet News.
The High Cost of Efficiency
- Tuesday
April 17, 2001
John Bob Farm Equipment puts final touches on seeding equipment for
the 2001 planting season.
Marvellous Marvin Appointed For Second Term
- Monday
April 16, 2001
Edwin Wallace helps us to make some sense out of a recent press release by the failing
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Corporation.
Journey Down The
- Wednesday
April 11, 2001
We travel down the CN Lewvan subdivision and see the spring flooding in South Eastern
Saskatchewan with Stu Innes.
Modern Agriculture
- Saturday
April 7, 2001
Symbols of a changing industry. How we think about farming is reflected by what we
use to do the farming.
Wheat Corporation Pep-Talk - Unbelievable!
- Wednesday
April 4. 2001
Edwin Wallace explains the incredibility of the management of the Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool as their Kansas boss attempts to firm up shareholder confidence.
Globalizing our
economies and manufacturing our justice
- Saturday
March 31, 2001
Mario deSantis lets us consider some of the difficult ramifications of the federal
court judgement in favour of Monsanto and against Bruno farmer Percy Schmeiser.

The Origin of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Corporation
- Thursday
March 29, 2001
Edwin Wallace explains that consequences of the March hearings and passing of bill
#4 in 1995
John Bob Farm Equipment More Than Farm Equipment
- Friday
March 16, 2001
Tisdale's farm machinery dealer is branching out into new lines of products for industry
and intensified agriculture.
Case 9380 Quad-Trac
- Friday
February 23, 2001
Unusal looking tractor expected to make its way into the fields of Saskatchewan.
Transportation And Hog Barns
- Sunday
February 18, 2001
Massive hog barn development in Weekes area forced by impossible transportation costs.
Melfort the Challenge
of Slim
- Wednesday
February 14, 2001
How is Melfort handling the winter of 2001, or more importantly how are rural Saskatchewan
communities handling the economic agricultural recession of the turn of the century?
Agricultural Diversity
- Thursday
February 8, 2001
If the crop prices are poor its time to use farm land for something else. This story
includes a very large (600K) QuickTime VR so if you have a slow download speed pass
on this one.
Saskatchewan Wheat Corporation: "we-really-are-your-friends"
- Thursday
January 25, 2001
Edwin Wallace summarised the situation as it really is between Saskatchewan's farmers
and the formerly farmer owned corporation that everyone used to just call the "Pool".