Friday, December 13, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 203
0800 Friday - Overcast, alto-stratus, ceiling
23,000, visibility 15, -6º, wind 12 knots at 120º, altimeter 29.51,
- Christmas
Shopping in Tisdale Part V - the Mall - continued
- Friday
December 13, 2002
Some times I bite off more than I can chew and so today we pick up where we left
off with a look at Christmas shopping in the Tisdale Mall.
Brothers Fine
- Friday
December 13, 2002
The sparkle of gold, diamonds and crystal, timeless treasures for Christmas on the
corner in the Tisdale Mall.
Christmas at Extra Foods
- Friday
December 13, 2002
One of the main reasons Tisdale people really have no need to leave town to shop
are the two fine well stocked food stores in the community. Extra Foods holds
down one end of the Tisdale Mall.
My Way Restaurant
- Friday
December 13, 2002
Tisdale Mall's very own fine dinning place is one of those places to put on your
shopping list in Tisdale.
Craft Sales at
the Tisdale Mall
- Friday
December 13, 2002
The Tisdale Mall has the retail outlets that most of us need to finish off that Christmas
shopping list but it also has a regular and varied group of crafts people with their
various unique and special items for sale.
Wentz Sporting
- Friday
December 13, 2002
From the hottest looking runners to ski jackets that turn winter into spring better
take a look at Wentz Sporting Goods in the Tisdale Mall.
Saskatchewan social
justice as the controlling medium of the Free Market: A case for lawyers
and SGI
- Friday
December 13, 2002
Mario deSantis points out the disconcerting evidence that our lives and what we want
to do with them is really the issue and with SGI definitely its is about control.
Christmas Shopping
in Tisdale Part V - the Mall
- Thursday
December 12, 2002
So far we have looked at Christmas shopping downtown and today we turn our attention
to the Tisdale Mall, though Santa Claus and a reindeer are on had later
today these pictures were taken this morning before they arrived.
The Clothesline
- Thursday
December 12, 2002
Ladies wear makes a great gift but it also is an enormous challenge. Here is how
to meet the challenge.
TSL Computers
- Thursday
December 12, 2002
CD burner and Scanners on sale but more than that local expertise and local service,
find out why that's important.
Valle Mens Wear
- Thursday
December 12, 2002
A shop with a large inventory of exceptional quality clothing and styles to match
all and every taste.
The Dollar Store Plus
- Thursday
December 12, 2002
One of the busiest stores in the Tisdale Mall. Time to drop in and look around.
Zellers at Christmas
- Thursday
December 12, 2002
Here is a visit to Tisdale Mall's department store anchor as we take a good look
at the toy department.
On Screen
- Wednesday
December 11, 2002
A discussion about web browsers and what we are looking and doing.
So, What about
a tree?
- Wednesday
December 11, 2002
Each year I put it off wanting to delay the rush to Christmas so that I can truly
appreciate the meaning of the event and each year I put the family under a lot of
pressure. Nothing's changed.
How Fast?
- Wednesday
December 11, 2002
The speed limit on highway three running from end to end through Tisdale is a mere
forty kilometres per hour and for a very good reason.
Daylight decorations
- Wednesday
December 11, 2002
Here are a couple of homes that their owners have made an effort to create the attractive
Christmas appearence during daylight hours.
Christmas newsletters
- Tuesday
December 10, 2002
An interesting phenomena that at this time of the year with the old year on its way
out and a new one about to begin organisations and individuals sum up the past year
and put out a news letter. Can we do this better?
A letter to Allan
- Tuesday
December 10, 2002
Francis Smith from Lethbridge has written a letter to Allan Rock in reaction to his
recent comments on television and has a rather different take on the whole gun registration
The culprit for
the enronization of Canada: A matter of politics, of public policy,
of Free Market structure?
- Tuesday
December 10, 2002
Mario deSantis discusses the remarkable affects of the assumption that the Free Market
economy actually works.
Liberal Incompetence
- Tuesday
December 10, 2002
Jeff Harwood from Brandon laments the condition of our country as we are faced with
two more years as the Liberal government devotes its time, energy and attention to
the establishing of a new leader leaving most things to fall apart.
- Monday
December 9, 2002
Caught in a time warp continnuium, fields remain unharvested in a season of neither
winter nor fall.
The Greenwater Report for December 9,
- Monday
December 9, 2002
Gerald and Doreen Crawford have been under the weather a bit but fortunately they
have survived and Gerald tells us about the ice on the lake, more details about the
trip to Branson, Sturgis, a junco and some one looking for a book.
Recent announcement
of Maritime Helicopter Replacement Program
- Monday
December 9, 2002
Former military helicopter pilot from Surrey, B.C. discusses the failure of the federal
government to deal judiciously with the extreme to replace the senior citizens of
the helicopter world the SeaKings which require thirty hours of maintenance to sustain
a single hour of flight.
The values of money and life in a war
against Iraq: President George Bush versus Robert Kennedy
- Monday
December 9, 2002
Mario deSantis points out that the US government is doing a cost benefit analysis
of the imminent war with Iraq and contrasts that to Robert Kennedy's statement about
Gross National Product.
Another Billion Bucks Shot
To Hell
- Monday
December 9, 2002
Ron Thornton shares our mutual condemnation of the federal government and the latest
screw up that has seriously torpedoed Edmonton's Anne McLellan's chances for a leadership
run or even re-election sharing Allan Rock's fate.
Christmas hayride
- Sunday
December 8, 2002
The past and present merge as horses and hay wagon clatter through the streets.
Christmas lights
/ first look
- Sunday
December 8, 2002
From now until the new year we will have pictures of some of this year's Christmas
display lighting. These are the first ones for this year.
What's with Allan Rock
- Sunday
December 8, 2002
Kevin McIntyre points out the fall from grace of what could have been the most likely
contender to give Paul Martin a run for his money. The links on this page give you
the background to this story.
Parkland Photography Club November meeting
- Sunday
December 8, 2002
Gerald Crawford shows us the top three images in the monthly theme contest and some
pictures from a "showcase" presentation.
Christmas at the
post office
- Saturday
Decenber 7, 2002
In the decades when the post office was the centre of all life it was also the centre
of Christmas activity. But now in this marketing world we can even go Christmas shopping
at the Post Office.
Corporate Threat?
- Saturday
December 7, 2002
Kevin McIntyre is taking a commerical at its word and the world looks different.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

As seen at the Zoerb's bakery this morning.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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