The Mario deSantis Index page 2
- Minister
of Health Pat Atkinson: Making Immediate & Band Aid Decisions in Healthcare

- Sunday
January 23, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the follie in recruiting for nurses abroad and changing the
nursing training programme to deal with nursing shortages.
- Health
Minister Pat Atkinson & Saskatchewan Nurses: Out of Touch, Out of Law

- Tuesday
January 25, 2000
The list is growing with the equally growing concern about the whole structural problem
with Saskatchewan Health care. Mario deSantis expresses his concern about the minister
overstepping her authority and changing things over which she has no official control.
- Pat
Atkinson, The Shortage of Nurses and the Rule of Law
- Thursday

January 27, 2000
Minister of health is forced to back down on her reduction of years in training programme
by the nurses in training. Mario deSantis points out the way dysfunction grows out
of quick fixes.
- Intimidation:
Management Style at Saskatoon District Health
- Friday

January 28, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the serious problems created by government intimidation
of those we depend upon to deliver health services.
Honourable Dwain
Lingenfelter Has Been Caught Lying
- Sunday
January 30, 2000
Mario deSantis reports that it is not unusual for the Minister of Agriculture to
say something that did not happen.
- Healthcare
crisis is a crisis of participatory democracy

- Monday
January 31, 2000
Not cost cutting or underfunding, Mario deSantis puts the blame on the bosses for
mismanagement. This little editorial holds the key to solving healthcare woes and
high taxes.
- The
Synchrotron and our children: Trading life for science

- Wednesday
February 2, 2000
Mario deSantis explains that with 25% of Saskatchewan's children living in poverty
the U of S Synchrotron seems mindless.
- The
Farm Crisis and the Globalization of Our Economy

- Thursday
February 3, 2000
Mario deSantis takes the Premier to task for his remarks and his government which
refused to financially support farmers in their economic depression.
Pat Atkinson:
Raising the finger and turning healthcare to a gambling casino
- Friday
February 4, 2000
Check to see which way the wind is blowing then see what happens with health care
in Saskatchewan.
- Making
Money is not creating wealth Mr. Premier Romanow

- Tuesday
February 8, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the need for major changes in this province and the way
it does things but he also explains how those changes might take place.
- A Message for Health Minister Pat Atkinson: Wear Clean Underwear

- Wednesday
February 9, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the glaring problems with in our health care system and
suggests that some serious effort be put into improving the management.
Honourable Janice MacKinnon: debating the economic underdevelopment of
- Thursday
February 10, 2000
The minister defends Saskatchewan from the criticism in the National Post and Mario
deSantis points out that they are right.
Don't trust statistics, don't trust Honourable MacKinnon, trust yourself
- Friday
February 11, 2000
This morning Mario deSantis takes us one step further into the mind set of Janice
Minister Jane Stewart and Minister Pat Atkinson insulting public responsibility
- Saturday
February 12, 2000
Both ministers claim that no one stole the money but Mario deSantis makes the point
that squandering public funds has the same affect on the public. Tax money is going
were it was never intended to go.
- Governments
must stop serving themselves and their friends
- Sunday

February 13, 2000
Mario deSantis takes a thoughtful look at the Ottawa scandal and considers how the
underlying problem is so widespread and affects our on provincial politics. Mario
sites some excellent sources on this subject.
- Human
Resources Development Canada: Deomcracy for sale to the highest bidder
February 14, 2000
In this article Mario deSantis explains what the Federal government has been doing
with job creation grants and points out that the process is not only wrong but illegal.
- A
summary of the review of the 459 grants at HRDC
February 14, 2000
Here is a quick to understand the details of this brewing Ottawa scandal as Mario
deSantis has sorted through the issues making them understandable.
- Is
Honourable Jane Stewart Lying over the bungled $1-billion jobs program?
- Tuesday
February 15, 2000
Mario deSantis points his finger at the glaring evidence that the Minister of the
federal govenment has been less then candid about a number of things.
- Our
Government and Justice System In Canada
- Wednesday

February 16, 2000
Pointing out the concept of the Social Contract from John Locke Mario deSantis expresses
his extreme disappointment with the Federal governments lack of accountability.
- Another
Magic of Premier Romanow: balancing the books, downsizing people and increasing the

- Wednesday
February 16, 2000
Mario deSantis comments on the unusual difficulties within Saskatchewan while the
provincial finances improve.
Simplicity and
Clarity: A Way Out of Confusion
- Saturday
February 19, 2000
Things seem to spin around us as we try to cope with the overload of information
and extreme concerns. Mario deSantis reports to us a way out of this confusion.
A World For the
Few and Privileged In Saskatchewan
- Saturday
February 19, 2000
Here is some straight talk that you can not ignore, Mario deSantis is advocating
our dire need to embrace democracy to its fullest. This is a remarkable article,
read it carefully.
- Our
Saskatchewan Justice System Is Rotten to the Core
- Saturday

February 19, 2000
The evidence is mounting that a chronic situation is present with the possibility
of death quads operating in Saskatoon. Mario deSantis explains how this may be a
part of a systemic and pervasive condition.
Honourable Janice
MacKinnon and the NDP Government: Spin-doctoring the Truth
- Tuesday
February 22, 2000
Trying to make the very negative reality into something palitable is stretching the
margins of believeability as crime, poverty and deteriating social conditions can
no longer be hidden from the rest of the country. Mario deSantis let's us consider
and question the methods uses to explain away our really bad situation.
Deomcracy and
Human Rights in Saskatchewan
- Thursday
February 24, 2000
Mario deSantis is taking issue with the underlying attitudes portrayed by the governments
provincially and federally as he explains their increasing tendancy to ignore basic
human rights.
- Saskatchewan
Health Care: Mississippi Burning
Februrary 26, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the circle of blame and the need to break the circle and
sort out the administrative problems.
Premier Romanow
flip-flops on Farm Aid
- Tuesday
February 29, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the Premier's change of attitude and policy as it relates
to the farm crisis.
- Stop Managing By the Numbers Game and Begin Managing by Your Stories

- Wednesday
March 1, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the favoured argument of political leaders to use numbers
rather then understanding and common sense to resolve situations that appear to worsen
on an almost daily basis.
Mayor Dayday's
GNP Accounting: and write offs
- Thursday
March 2, 2000
Mario deSantis points out that March is race relations month in Saskatoon.
- On
Mismanagement of Health Care
- Saturday

March 4, 2000
While provincial health ministers are cranky with the federal government Mario deSantis
points out that cut backs and closures in Saskatchewan cost more then they save,
are common in other parts of the country.
- T
he Big Question for Saskatchewan Health Care: Underfunding or Mismanagement?
- Sunday
March 5, 2000
Mario deSantis helps understand some of the confusion with so many health districts
in the red and unrealistic manner used to administer the districts and the whole
Minister of Health
Pat Atkinson: breaking the law and becoming a Magician
- Sunday
March 5, 2000
Mario deSantis explains how the minister approves eleven budgets after they occured
making the District Health Act a sham.
The greatest challenge
for Saskatchewan: Education and learning for our troubled children
- Monday
March 6, 2000
The way to equality in a democratic society is education and Mario deSantis discusses
the importance of this concept and foreshadows the horrific consequences if this
challenge is not
taken up.
- Minister
of Health Pat Atkinson: "Wellness Model" is outside the Canada Health Act

- Tuesday
March 7, 2000
Get patients out of hospital and into home care and the cost is shifted from medicare
to the patient.
The highest priority
to cure health care: stop mismanaging it!
- Wednesday
March 8, 2000
Mario deSantis has complained extensively about the condition of the Saskatchewan
and Canadian health care situation, this morning's article draws some important conclusions
and underlines the basic principles that we all need to be reminded of, but he also
tells us the solution.
- A
Partial Diagnosis of Health Care Corruption: The Quality Circle of the Big Brains
Includes our Renown Health Economists
- Friday

March 10, 2000
Mario deSantis points out that he is not the only one to identify the economists
and healthcare advisors as the culprits in causing the destruction of the Medicare
- North
East Health District: the closure of Carrot River Hospital and Telehealth

- Saturday
March 11, 2000
Ironic situation of the district's support of the high cost remote technology project
telehealth while closing the Carrot River hospital even with the closing the district
is expecting to go in the hole three quarters of a million this year.
- Dr.
Steven Lewis and HSURC Commission of Saskatchewan: Contributing sources to the decline
of health care
- Monday

March 13, 2000
Mario deSantis has found the smoking gun that points toward the culprits who began
the process of wrecking the whole system of health care in this province.
Louise Simard
is the New CEO for SAHO
- Tuesday
March 14, 2000
Provincial organisation that administers health care has hired the deputy premier's
wife to run things. Five years ago she was minister of health in charge of closing
many health services down in rural Saskatchewan, now after practicing law since then
she is back.
A Saskatchewan
Way of Justice: leading by the nose till we are stabbed in the back
- Wednesday
March 15, 2000
Mario deSantis gives us some needed insight into the convolutions in the Saskatoon
police inquiry.
A Question for
Minister of Health Pat Atkinson: How Much money is Telehealth costing?
- Thursday
March 16, 2000
"Telehealth" turns out to be two pilot projects assisted by SHIN, phase
two project one cost 1.5 million.
Farewell to our
Provincial Auditor: Wayne Strelioff
- Thursday
March 16, 2000
Provincial Auditor heads to BC after years of outstanding service here in Saskatchewan.
Premier Romanow:
Militarizing Health Care and Killing Rural Saskatchewan
- Monday
March 20, 2000
Mario deSantis identifies major US military contractors as the companies benefitting
from health care technical projects.
- Premier
Romanow's Government: The Obsession of Saving Money Versus Building Healthier Communitiies

- Wednesday
March 22, 2000
Mario gives us some insight into the processes that seem to be distorting both reality
and the future through deliberate government policy.
Regina Health District Closes One Surgical Theatre: Shortage of Leaership,
Shortage of Nurses and Shortage of Democracy
- Thursday
March 23, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the situation that sees nurses over worked while the District
has difficulties recruiting additional staff.
- Dr.
Steven Lewis: Preaching the Gospel of Statistics at SAHA Convention

- Thursday
March 23, 2000
The man most responsible for the decline in Canadian health care says everythings
better than people think, according to his figures!
- Honourable Pat Atkinson: Spending More Money and Running for the Laurel
of "Saviour of Medicare"

- Friday
March 24, 2000
Mario deSantis has repeated his concern about healthcare mis-management for some
time but today with the Provincial Health ministers meeting with their federal counter-part,
Mario's comments are particularly appropriate as the same arguments repeat and the
tax payer has no choice but to keep forking over money to be squandered.
Minister of Health
Pat Atkinson and Health Indicators:"there are lies, damned lies, and statistics"
- Saturday
March 25, 2000
Mario helps us to see through the clutter and realise that the use of statistics
in an evolving and changing society will bear little help toward solving problems
of any kind.
- Saskatchewan
Health Care: our politicians and bureaucrats have no vision and no leadership

- Sunday
March 26, 2000
With the apparent reversal or partical reversal with Carrot River Mario deSantis
questions the underlying philosophy of the government and its impending "ultimate"
solution legislation.
Saskatchewan Health
Care: the most corrupted system in Canada
- Tuesday
March 28, 2000
Mario deSantis reports on the balancing act that is going on between reality and
the reporting of reality as seen through the eyes of government officials.
Few Words on the
WCB Rebates
- Wednesday
March 29, 2000
Year after year the Workers compensation board refuses to pay injury claims while
injured workers receive medical treatment that is paid from medicare then the board
refunds the surplus to employers.
- And
Expression of Democracy: "are you in favour of forced municipal amalgamation?"

- Thursday
March 30, 2000
Mario deSantis gives his view of the SARM / provincial conflict over rural govenment.
Mario is highly critical of provincial government policies in the light of the past
performance and positions taken on issues affecting the non-urban areas of the province.
Good Work by Justice
Robert Laing: Charging Saskatoon Police with Rambo style investigation
- Friday
March 31, 2000
Saskatoon City Police are identified by Judge for improper conduct and treatment
of an accused.
The Synchrotron and higher taxes, closing court houses and saving fictitious
- Saturday
April 1, 2000
Mario deSantis points out some concerns he has about the recent budget.
- The
new provincial sales tax is a reflection of a regressive and racist mentality

- Sunday
April 2, 2000
Mario deSantis takes a look at the provincial budgets sales tax provisions and is
Honourable Eric
Cline has not balanced the budget yet, he forgot our school-children
- Monday
April 3, 2000
Mario deSantis points to a serious threat for all people of this province and indicates
the remarkable lack of consideration of this problem in this year's budget.
The New PST: more
corruption, more division, and more work for lawyers
- Thursday
April 6, 2000
Mario deSantis is less then happy with the direction and intent of this year's budget
as he can see its only net result to be more work for lawyers.
- The
two primary needs of health reform: independence of the districts & booting out
the hoodlums

- Friday
April 7, 2000
Mario explains the real issues and points to the appropriate direction health reform
should be taking. This is a complex issue because so much emotion and political debris
is strewn about making it difficult to keep the important stuff at the top of the
- Ken
Hutchinson: Assessing the last asset of the Regina District Health Board
- Monday
April 10, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the possible effects of the appointments the minister of
health has made to the Regina District Health Board.
A dangerous turn
in the history of SAHO: from Hewitt Helmsing to Louise Simard
- Wednesday
April 12, 2000
Mario deSantis warns of his concern about the ominous negative direction being taken
by health care administration in this province.
- Associate
Minister of Health Judy Junor: defending the SHIN flop at the Legislature
April 14, 2000
Mario deSantis takes issue with the Associate Minister's unflagging support of costly
and outdated technology that wastes valuable healthcare resources and offering no
Bad Faith and
paper legislation to cover the assets of SaskWater
- Tuesday
April 18, 2000
Mario deSantis is definitely not pleased with the government legislation to prevent
those who lost money in the potato deal from sueing to recover their losses caused
by misadventures by SaskWater.
- An
alienated government is balancing the budget and forgetting the foster children

- Wednesday
April 19, 2000
Mario deSantis explains his displeasure with the cavalier attitude of the provincial
government to a recent report condemning Saskatchewan's foster care.
Observations on
the racist mentality of Professor Tom Flanagan
- Wednesday
April 19, 2000
Calgary professor and ultra-conservative, Tom Flanagan recommends assimilation or
"whatever". Mario deSantis is disturbed at the direction of this kind of
thinking. The references for this article include exerpts from the man's books and
Dr. Cassidy's
study on no-fault insurance: supporting another shock absorber
- Friday
April 21, 2000
Mario deSantis takes us to the wonderworld of no-fault research. Be sure to look
over the endnotes and references as this is a good source of a wider view of this
Rosalee Longmoore
is Missing the Boat: advocating fewer health boards to save money!
- Saturday
May 6, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the shortcomings of trying to save money without a clear
view of what should be accomplished.
Saskatchewan Health
Care Researches: A campaign to assist the Romanow's government and cheat the people
- Monday
May 8, 2000
The remarkable lack of respect for Saskatchewan people and their intelligence is
illustrated by yet another research project that is misleading and based on questionable
data. Mario deSantis takes issue with this dishonest practice.
Honourable Janice
MacKinnon and her rolling economy in Phonyland
- Tuesday
May 9, 2000
Conflicting data indicates some confusion about Saskatchewan's job creation as Mario
deSantis looks critically at the minister's claims.
The fight against
No-Fault Insurance is a fight for our Freedom
- Wednesday
May 10, 2000
Mario deSantis expresses his concern about the issue of no-fault insurance as it
relates to government use of "so-called" research.
District Health
Plans: Breaking the Law Again and Again
- Thursday
May 11, 2000
Mario deSantis explains that only one health district has revealed their pending
health plans, the others have followed government guidelines and remain secret.
Saskatchewan health
plans/budgets: an ever changing methodology
- Wednesday
May 17, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the confusion being created by the abandoment of traditional
accounting methods as "needs-based funding allocation" exacts resource
waste and the inability to identify problems.
Minister of Health
Pat Atkinson says "We need a provincial plan"
- Thursday
May 18, 2000
Despite the apparent attonomy given district boards the Department of health continues
to confuse planning and operations so that priorities can not be set and ad hoc decisions
hamper effective operations.
The Incredible
Abuse of Saskatchewan No-Fault Insurance
Part 1
- Wednesday
May 31, 2000
Today we begin a four part discussion on the use of research as a political tool
and the manipulation of research findings to advance a political agenda.
The Incredible
Abuse of Saskatchewan No-Fault Insurance
Part 2
- Thursday
June 1, 2000
Today Mario deSantis shows us other researchers concerns about the lack of common
sense in government supported research to support policy.
The Incredible
Abuse of Saskatchewan No-Fault Insurance
Part 3
- Friday
June 2, 2000
This is the third part of Mario deSantis four part discussion about the misuse of
research by SGI and other supporters of No-fault insurance.
The Incredible
Abuse of Saskatchewan No-Fault Insurance
Part 4
- Saturday
June 3, 2000
Mario deSantis wraps up his four part series on the way a piece of research and its
nature subverts the concepts and concerns that need to be addressed.
Government Mistrust
in Saskatchewan: The Continuous Saga
- Monday
June 5, 2000
Today Mario deSantis explains his concern about the way in which trust in government
and government officials continues to disappear.
Honourable Judy
Junor: a skewed government and her skewed statistics
- Thursday
June 8, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the glaring and overwhelming fact that the death rate of
infants is rising in this province reaching an appalling 0.89%
No-Fault is not
an administrative matter, it is a politcal matter, it affects all of us
- Sunday
June 11, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the ramifications of the government and SGI's stance taken
insupport of this widely criticised system of dealing with accident victims.
SGI President
Larry Fogg: No-Fault Insurance is a proxy for No-Fault Incompetence
- Wednesday
June 14, 2000
Mario deSantis attacks the recent remarks by SGI president about the worthlessness
of senior citizens.
The Commission on Medicare: Another expert, another vision, and another
- Thursday
June 15, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the series of recent Government studies/reviews and has
little regard for the government's failure to get public consensus to create a collective
Asserting Human
Rights by Changing Attitudes in a land for the Few and Privileged
- Tuesday
June 20, 2000
Mario deSantis takes us to the Prince Albert No-Fault meeting and helps us with some
insight into the troubled times in which we live.
Our Phoney Government:
preaching Human Rights While Breaking the Law
- Friday
June 23, 2000
Mario deSantis takes exception with the posturing of the provincial government in
the light of the concern over no-fault insurance and other government action with
regard to the rights of individuals
The Rubbish of
the WHO's Ranking of Saskatchewan Health
- Monday
June 26, 2000
Mario deSantis urges our politicians to start here at home to improve things as he
specifically identifies some structural problems that continue to add nothing.
A Case for Legal
Class Actions and Contingency Fees against Saskatchewan's No-Fault Government
- Thursday
June 29, 2000
Mario deSantis declares its time to change things with the legal alternatives for
SGI victims sewn up it looks like political action is the only action available.
We Don't need
more researches on SGI's no-fault insurance
- Monday
July 3, 2000
Mario deSantis considers the remarks by U of S head of medical research, Barry McLennan
and refutes his plea for more research as Mario points out this now a political matter.
Who cares of being
left or right
- Thursday
July 6, 2000
Mario deSantis laments the loss of freedom and wonders why the historical labels
continue to be used.
Saskatchewan Economic
Priorities: Education, then lower taxes and not more Phoney Research
- Tuesday
Juy 11, 2000
Mario deSantis discusses the key elements needed to boost the Canadian economy.
The First Economic
Priority is for Ourselves to look in the mirror
- Wednesday
July 12, 2000
Mario walks us through the need for us to examine the basics as he points out the
strength in democracy is an informed and educated public.
Premier Roy Romanow:
a Magician? a Saviour? a Cheater?
- Friday
July 14, 2000
Mario deSantis takes a thorough look at some of the claimed successes of the premier
and things are not looking good.
Honourable Dwain
Lingenfelter: Love for money stronger than love for politics
- Saturday
July 15, 2000
Mario deSantis reports the confirmation of the former deputy premier's new job.
Pandemonium and
no principles in health care
- Saturday
July 15, 2000
Deficits, lay-offs and secret principles confuse the operations of the health districts
as Mario deSantis attempts to explain why things simply can't work.
A Governmental
Jungle in Saskatchewan
- Sunday
July 16, 2000
Mario deSantis discusses the importance and appropriateness for our quest for freedom
and self determination.
Premier Romanow's Government: Skewing Information and Keeping
from Learning
- Wednesday
July 19, 2000
Looks bad for Regina as the number one crime centre in Canada but the minister of
Justice sees it differently.
Government of Saskatchewan' Hog Venture: relaxing pollution
and labour standatrds in the name of agricultural diversification
- Thursday
July 20, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the lack of logic and common sense in the provincial government's
decision to subsidise the commerical hog industry.
Alternate Universe News: Public Service Announcement
- Friday
July 21, 2000
Our intrepid reporter dispells myths about what is good and bad as we all have to
deal with miss-information since the arrival of aliens and now the threat of cranial
Doug Elliot's
indicators of economic reality are not validated
- Saturday
July 22, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the unusual error of a Saskatchewan statistician who says
the public have it wrong, things are good.
Studies Conclude
That Natives are Vulnerable to Gambling Addiction
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Common sense and the realisation that poverty and disadvantage play such a major
role in producing the conditions that lead to gambling and substance abuse.