
Thursday, January 29, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 168

Rhapsody in Blue
- Thursday
January 29, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Here are a set of pictures taken Wednesday
after sunset as the temperature descended toward -40º. The arid air and the
darkening sky provide a background for one of the most significant pieces of music
produced in the twentieth century. To hear this music you will need QuickTime
installed in your computer (download
Quicktime free)
The madness of privatisation:
The root of an injustice system, in Saskatchewan and elsewhere
- Thursday
January 29, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: This is a very complex article as Mario deSantis explains that private and
public good can be extraordinarily confused and this should not be the case. Read
this story carefully and check out the wealth of references the help to explain the
0900 Thursday - Sky clear,Ceiling and visibility 150 feet, -39º, wind calm,
altimeter 30.39 WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Rhapsody
in blue
* Mario deSantis - madness
of privatisation
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Sunlight and fog
* Gerald Crawford - Parkland Photo club
* Mike Reilly - Reclaiming control |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 years ago today,
2 and story
- 2 years ago today
and also
- 3 years ago today
- 4 years ago today
and also
- 5 years ago today,
story 2,
story 3
- and story
Ensign Archives
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
If you have your car crusted with highway salts you need to wash it off even when
it is this cold. Charge into the car wash get rid of that stuff, finish off your
job with a coat of wax then, here is the trick we all need to know, use windshield
washer fluid on a towel and wipe off the molding on your doors and truck opening
to prevent them from sealing permanently. (You can thank Art at Randall Automotive
for that tip) |
Kevin's find of the day
Ah, the weather, lots of concern
about it but little that can be done so either live with it or check to see what
is expected in the future. Kevin has passed on the place to go to find out what Environment
Canada is expecting to happen with its five day forecast page. |
Ensign Notes
Today and tomorrow we have some great pictures for you. Both the Blue ones
today and Parkland Photography today and tomorrow we see sunlight and fog
combined. |
Flat tax unfairly
increases burden of low income home owners
- Wednesday
January 28, 2004
by: Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck: With the changes that have been made in the
Urban Municipal Act city and town councils have tended to lower their mill rate and
utilise a flat tax that has in effect drastically increased the amount of taxes paid
on the lowest valued properties. One house in Waldeck, just East of Swift Current
has seen its property tax increase by 346% while the second highest valued property
in that village saw its taxes actually go down.
Battle moves from
the courtroom to your desktop
- Tuesday
January 27, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This issue is far greater and more complex
than can be dealt with in a short story on this web site but mid afternoon yesterday
the latest worm "MyDoom" began arriving in our e-mail and it is just pouring
in today. This one is related to the fight for control of computer operating systems
and at the base of it all is the "American way of doing things".
Kindersley PeeWee
Klippers "AA" 8-6 over Tisdale PeeWee Ramblers
- Monday
January 26, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Sunday afternoon Kindersley PeeWees were in
town and it was one of those high scoring games with four goals in the first period
and eight in the second. So there was lots of action for the fans.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
January 26, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Back with their new RV and enjoying the cold weather
Gerald has some great pictures of cross country skiers who were participating in
the Loppet this past weekend.
- Monday
January 26, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This page presents a complete 12MB streaming video of a figure skating performance
that took place Sunday afternoon during a hockey game.
"lies, damned
lies and statistics"
- Monday
January 26, 2004
by: Brian Burchill
Victoria, British Columbia: The Conservative Party of
Canada is now a sad reality. It is now pretending to hold a leadership race with
Stephen Harper, an Ontario loser and rich woman on an ego trip. The way it was created
remains a very sore spot for all but 3.7% of the 60,000 former members of the Progressive
Conservative Party.
Deflation is a natural phenomenon of the
global market: More emphasis on full employment and purchasing power
- Friday
January 23, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: This week when the Governor of the Bank of
Canada announced the reduction in the Canadian interest rate he asked Canadian businesses
to "increase the productivity". Indeed, he like so many present day economists
worship a false god called "GDP" and when the Free Market deals them a
natural consequence their response is to fiddle with the economic monster they have
themselves created.
And the Winner
- Thursday
January 22, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: When September ended hundreds of weeping Tisdale
folks were left without a place for their morning breakfast and coffee as Garry McPeak
closed Hannigans. A search and extensive testing has been carried out and today we
declare a winner.
One condition
for world social and economic growth: The United Sates must learn from
the principle "give more, take less"
- Thursday
January 22, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: It is a pretty long stretch to imagine the
United States acting as former Prime Minister Chretien once suggested "be nice".
But this story suggests that the country that most threatens peace on the planet
has to re-evaluate its behaviour if things are going to improve. Martin Luther King
was murdered in that country but he was leading at the time of his death a crusade
to make the changes needed.
Lean on me
- Wednesday
January 21, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This page is not a story but perhaps it tells
a story. Four images in a Flash presentation with "Al Green's" song "Lean
on me". This page requires QuickTime
for the music to play.
- Wednesday
January 21, 2004
by: Cassandra Shire
Winnipeg: Nutrition, good taste and speed of preparation
are the hallmarks of a meal for young people on the go. Here is a combination meal
that will take just minutes to create and will make you smile.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Same scene as yesterday only taken this morning before dawn of the habitation fog
(ice fog) this morning at 7:30,
temperature at -39º wind calm, after daily arrived visibility dropped to a few
car lengths.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
Viewing tip
If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
a mess so set your browser
to the "smallest" print size. This website is designed to be seen on a
screen set to at least 800 pixels wide.
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