Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
June of 2002
Rolling Lawns and Trees
- Saturday
June 1, 2002
Landscaping projects in progress today as one family installs a new lawn and another
customises their trees.
By the week
May 26
to June 1
June 2 to
June 9 to
June 16
to 22
June 23
to 29
30 to July 6
The Understanding Of The Free Market As
"Money Talks BS Walks" and The Understanding Of Religion As "Religion
Talks BS Walks"
- Saturday
June 1, 2002
Mario deSantis explains how money and religion seem incomprehensible reasons for
mutual extermination.
Night Eyes
- Saturday
June 1, 2002
Here are five images taken last night that shed some darkness on our awareness.
Death of A Raven
- Sunday
June 2, 2002
A personal reflection on the death of a bird, a bird that is often the subject of
legend, spiritual connections and a mystery to all who live near them.
Throw The Rascals Out
- Sunday
June 2, 2002
Rudy Fernandes from White Rock B.C. points out that the Prime Minister (AKA the terminator)
has had six cabinet ministers to deal with bad conduct.
Paul Martin - Potential Drift
- Sunday
June 2, 2002
As you know the minister of finance was fired today but before that happened Ken
Wilson of Nelson B.C. points out the rudderless approach the Liberal government has
taken toward so many issues.
The Nuttiness of the Canadian Political
and Economic Thoughts
- Sunday
June 2, 2002
Harper praises Mulroney and politicians and economist alike link productivity to
policy without considering the validity of the argument.
Farewell to the Man Who Brought Us . . .
- Monday
June 3, 2002
Oh please sports fans let us not get carried away, Paul Martin is not the saviour
of the country he is a sore loser who has visiously damaged the fabric of the Canadian
quality of life and shame on the Prime Minister for putting up with him for so long.
This story includes the text in an oral presentation, QuickTime is required to play this audio clip.
Tobin Lake Fire
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
We have little detail about the time these pictures were taken but they are just
too dramatic not to share them with you immediately.
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
A light splash of rain passed over this part of Saskatchewan yesterday but the amount
of rain, though the only rain we have had, was only a couple of milimetres.
The Greenwater Report for June 4, 2002
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
This week Gerald tells us about porcupines, a trip to Alberta and a ride in a gyrocopter.
May Meeting of
the Parkland Photography Club
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
This exciting club not only challenges each other to make interesting pictures but
by sharing with us their work and ideas we too get a boost.
Signs of a Bankrupt Leadership as Democracy
goes down The Slippery Slope: Immediate Reorganizations and a World
of Good News and Bad News
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
Mario deSantis wonders if any of those in charge ever consider the appropriateness
of linking logic with what they say.
Good Finance Ministers Hard to Find
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
Michael Zrymiack of Surrey B. C. thinks that the Progressive Conservatives should
be talking to Paul Martin.
Our Canadian Monarchy
- Tuesday
June 4, 2002
Ron Thornton has some concerns about the recent turns he is seeing the ways of the
Canadian Monarch.
Apple Blossom Time
- Wednesday
June 5, 2002
All around town the sweet aroma of crabapple and apple trees fills the air but the
eyes can feast on the wonder of trees in full bloom.
Eurotrays Become the Standard
- Wednesday
June 5, 2002
Tisdale's Nuform Packaging is the leading manufacturer of the fruit handling tray
that most fruit distributors are adopting as the standard. This development has lead
to rapid expansion of the company and now increasing the company's manufacturing
Paul Martin should meet Steve Harper and Joe Clark to
discuss the political future of Canada and the evolution of democracy, as the people
would like it to be.
- Wednesday
June 5, 2002
Former president of the Canadian Alliance and Ontario Party candidate for Etokicoke
Ontario thinks that Paul Martin should meet with Joe Clark and Stephen Harper to
create a new democratic movement.
He spent more on shoes to present his budget than a
disabled person received for a month.
- Wednesday
June 5, 2002
Toronto poet Lucile Barker points out that Paul Martin's fortune came from government
subsidy and his company does its banking in Bermuda.
The BS of Productivity and Standard of
Living versus Corporate GREED
- Wednesday
June 5, 2002
Strange to hear economist tell us we should be like Americans who are hugely in debt
personally and as a country and their Vice President is under investigation for financial
tinkering with his company.
Van Vs Tree, Tree 1 - 0
- Thursday
June 6, 2002
Stu Innes has a van smack a tree next door to his Regina Albert Street location and
has the pictures for us.
The Canadian Economy and Changing the
Value of the Free Market: from GREED to RESPECT of Any People and Any
- Thursday
June 6, 2002
We are repeatedly told that the Canadian economy must become more like the American
one but Mario deSantis points out what we really need instead of greed in our economy
is respect.
- Thursday
June 6, 2002
Kevin McIntyre gives us an interesting perspective with a historical point of view
of the tensions between the Prime Minister and the former minister of finance.
Political Funding
with Pubic Funds
- Thursday
June 6, 2002
The Canadian Wheat Board feels that it is necessary for them to pay money to political
parties in order to function. Mike Reilly objects to this sort of bribery.
Seeking Real Solutions For Real Problems
- Thursday
June 6, 2002
Ron Thornton points out that a solutions should not itself become a problem and in
many cases solving a problem is like getting children to stop fighting over something.
FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney
General John D. Ashcroft: Covering up the intelligence failures of
9-11 with new technologies and finger printing
- Thursday
June 6, 2002
Neither the head of the US FBI or their Attorney General are stupid people but they
certainly must think that their citizens are lame brains to ask them to swallow what
they have been serving up.
House Number Four
- Friday
June 7, 2002
The basement for Tisdale's fourth new house this year was dug on Wednesday near the
end of the new and future crescent at the North end of NewMarket.
She Prefers Humans for Neighbours
- Friday
June 7, 2002
A street wise Mother Malard has decided that living a block West of Main street on
the street to the Elementary school is where she wants to raise her babies.
A Spring View
- Friday
June 7, 2002
Kevin McIntyre shares the view from his apartment window in San Jose.
House Number Three Arrives
- Friday
June 7, 2002
A "ready to move" house found a home on the site for house number three
More Glorious Trees
- Friday
June 7, 2002
Blooms are busting out all over and we have the pictures to share with you of this
year's blossoms.
A Question of Integrity
- Friday
June 7, 2002
The persisting air of governmental corruption must be cleared up both for the good
of the country but also for the good of the political system. Joe Hueglin wants to
see a commission established to clear the air.
The Continuing
Cover Up of the 9-11 Intelligence Failures: Bush's new Department of Homeland Security
- Friday
June 7, 2002
Not to enforce laws, but to carry out actions to protect the state from enemies at
home and abroad. Mario deSantis considers President Bush's Home Security initiative
as a coverup for failing to use information from the CIA and FBI to prevent the 9-11
Basking in Blossoms
- Saturday
June 8, 2002
Everywhere you turn yet another tree comes into view and must be captured and shared
as an image of this very cold spring.
Regina's Mosiac - Scottish Pavilion
- Saturday
June 8, 2002
Stu Innes was at the Scottish Pavilion in Regina to capture some of the scene there
and we have added a clip of the band who were on stage "Enter The Haggis"
from Toronto. (QuickTime
Cuts For Cancer
- Saturday
June 8, 2002
Here was the scene this morning as folks pitched in to raise money for cancer with
hair cuts and lunch.
Government as banker? The evidence is
clear … bad idea!
- Saturday
June 8, 2002
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has just finished a study of business development
money that has been spent in Quebec 86% grants, not loans and the total comes to
$1.78 Billion. Any questions?
Saturday At The Scottish Pavilion
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
Stu Innes takes us back to Mosiac 2002 in Regina as the pipers and dancers wow the
crowd. (to hear the music you need QuickTime)
Garage Sale Highlights
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
Here are some interesting things that were being sold this past weekend.
Grad Car 2002
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
Another year, another batch of grad cars. This year they look better.
President Bush's Trickle Down Economics
& his Speech to the Pork Producers
- Sunday
June 9, 2002
It would appear that the economic political agenda of the Reagan/Thatcher/Mulroney
years is the main event as the US president is essentially campaigning on the economic
agenda of the Free Market as he struggles for the hearts and minds of American voters
in the Midwest to sort things out for the fall Congressional election.
The Greenwater Report For June 10, 2002
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Boats in the water, the water is warmer, despite only small rain fall and Gerald
tests a Mango.
Travel Storage
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Remember the saying that you can never have to much closet space, well the same is
true when you go camping with a pickup, you can never have to much storage space.
Jelly Fish
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Kevin McIntyre and his wife go out to dinner to celebrate the life and career of
Dr. R. O. Waiton in California. Kevin gives us an account of the dinner.
Good Riddance To The Front
- Monday
June 10, 2002
Time has a magic circle to it as fads in furniture, clothing and houses come and
go. Now its time to make use of the front of the house.
Everyone Survives Crash Landing at Logan and McPhillips
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
At 9:30 Keystone Air Service Ltd. Piper Chieftain made a crash landing on a Winnipeg
street. Pictures and details to be posting in a few minutes.
A Little White Duck
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
Looks like this guy had his flying license suspended, perhaps for medical reasons.
The Chretien Legacy
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
After nine years as prime minister Ron Thornton suggests that Jean Chretien is still
looking for something that he will be remembered in history for. Ron has a suggestion.
Climatic Slowdown
- Or Just Plain Late
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
Crops and gardens were about two weeks behind time they are now approaching four
weeks later than normal.
Ready To Stand
- Tuesday
June 11, 2002
The new Inchworm building is moving right along with its walls all assembled and
ready to be put in place.
Summer Employment Week
- Wednesday
June 12, 2002
This is summer employment and more students than ever are looking for summer jobs.
America's Bushism with the Cheneys: Defending
Civilization and Patriotism
- Wednesday
June 12, 2002
The US Vice President's wife has written a book on patriotism while there are nagging
questions about the president and the vice president during the Vietnam war.
Team Randall In
Final Preparations
- Wednesday
June 12, 2002
Its been a long haul but Rendall Automotive of Tisdale have nearly finished their
stock car to participate in this year's season of racing.
Life Begins Again
- Thursday
June 13, 2002
Yesterday after a week of cloud and cold the sky began to break and the new rain
had softened the ground and the grass began to grow. Sigh
- T
he Hand of God
- Friday
June 14, 2002
Reaching out from the sky a great cirrus cloud swept over us mystical and omnipresent
traversing the horizon in a few minutes. But there is more.
President George Bush and Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld: are they Axis of Evil themselves?
- Friday
June 14, 2002
What? The US president is talking about first nuclear strike against terrorists and
the Secretary of Defence talks about unknown unknowns. Please stand back.
New Tee
- Friday
June 14, 2002
A new set of tees have expanded both the size and difficulty of the Riverside golf
course in Tisdale. Here are some shots of the tee off in St. Theresa Park.
Responsibility: Personnel or Party?
- Friday
June 14, 2002
Mike Reilly expresses his concern that the New Minister of Defence is, like his predecessor,
unwilling to stand up and demand funding for the Department.
For Protection or Perception
- Friday
June 14, 2002
Joe Hueglin is wondering if the government's talk of building up a stockpile of serum
for possible terrorist biological attacks is authentic or just some more political
fooling around.
- Saturday
June 15, 2002
Images of Saskatchewan as we go from Tisdale to Swift Current Friday night.
Swift Current At
- Saturday
June 15, 2002
Between 1:00AM and 2:00 a camera takes a walk in the Southwestern city of the province.
Swift Current Motor Madness Weekend
- Sunday
June 16, 2002
Across Saskatchewan several communities celebrate the coming of warm weather with
automotive festivities. We take you to a car show at Swift Current's Wheatland mall.
We are all Thankful
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Showers swept the province yesterday and more expected today, Heavy sign and a thanks.
The Greenwater Report For June 18, 2002
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Gerald Crawford has his fishing license and a box of new lures as he is considering
the possibility of catching a pickerel or two.
Distinguish the National Interest From
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
University of Toronto student Noel Semple is concerned that the federal government
will carelessly shore up its sagging popularity with the spending of tax money to
garner strategic support.
Get Ready for green peas and alfalfa sprouts
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Walter Robinson points out the annoying trend where government find new ways of extracting
taxes for some worthy reason then do not use the money for that reason.
Shaming seems the only way
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Mark Alan Whittle of Hamilton feels that we must address our concerns to our members
of parliament and invoke the shame of broken trust to exert pressure for things to
Paul Martin
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Hyped by the press as some financial messiah Rudy Fernandes points out the short
comings of the former finance minister.
The Right To Be Disgusted
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
Ron Thornton places before us the legitimate right for an individual to feel upset
with things that are incompatible with the way they feel about things.
Connecting the Enronized Dots: Bush's
business with the Saudis and the 9-11 attacks
- Tuesday
June 18, 2002
The evidence and circumstances are mounting and it becomes more and more difficult
to accept or appreciate the positions of the American government based on their conduct
that caused the situation in which they now find themselves.
House Number Five
- Wednesday
June 19, 2002
A vacant corner lot surrounded in tall evergreen trees has a new basement dug and
today contractors are starting footing for a new house.
Construction Updates - June 19, 2002
- Wednesday
June 19, 2002
This is a linking page to five short picture stories on various home and commercial
projects in Tisdale.
Healthy Redundancy
versus Insecure Streamlining: EU's Single Sky & Bush's Homeland
- Wednesday
June 19, 2002
Logial consideration discovers that the Free Market automatically loads up the rich
and impoverishes the average. Mario deSantis leads us to wonder what this means in
terms of air traffic controls strike in Europe and the US home land security business.
What will local
editorial boards do?
- Thursday
June 20, 2002
John Sheltus from Bedford Quebec is puzzled at the conduct of CanWest Global and
wonders just what are the natural consequences to the firing of Russell Mills of
the Ottawa Citizen.
New finance minister plays same old federal
numbers game
- Thursday
June 20, 2002
Walter Robinson of the Canadian Taxpayers Federations points out what the new finance
minister didn't say in his pronouncements yesterday.
We Need Freedom of the Press and Howe
- Thursday
June 20, 2002
The principles of freedom of the press are firmly established in the traditions and
law of Canada. Ron Thornton reminds of these roots.
Street to Elementary School Washes Out
- Friday
June 21, 2002
A small hole appeared in the pavement in the middle of the street signally a serious
Figures don't
lie, but ...
- Friday
June 21, 2002
Joe Hueglin points out that perhaps Canada's wage earners and their employers who
pay Employment Insurance "premiums" have paid for the "so-called"
$40 billion budget surplus since 1995.
Dehydration Underway
- Saturday
June 22, 2002
Cold dry weather has serious delayed the start of this year's processing but mid
afternoon things began to cook.
Prairie Region of Photographic Arts Outing - Greenwater
- Sunday
June 23, 2002
Photographers from the three prairie provinces spent the weekend at Greenwater park
with workshops, practical demonstrations and competitions with the work they have
done. This page includes a 1.8MB Quicktime VR panorama.
President Bush is furthering our problems:
devaluation of US dollar, war on terrorism and tax cutting
- Sunday
June 23, 2002
The US economy is in trouble as this last quarter showed an amazing trade deficit
and this past week the stock market took a beating. Here is some insight into what
it means.
Time To See Winnipeg
- Monday
June 24, 2002
At least once a year we trek over the flat land toWinnipeg. West of Yorkton the clouds
were getting set for showers.
The Greenwater Report for June 24, 2002
- Monday
June 24, 2002
Gerald Crawford fills us in on the Prairie Photography outing and brings us up to
date on rain, loons, and highway construction.
The Once and Changing Prairie City
- Tuesday
June 25, 2002
We made a quick tour of the city this morning to show and tell you what it looks
like, the way this city is changing.
Sometimes It's Worth Not Following The Herd
- Tuesday
June 25, 2002
Ron Thornton discusses the difficult issue of leadership and when is it time to go
it on your own.
Fraudulent SGI
and the Sapping, Sacking and Downsizing of Saskatchewan
- Tuesday
June 25, 2002
We are all concerned that things actually appear to be getting worse rather than
better. Mario deSantis considers this problem.
Remote Controlled Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle
- Wednesday
June 26, 2002
Remote controlled toys have been around for decades but this goes to another level
of technology and capability.
Ceding the symbols of democracy: Giving
up the capital
- Wednesday
June 26, 2002
Thomas Curran of Ottawa makes his first and remarkable contribution to this site
today with a story about the lengths the Canadian government is going to give in
to the nebulus fear of international terrorism.
Trying to understand President Bush's
- Wednesday
June 26, 2002
Mario deSantis wants us to think the problem through, the evidence is there for all
to see and this story includes a wealth of links that help to explain the irony of
the American "world boss" attitude.
Airport Bike Ride
- Wednesday
June 26, 2002
This picture essay takes you over to the South side of Winnipeg's airport.
Correcting the
dislocations of unbridled capitalism: stopping the use of assets at the expense of
people and comparing apples with oranges
- Wednesday
June 26, 2002
When the icon of prme and proper, good manners and clever house keeping gets caught
fiddling with stock prices we have to give some serious thought as to just what is
going on here? This is not a "good thing."
A Hot Winnipeg Day Ends
- Thursday
June 27, 2002
Smoke in the atmosphere gives the red glow to Wednesday's setting sun. This story
has a partial QuickTime VR of this scene (800K).
Parkland Photography Club - June Meeting
- Thursday
June 27, 2002
The Parkland Photography club continues to provide support and encouragement to members
and non-members alike as they share each month their prize winning images. This month's
report includes some added images that will every photographer some ideas.
Sound Tracks
- Thursday
June 27, 2002
FTLComm is in the midst of creating a project and today it was sound recording time.
Plastic Trainer
- Friday
June 28, 2002
Winnipeg flight training centre using Canadian made composite aircraft to train pilots.
Posterior Protesting
- Friday
June 28, 2002
Some San Francisco protestors showed all to protest the "GAP" at Calgary
this week. Ron Thornton thought it was an effective measure but decided not to use
this format to voice his indignation over the costs of the G8 summit.
Advertising "unlimited" Misleading
- Friday
June 28, 2002
When is the word "unlimited" mean quite the opposite? When it is used to
advertise Internet access. Member of Parliament Loyola Hearn explains the unfairness
of Bell and Rogers limiting unlimited.
Long Walk Home
- Saturday
June 29, 2002
Car trouble on a Friday night and it was time to get home on foot.
To The Beach
- Sunday
June 30, 2002
Hot, really hot so with a slurpy and busterbar we headed North out of town to Grand
Memo to Commissioner Roy Romanow:
A mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open
- Sunday
June 30, 2002
From his point of view Walter Robinson is querying concepts that the commissioner
is accepting as a given.