
Monday, October 27, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 106

there was snow
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy Shire
la Ronge: Driving back to Tisdale from LaRonge the scene
was definitely that of winter.
Regina drying
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Matthew Shire
Regina: This is a collection of some pictures in Regina taken this past week that
shows the emptying of lake.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Snow, more snow and rain
wet down the park a bit but Gerald has time to get to a farmers market, a dinner
theatre, fall supper and Kelvington's Harvest Hoedown.
1500 Monday - Broken cumulus 6/8ths 2,000, ceiling 2,000, visibility 15, 0º,
wind 25 knots at 330º, altimeter 29.46, rain ended-- WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Judy Shire - Snow
* Matthew Shire - Regina
images last week
* Gerald Crawford - The
Greenwater Report
* Timothy W. Shire - Tisdale
Writer's group
* Judy Shire - LaRonge
* Judy Shire - A
new street in la Ronge
tomorrow in Ensign
* Bev Currie - 11¢ on the $1.00
* Joe Hueglin - Swamping the vote
* Matthew Shire - Canadian prairie sunset
* Walter Robinson - Cuckoo Choo Choo |
Today in Ensign years past
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today and also
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Tim's Tip of the Day
If you are a new user of the Macintosh OS X and would like some help to understand
the inner workings of your computer's operating system. Apple produced an
outstanding CD and provides a web site to help you with the transistion. For
more info contact me. |
Kevin's find of the day
Selling you a new past. The
British publication, The Independent published an article on Tuesday that is troubling
to say the very least. Advertisers have discovered that they can alter your perception
of the use of a product so that even if you didn't like it you will think it was
good. The concept is called "Memory Morphing" and there is a good chance
it has already been in use for some time. |
Ensign Notes
Unfortunately, an illness interrupted plans to post Saturday and Sunday, but feeling
better today and forging forward. |
Tisdale Writers Group celebrates
fifteen year anniversary
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Saturday afternoon the writers of this prestigeous
group did readings from their latest work an anthology for the group.
laRonge sunset
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy Shire
laRonge: These scenes are dramatic and share with us
the moments photographed by Judy Shire last wednesday as the day came to a close.
A new street in
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy Shire
laRonge: Development is the norm in Saskatchewan's most
central Northern centre as it continues to grow year after year and a new street
is being cut through the forest.
Mark Pitzel New Democratic
Candidate for Carrot River Valley
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Mark Pitzel
Tisdale: Its about what is important to a civil society
and recognising what is good and how to retain the elements of Saskatchewan life
that make it a good place to live and raise a family. (This page contains a QuickTime
video clip of nearly 6MB but will stream in download.)
Finding Nemo
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire (Images by: PIXAR)
Tisdale: Here is a short review of the very best picture
I have seen this year. Created by PIXAR and distributed by Disney and showing as
a free matinee Saturday and Sunday in Tisdale.
The Free Market needs restructuring and
Conventional Economists need a new mind: People before Money, Employment
before GDP
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Throughout the world the economic situation
for all developing countries has been a failure for the past twenty years, since
the prominence of the World Bank and the International Monitary Fund with one single
exception, China. This very well researched article with its references exposes the
deep set cause for so much resentment and hostility toward the world's only remaining
First snow of
the season
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: It is inevitable, once a year the snow falls
and after that it tends to fall again and again. It has begun.
Shallow-brained sellout
- Thursday
October 23, 2003
by: Judith Koritar
Lennoxville, Quebec: A poem to let you consider the
merger of two of Canada's political parties.
Curling season
sliding along
- Wednesday
October 22, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The curling season got underway this week in
The end of a national alternative
- Wednesday
October 22, 2003
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls: With the membership of the Progressive
Conservative Party open Canadian Alliance members are buying up memberships and will
be eligible to vote on a merger with the Alliance. To many Progressive Conservatives
it looks like their party has been hijacked.
The Saskatchewan
Party In Carrot River Valley
- Tuesday
October 21, 2003
by: Allan Kerpan
Tisdale: Here you get to hear and see the candidate
for the Saskatchewan Party, Allan Kerpan gives you his intentions and what he aims
to do as member of what he expects as a Saskatchewan Party government after the provincial
election. This page has a 1.8MB QuickTime video clip of Mr. Kerpan.
A decade of taxpayer abuse
… from politicians and bureaucrats alike
- Tuesday
October 21, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: What is most objectionable about the present
government has been its bold dishonesty about the reasons it collected taxes and
what it did with the money. This story lists the violatons of public trust and suggests
that Paul Martin is likely to follow this same trend for indeed it was he that carried
out most of the deception in the past.
Wasn't this province down that very road?
- Tuesday
October 21, 2003
by:: Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck: Never ask a weatherman about the predictions
he made yesterday about today's weather. Politicians have counted on the public thinking
in terms of weather rather than consequences of bad government and Joyce Neufeld
provides us with a quick recall of the last time election promises like the ones
we are hearing this year were made and we are still paying for the tax cuts and corporate
give-aways of a decade ago.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
October 21, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: The flowers still bloom
as fall moves along. The neighbour saw up some lumber and Gerald gives us his wisedom
on cartoons, rural industry and China.
Another democratic
step forward in Bolivia: Gringo Gony Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada has
- Tuesday
October 21, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Once more the oppression of colonialism and
exploitation by the developed world has been sorted out as Bolivia changes presidents
and the pro-American former president flees to Miami. This story is accompanied by
borrowed images from various news sources taken yesterday and some outstanding references
that document the story.
Total about face
- Tuesday
October 21, 2003
by: Rebecca Gingrich
Princeton, Ontario: Both leaders won their jobs but
promising not to merge with anyone else and both have reversed their position. Now
they want to go into an election without hammering out policy, they think they should
be trusted.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Talk about mixed messages, a Saskatchewan Party billboard on the lawn, a goblin in
the window and a street sign that says don't go down here. Regina, Friday afternoon, by Matthew Shire.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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