
Wednesday, March 17, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 206

- Wednesday
March 17, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Since automobile manufacturers have devoted
so much of the control of modern vehicles to computer controlled curcuits making
a minor accessory addition is sometimes a rather complex process. This story includes
a 580K QuickTime VR.
The Queen's Right
to Rule
- Wednesday
March 17, 2004
by : Philip Benwell
Sydney, NSW, Australia : Though we have had a little flap over the Governor Generals
expenses Canadians in general accept the idea of a monarchy. This is not a settled
matter in Australia as a British historian's book has called to question the rightful
heirs to the throne since 1485. Of course the book in typical English nit picking
tradition is baloney since Richard III had gained the throne for his four years of
kingship by murder in the midst of a civil war that he lost wishing he had a horse
(Shakespeare had him saying: "a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.")
The history is interesting but not significant. However, in Australia this is a
matter of serious discussion. Be sure to look over the references because the who's
who of it all is a bit complex.
Out and about
- Tuesday
March 16, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The temperature edged up above freezing today
and there were puddles and wet streets everywhere. But it also brought people out,
the main street was jammed with people and vehicles this afternoon and you can see
what it was like in this set of pictures.
1800 Wednesday - scattered nimbus 3/8ths, visibility 15, 0º, wind 4 knots
at 210º, altimeter 29.78 WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
- Timothy W. Shire - Electrical
- Philip Benwell - Queen's
Tomorrow in Ensign
- Timothy W. Shire - Stew supper
- Brian Marlatt - Francophone SK
- Mark Weisbrot - Spanish Vote
- Timothy W. Shire - Balls
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 years ago today
and also
- 2 years ago today, story
2 and story
- 3 years ago today
and also
- 4 years ago today
- 5 years ago today
Ensign Archives
March 2004
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
Beside the very bad example the Irish have set before us
for their stubborn need to perpetuate gruds, on March 17th we can all be Irish for
a day and delight in the music the love of fine literature and the zest for contradictory
opinion. "May you be half an hour in heaven before the devil know's you're dead." |
Kevin's find of the day
Parents get their wish and
then some (PDF) Eric Berger of the Houston Chronicle
tells the story of a couple who finally got a baby but the fertility drugs and procedure
resulted in the unusual jackpot of two pairs of identical twins. |
Ensign Notes
Had hoped to get caught up today but spent the afternoon with the van at the shop. |
.Happening In Tisdale:
TMSS Parent teacher interviews
Regional Drama Festival |
Regional Drama Festival
3:00 Cake and coffee Chamber of Commerce office re-opening at the Mall |
Breaking horses
to harness
- Tuesday
March 16, 2004
Mistatim : It is so fitting to have a short story from
Mistatim about horsemanship. The town's name is the Cree word for "big dog"
the name the Cree gave horses.
- Monday
March 15, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : From a walk on Sunday we have some images
of the negative space on the snow and consider the impact of this reality upon us.
To give it some confusion we get Britney Spears to help out.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
Marrch 15, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Off on a trip to Arizona
with some great pictures to show us some of the highlights of the trip.
- Friday
March 12, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale ; Yet another winter storm is tromping across
Saskatchewan today as it seems that spring is being caught off guard as winter is
working overtime.
Prairie Petroleum
- Thursday
March 11, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Northern Steel Industries continues
to develop and with it associated companies needed to service and install the manufactured
products of this large corporation.
Robert McAdam
1915 - 2004
- Thursday
March 11, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : At eight-nine we all know that living this
long is a remarkable achievement and this man, former Anglican priest here in Tisdale
has been an important part of this community since arriving here in 1968. This story
was originally done following an interview with Rev. McAdam in April of 2002. When
he read the piece over he was uncomfortable with the way I had reported some of his
remarks particularly those that related to the Catholic church so I removed the article
from Ensign at the time but the story reflected our discussion that
Tuesday morning two years ago and I think sheds a lot of light on the active mind
and conscientious spirit of this fine man.
The Bush’s crooked and scary world of
the Free Market: Haiti, Iraq… and more terrorism
- Thursday
March 11, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator John
Kerry was overheard muttering that Bush and his associates were crooked and scary.
Mario deSantis points out that this has become an increasingly more crooked and more
scary world each passing day with polarised ideologies even more dangerous than the
days of the Cold War.
Pine Grosbeak
- Wednesday
March 10, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Weekes : This is a set of images of Pine Grosbeaks and Red Poles at a farm yard
feeder near Weekes. This page includes a small QuickTime video clip.
Rider fan meets
- Wednesday
March 10, 2004
by : Shawn Ratushniak
Tisdale : The Saskatchewan Rough Riders are truly a
province wide football club and their supporters known throughout the continent as
among the most loyal and enthusiastic anywhere. Chris Szarka was in town yesterday.
The Bush administration breaks international
laws: First with the war against Iraq and now with the ousting of Haitian
President Aristide
- Wednesday
March 10, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The president of Haiti says he was forced out of
office by the Americans and the US Secretary of State Colin Powell says he wasn't
but then Mr. Powell thinks every truck in pre-war Iraq was a weapons factory. International
law is real but the United States has chosen over and over to ignore any responsibility
to the world and how things are legally done.
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This winter bird watchers have been surprised
at the huge numbers of sharp tailed grouse (prairie chicken) and Hungarian Partridge
that seem to be enjoying the winter more than usual.
Tearing out the
lake bottom
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
by : Doug Freestone
Regina : Doug Freestone is from Saskatoon and was in Regina on business yesterday
and shot some pictures of the Wascana Lake deepening project. This page includes
a QuickTime VR panorama (636K).
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Uncle Bert (Albert Longhurst of Moose Jaw) and his wee fiddle. Our very own family
representative of the special folks who brings joy and fun to others. Uncle Bert
plays regularly in Moose Jaw for seniors who love to dance.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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published in
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